Geschichtswissenschaft / Master of Arts

FsB vom 17.12.2012 mit Änderungen vom 17.11.2014, 02.03.2015, 15.08.2016 und 02.11.2018
Dies ist ein auslaufendes Studienangebot (Einschreibung bis SoSe 2020) [Siehe die Übergangsbestimmungen]
Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das SoSe 2025

In den Mastermodulen 22-M-4.2, 22-m-4.3 und 22-M-4.4.1 - 22-M-4.10 ist jeweils die Kombination von einer Historischen Kontextualisierung und einem zugehörigen Seminar zu studieren. Beide Veranstaltungen sind inhaltlich aufeinander abgestimmt und müssen daher in dieser Kombination studiert werden.

Profil Allgemeine Geschichte Profile History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.4.3 Profilmodul "Antike Geschichte" Module 22-M-4.4.3 Profile Module "Ancient History"

Kolloquium (Ko) Kolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.4.13 Profilmodul "Global Cultures" Module 22-M-4.4.13 Profile Module "Global Cultures"

Kolloquium (Ko) Kolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Antike Geschichte Profile Ancient History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.4.3 Profilmodul "Antike Geschichte" Module 22-M-4.4.3 Profile Module "Ancient History"

Kolloquium (Ko) Kolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Geschichte der europäischen Moderne Profile History of the European Modern Period

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit Profile History of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Geschichtsvermittlung Profile Public History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Geschlechtergeschichte Profile Gender History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Global Cultures Profile Global Cultures

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.4.13 Profilmodul "Global Cultures" Module 22-M-4.4.13 Profile Module "Global Cultures"

Kolloquium (Ko) Kolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Globalgeschichte Profile Global History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Historische Bildwissenschaft Profile Historical Visual Culture

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Historische Politikforschung Profile Historical Policy Research

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte Profile Iberian and Latin American History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Osteuropäische Geschichte Profile East European History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Profile Social and Economic History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Profil Zeitgeschichte Profile Contemporary History

Modul 22-M-4.1 Theoriemodul Module 22-M-4.1 Theory Module History

Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S) Interdisziplinäres Theorieseminar (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220308 Rohland Uncertainty, Risk and Disaster in History S Do 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220309 Siegemund Invektivität: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Phänomene der Herabsetzung S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220311 Mauelshagen Anthropogenic Climate Change — The History of a Science and its Theoretical Implications S Mi 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S) Theorieseminar Transnationale Geschichtsschreibung, Transfer und Vergleich (S)

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220244 Krizmanics Nationalism: Classical Theories and Their Discontents Course taught in English S Mo 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Mon 10-12 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220267 Tikhomirov Dekolonialisierung und Postcolonial Studies in der Geschichtswissenschaft S Di 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220345 Brandt, mit Irit Back, Tel Aviv, und Yaroslav Zhuravlov, Jena Commemorating Mass Violence: Memorial Sites in Germany, Israel, Rwanda and Ukraine
Joint course by Bielefeld University and Tel Aviv University within the framework of Erasmus international dimension Course taught in English
S N.N. [07.04.-18.07.2025]to be announced [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.2 Mastermodul Vormoderne Module 22-M-4.2 Master Module Pre-modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220230 Panse-Buchwalter Pflanzenwissen in Text und Bild (mit Einführung in Transkribus) S Mi 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 12-14 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220231 Panse-Buchwalter Kranke Körper im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220291 Benjamin Müsegades Vom Fürsten bis zum Knecht. Zusammenleben und Konflikt an Höfen des römisch-deutschen Reichs im ausgehenden Mittelalter (mit Einführung in die Paläographie des Spätmittelalters) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220292 Benjamin Müsegades Adel und Höfe im späten Mittelalter K Mi 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220002 Gorißen Reformation und Konfessionalisierung in westfälischen Territorien des 16. und 17. Jahrhundert K Fr 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8:30-10 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220313 Flüchter Ravensberg im Konfessionellen Zeitalter S Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.2

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220028 Flüchter, Gorißen, Panse-Buchwalter, Schwandt, Benjamin Müsegades Kolloquium zur Geschichte der Vormoderne Ko Do 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 18-20:30 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220074 Walter, Harders, Schulz, Zanin Aktuelle Forschungsprobleme der Alten Geschichte Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025] ; Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Modul 22-M-4.3 Mastermodul Moderne Module 22-M-4.3 Master Module Modern Period


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220226 Kessel Gleichheit und Ungleichheit: Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220227 Kessel Gender, race, class im Film: Deutschland im 20. Jahrhundert S Fr 8-12 (14-täglich) [07.04.-18.07.2025]Fri 8-12 (every two weeks) [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220274 Förster History of Global Energy Governance Course taught in English S Do 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 14-16 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220273 Maubach (Ko-)Transformation. Zum langen Umbruch in West- und Osteuropa (1980-2010) K Do 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 10-12 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220275 Maubach Quellen des Unmuts. Zur Krisenwahrnehmungsgeschichte des langen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland (1980-2000) S Mi 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Wed 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220205 Kaltmeier Popular Power: Culture and Politics of Populism and Popular Movements in the Americas in the 20th and 21st Centuries Course taught in English S Di 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220206 Kaltmeier, Villarreal Velásquez Rethinking the Popular: Theories on Cultural Politics and Populism in the Americas Course taught in English K Fr 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). Fri 10-16 [27.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador). ; Sa 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [28.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [30.06.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Fr 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Fri 10-16 [04.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Sa 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Sat 10-14 [05.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador) ; Mo 16-20 VOR ORT & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)Mon 16-20 ON SITE & ONLINE [07.07.2025] Block seminar with Prof. Dr. Antonio Villarreal (FLACSO-Ecuador)


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220264 Horstmann BIP: Re-shaping States, Identities and Cultures: Dynamic History Teaching and Learning in Border Regions
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl:Limited number of participants: 5 Course taught in English
S Do 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expectedThu 9-12 ONLINE [13.02.2025] Attendance both online and on site is expected ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [20.02.2025] ; Do 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025]Thu 9-12 ONLINE [27.02.2025] ; Block [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechiablock [03.-07.03.2025] On site week in Ostrava, Czechia


Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220224 Damberg Environmental Protest and Imagination: How American environmental movements set out to save species, places and the planet Course taught in English S Fr 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom)Fri 16-17 ONLINE [28.03.2025] online conference for organisation (via zoom) ; Sa 10-16 [12.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [12.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [26.04.2025]Sat 10-16 [26.04.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [03.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [03.05.2025] ; Sa 10-16 [17.05.2025]Sat 10-16 [17.05.2025]
220276 Förster The United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy (UNCNRSE), Nairobi 1981 and Its Impact Course taught in English K Do 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-17:30 s.t. [07.04.-18.07.2025]

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 22-M-4.3

Belegnr Reference no. Lehrende/r Teaching staff Thema Topic Art Type Termine Dates Mein eKVV My eKVV
220122 Brandt, Kessel, Lutz, Maubach, Regazzoni Kolloquium Kultur/Geschichte Ko Do 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Thu 16-18 [07.04.-18.07.2025]
220277 Flüchter, Förster, Grüner, Kaltmeier, Lutz, Rohland Kolloquium Global- und Verflechtungsgeschichte Ko Di 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 in X, A2-103 [22.04.-18.07.2025]
220342 Gironda, Kramper, Mauelshagen, Rohland, Zumbrägel Kolloquium Gesellschaft - Wissen - Umwelt (GWU) Ko Di 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]Tue 18-20 [07.04.-18.07.2025]

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 3.2.2025 (22:13 Uhr))