Anglistik: British and American Studies / Bachelor: Nebenfach (Gymnasium und Gesamtschule)

FsB vom 15.11.2022 mit Änderung vom 17.12.2024 (Einschreibung ab SoSe 2023)
Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das SoSe 2025

Modul 23-ANG-Basis1 Basismodul 1: Language Module 23-ANG-Basis1 Basic Module 1: Language

Basis1.1 Speaking and Communication (S) Basis1.1 Speaking and Communication (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230157 Gramley Speaking & Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 8:30-10:00 s.t. in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 8:30-10:00 s.t. in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230254 Miede Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Di 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230258 Miede Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230280 Rozema Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230283 Rozema Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230300 Cowan Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mo 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230304 Cowan Speaking and Communication
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230693 Rozema, Li Language Practice Tutorial - Anglistik: BM1 / Basis1 Course taught in English S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis1.2 Grammar and Usage (S) Basis1.2 Grammar and Usage (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230152 Gramley Grammar & Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Mo 10-12 in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230154 Gramley Grammar & Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Di 8:30-10:00 s.t. in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 8:30-10:00 s.t. in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230255 Miede Grammar and Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Di 12-14 in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 12-14 in S1-209 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230266 Skorge Grammar & Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Mi 12-14 VOR ORT & ONLINE in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 ON SITE & ONLINE in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230267 Skorge Grammar & Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Mi 14-16 VOR ORT & ONLINE in U2-223 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 ON SITE & ONLINE in U2-223 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230268 Skorge Grammar & Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Do 12-14 VOR ORT & ONLINE in U2-223 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 ON SITE & ONLINE in U2-223 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230306 Cowan Grammar and Usage
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Fr 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230693 Rozema, Li Language Practice Tutorial - Anglistik: BM1 / Basis1 Course taught in English S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis1.3 Argumentation and Critical Reading (S) Basis1.3 Argumentation and Critical Reading (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230278 Rozema Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Di 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230281 Rozema Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Mi 14-16 in S1-503 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 in S1-503 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230301 Cowan Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Mo 12-14 in S1-144 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 12-14 in S1-144 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230303 Cowan Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Di 12-14 in S1-503 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 12-14 in S1-503 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230534 Andres Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in S1-129 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in S1-129 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230535 Andres Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Fr 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230663 Hartner Argumentation and Critical Reading
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Fr 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230693 Rozema, Li Language Practice Tutorial - Anglistik: BM1 / Basis1 Course taught in English S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis1.4 Writing and Research (S) Basis1.4 Writing and Research (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230153 Gramley Writing & Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mo 12-14 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 12-14 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230213 Zehne Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230260 Miede Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in U2-217 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in U2-217 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230279 Rozema Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in H8 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in H8 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230282 Rozema Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in S1-124 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in S1-124 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230302 Cowan Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Di 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230305 Cowan Writing and Research
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230693 Rozema, Li Language Practice Tutorial - Anglistik: BM1 / Basis1 Course taught in English S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 23-ANG-Basis1 Other courses of the module 23-ANG-Basis1

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230492 Skorge, Cowan, Andres, Gramley, Miede, Rozema, Stock Language Proficiency Test I, FSB 2022 (SuSe 2025) MDP Fr 12-15 in H4 [18.07.2025]Fri 12-15 in H4 [18.07.2025]
230499 Skorge, Cowan, Andres, Gramley, Miede, Rozema, Stock Language Proficiency Test II, FSB 2022 (SuSe 2025) MDP Mo 9-12 in H4 [01.09.2025]Mon 9-12 in H4 [01.09.2025]

Modul 23-ANG-Basis3 Basismodul 3: Introduction to Linguistics Module 23-ANG-Basis3 Basic Module 3: Introduction to Linguistics

Basis3.2 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (S) Basis3.2 Introduction to Sociolinguistics (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230145 Schröder Introduction to Sociolinguistics Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in H4 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in H4 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230148 Schröder Klausur 23-ANG-Basis3.2: Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 1. Termin Course taught in English Kl Do 14-16 [17.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [17.07.2025]
230149 Schröder Klausur 23-ANG-Basis3.2: Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 2. Termin Kl  
230150 Schröder, Bergner Basis3-Tutorial: Introduction to Sociolinguistics Course taught in English Tut Mo 16-18 in X-E0-001 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 16-18 in X-E0-001 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis3.3 Applying Linguistics (S) Basis3.3 Applying Linguistics (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230140 Wentker Exploring Pragmatics on Social Media
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in U2-217 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 in U2-217 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230141 Wentker Investigating Individual and Societal Multilingualism
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 12-14 in X-E0-224 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 in X-E0-224 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230203 Zähres Vowels & Identity
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in U0-139 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in U0-139 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230205 Matheus Investigating Language and Gender: A Focus on Social Media
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mo 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 14-16 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230256 Miede Applying Linguistics in the Primary English Classroom
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230452 Wagner Analysing Big Data in Linguistics
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 30 Course taught in English
S Di 10-12 in U4-120 [14.04.-11.07.2025]Tue 10-12 in U4-120 [14.04.-11.07.2025]

Modul 23-ANG-Basis2 Basismodul 2: Introduction to Literary Studies Module 23-ANG-Basis2 Basic Module 2: Introduction to Literary Studies

Basis2.1 Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation (S) Basis2.1 Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230197 Adair Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in X-E0-001 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in X-E0-001 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230695 Andres, Mendes Schneebeli Tutorial: Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation Course taught in English S Mo 12-14 [14.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 12-14 [14.04.-18.07.2025] ; Do 14-16 [14.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [14.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis2.2 Academic Writing (S) Basis2.2 Academic Writing (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230090 Stock Academic Writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 30 Course taught in English
S Di 12-14 in U2-229 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 12-14 in U2-229 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230251 Harms Academic Writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 30 Course taught in English
S Do 8-10 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 8-10 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230252 Fulger Academic Writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 30 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230253 Fulger Academic Writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 30 Course taught in English
S Do 16-18 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 in X-E1-107 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230462 Grünkemeier Academic writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 25 Course taught in English
S Di 8-10 in X-E0-226 [15.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 8-10 in X-E0-226 [15.04.-18.07.2025]
230532 Andres Academic Writing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 25 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in X-E0-226 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in X-E0-226 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Basis2.3 Basisseminar: Analysing and Interpreting Literary Texts (S) Basis2.3 Basisseminar: Analysing and Interpreting Literary Texts (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230101 Stock AILT//GAP: Mainly Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230198 Adair Analysing and interpreting literature of the late 17th and early 18th centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230461 Grünkemeier Genres - Authors - Periods: Frankenstein on Page and Stage Course taught in English S Di 10-12 in X-E0-236 [15.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 10-12 in X-E0-236 [15.04.-18.07.2025]
230485 Koch Analyzing and Interpreting a Pessimist’s Canon: American Gothic Literature and Beyond Course taught in English S Di 8:30-10 s.t. in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 8:30-10 s.t. in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230533 Andres Analyzing and Interpreting Literary Texts: The Harlem Renaissance Course taught in English S Do 12-14 in B2-241 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 in B2-241 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230664 Hartner Analysing and Interpreting Literary Texts: A Practical Introduction
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40 Course taught in English
S Fr 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 23-ANG-Basis2 Other courses of the module 23-ANG-Basis2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230195 Andres, Harms, Grünkemeier, Adair, Hartner, Roth, Stock, Fulger, Koch, Nikolova, Miede, Essifi Modulprüfung 23-ANG-Basis2: Introduction to Literary Studies (MDP) Course taught in English MDP  

Modul 23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe Profilmodul 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools Module 23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe Profile Module 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools

1. Central Concepts and Competencies in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 1. Central Concepts and Competencies in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230180 König Central Concepts and Competences in English Language Teaching (Secondary School) I
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 56 Course taught in English
S Mi 12-14 in Y-1-201 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 in Y-1-201 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230459 Schildhauer Central Concepts and Competences in English Language Teaching (Secondary School) II
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 50 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

2. Approaches and Methods in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 2. Approaches and Methods in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230270 Skorge Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (Secondary Schools)
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 VOR ORT & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 ON SITE & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230467 König Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (Secondary Schools)
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230269 Skorge Using Visuals Effectively in the English Classroom
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Di 12-14 VOR ORT & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 12-14 ON SITE & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230276 König, Kalläne Teaching literature and film with a focus on social justice education
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230474 König Cultural learning in student exchanges
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Diagnose und Förderung (S o. V) Diagnose und Förderung (S o. V)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
250107 Hackbarth, Braun Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (I) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Mo 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250108 Textor Leistungsbewertung und ihr Nutzen – Grundlagen der Leistungsbewertung in der Schule und deren Implikationen für die Individualisierung im Unterricht [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 8-10 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 8-10 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250109 Hofferber Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (I) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250110 Hofferber Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (II) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Fr 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250196 Jürgens Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (III) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Fr 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250284 Stets Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (II) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
BS Do 16-18 [10.04.2025]Thu 16-18 [10.04.2025] ; Fr 14-20 [09.05.2025]Fri 14-20 [09.05.2025] ; Sa 9-18 [10.05.2025]Sat 9-18 [10.05.2025] ; Fr 14-20 [27.06.2025]Fri 14-20 [27.06.2025] ; Sa 9-18 [28.06.2025]Sat 9-18 [28.06.2025]
250333 Schnitzerling Individuelle Förderung und Leistungsdiagnostik als Gegenstände der Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklungsforschung [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40
S Mo 14-16 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 14-16 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Didaktik (S o. V) Didaktik (S o. V)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
250057 Herde Lernort Brettspiel
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 12-14 in X-E0-224 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 in X-E0-224 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250111 Kalpakidou Allgemeine Didaktik [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250125 Bartolles Möglichkeitsraum Fandom: Queer Reading als subversive, transmediale Fanpraktik
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Mo 12-14 [07.04.-14.07.2025]Mon 12-14 [07.04.-14.07.2025]
250225 Störtländer Lernräume
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250277 Heinrich Einführung in die Schultheorie und Allgemeine Didaktik V Do 14-16 in Y-0-111 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in Y-0-111 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250384 Sasse Filme lesen lernen: Kulinarisches Kino. Darstellung und Bedeutung von Esskulturen im narrativen Spielfilm
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40
BS Sa 10-17 [28.06.2025]Sat 10-17 [28.06.2025] ; So 10 -17 [29.06.2025]Sun 10 -17 [29.06.2025] ; Sa 10-17 [26.07.2025]Sat 10-17 [26.07.2025] ; So 10-17 [27.07.2025]Sun 10-17 [27.07.2025]
250391 Ahlborn KI–Kreativität–Kompetenz: Medienpädagogische Perspektiven auf KI
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
BS Di 14-16 ONLINE [08.04.2025]Tue 14-16 ONLINE [08.04.2025] ; Sa 9-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 9-16 [12.04.2025] ; So 9-12 [13.04.2025]Sun 9-12 [13.04.2025] ; Sa 9-16 [28.06.2025]Sat 9-16 [28.06.2025] ; So 9-12 [29.06.2025]Sun 9-12 [29.06.2025]

Modul 23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe_ver1 Profilmodul 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools Module 23-ANG-Profil1_HRSGe_GymGe_ver1 Profile Module 1: English Language Teaching (ELT) in Secondary Schools

1. Central Concepts and Competencies in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 1. Central Concepts and Competencies in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230180 König Central Concepts and Competences in English Language Teaching (Secondary School) I
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 56 Course taught in English
S Mi 12-14 in Y-1-201 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 in Y-1-201 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230459 Schildhauer Central Concepts and Competences in English Language Teaching (Secondary School) II
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 50 Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 in X-E0-222 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

2. Approaches and Methods in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 2. Approaches and Methods in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230270 Skorge Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (Secondary Schools)
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 VOR ORT & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 ON SITE & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230467 König Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (Secondary Schools)
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Do 14-16 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S) 3. Media, Literature and Culture in ELT (Secondary Schools) (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230269 Skorge Using Visuals Effectively in the English Classroom
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 45 Course taught in English
S Di 12-14 VOR ORT & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 12-14 ON SITE & ONLINE in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230276 König, Kalläne Teaching literature and film with a focus on social justice education
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 in S1-502 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230474 König Cultural learning in student exchanges
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 35 Course taught in English
S Mi 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 in S1-105 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

E4: Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (S o. V) E4: Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (S o. V)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
250107 Hackbarth, Braun Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (I) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Mo 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250284 Stets Grundlagen der Lern- und Leistungsdiagnostik (II) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
BS Do 16-18 [10.04.2025]Thu 16-18 [10.04.2025] ; Fr 14-20 [09.05.2025]Fri 14-20 [09.05.2025] ; Sa 9-18 [10.05.2025]Sat 9-18 [10.05.2025] ; Fr 14-20 [27.06.2025]Fri 14-20 [27.06.2025] ; Sa 9-18 [28.06.2025]Sat 9-18 [28.06.2025]

E5: Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, individuellen Förderung und Leistungsbeurteilung (S o. V) E5: Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, individuellen Förderung und Leistungsbeurteilung (S o. V)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
250109 Hofferber Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (I) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250110 Hofferber Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (II) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Fr 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 10-12 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250196 Jürgens Methoden der Diagnose, Differenzierung, Förderung und der Beurteilung von Leistung (III) [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Fr 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 10-12 in S1-126 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
250333 Schnitzerling Individuelle Förderung und Leistungsdiagnostik als Gegenstände der Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklungsforschung [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 40
S Mo 14-16 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 14-16 in S1-146 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

E6: Leistungsbewertung in der Schule (S o. V) E6: Leistungsbewertung in der Schule (S o. V)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
250108 Textor Leistungsbewertung und ihr Nutzen – Grundlagen der Leistungsbewertung in der Schule und deren Implikationen für die Individualisierung im Unterricht [BiWi-Export]
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 60
S Do 8-10 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 8-10 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 23-ANG-Profil2 Profilmodul 2: Histories Module 23-ANG-Profil2 Profile Module 2: Histories

Profil2.1 The History of the English Language (S) Profil2.1 The History of the English Language (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230156 Gramley The History of English Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in Y-0-111 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 in Y-0-111 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil2.2 A Survey of American Literature (S) Profil2.2 A Survey of American Literature (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230406 Raussert Survey of US American Literature S Do 8-10 in U2-233 [10.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 8-10 in U2-233 [10.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil2.4 American History (S) Profil2.4 American History (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230541 Steinitz U.S. History Course taught in English S Mi 14-16 in CITEC [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 in CITEC [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 23-ANG-Profil2 Other courses of the module 23-ANG-Profil2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230656 Stock Modulprüfung PM4/Profil2 Histories Course taught in English MDP Mo 9-18 [14.07.2025]Mon 9-18 [14.07.2025] ; Di 9-18 [15.07.2025]Tue 9-18 [15.07.2025] ; Mi 9-18 [16.07.2025]Wed 9-18 [16.07.2025] ; Do 9-18 [17.07.2025]Thu 9-18 [17.07.2025] ; Fr 9-18 in V2-121 [18.07.2025]Fri 9-18 in V2-121 [18.07.2025]
230657 Stock, Brockmeier, Engels, Hildebrandt, Meier, Quost Tutorial for the PM4/Profil2 Histories Module Exam (Am Lit + Am Hist) Course taught in English Tut Fr 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230658 Stock, Brockmeier, Engels, Hildebrandt, Meier, Quost Tutorial for the PM4/Profil2 Histories Module Exam (Brit Lit + Brit Hist) Course taught in English Tut Mo 10-12 in X-E0-230 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 in X-E0-230 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230659 Stock, Brockmeier, Engels, Hildebrandt, Meier, Quost Tutorial for the PM4/Profil2 Histories Module Exam (Hist of Eng Lang) Course taught in English Tut Di 8-10 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 8-10 in V2-121 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 23-ANG-IntH_a Internationalisierung at home Module 23-ANG-IntH_a Internationalisation at home

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230274 Skorge, Louloudi Praktische Erfahrung für Internationalisierung at home (9 LP) Pr  
230275 Skorge, Louloudi Modulprüfung 23-ANG-IntH: Internationalisierung at home MDP  
230714 Dolcini Englisch: Connect! English Culture Tandem, Conversation and Discussion, B1 and higher (Teil 2)
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 12
S Mi 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Fr 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230729 Willms Englisch: Special Topics: The History and Culture of Scotland, Level C1
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 20 Course taught in English
S Di 16-18 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230730 Willms Englisch: Creative Writing in English: Beginning to Write Creatively in English (part 1), Level B2+
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 12 Course taught in English
S Mi 14-16 in B0-233 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 in B0-233 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230731 Willms Englisch: Creative Writing in English: Creative Writing Techniques and Workshop (part 2), Level B2+
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 12 Course taught in English
S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230755 Willms, Michelle Piwek Englisch: Writers Inc. - an English Creative Writing Group
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 15 Course taught in English
StGr Fr 14-16 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 14-16 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]
230761 Domokos Englisch: English/Multilingualism: From Book Production to Book Marketing
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 12
S Mo 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 16-18 ONLINE [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen Other courses

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
230638 Funke, Li, Dollerschell Einführungstage der LiLi-Fakultät E-Kurs Block [01.-03.04.2025]block [01.-03.04.2025]
230651 Körte Norbert-Elias-Lectures V Di 18-20 in X-E0-001 [27.05.2025]Tue 18-20 in X-E0-001 [27.05.2025] ; Mi 10-12 in D3-121 [28.05.2025] Master ClassWed 10-12 in D3-121 [28.05.2025] Master Class ; Di 18-20 in X-E0-001 [24.06.2025]Tue 18-20 in X-E0-001 [24.06.2025] ; Mi 10-12 in D3-121 [25.06.2025] Master ClassWed 10-12 in D3-121 [25.06.2025] Master Class

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 7.2.2025 (9:49 Uhr))