Quantitative Economics / Master of Science

FsB vom 15.02.2013 mit Änderungen vom 01.07.2015 und 31.03.2023 (Enrollment from WiSe 12/13 onwards)
Programme of lectures for the WiSe 2023/2024

Students can choose between two different variants of the Master’s degree programme: The regular programme QE and the Erasmus Mundus programme QEM. The curriculum of the first year in both programmes is the same. The Erasmus Mundus Programme QEM includes longer student exchanges at partner universities.

Modul 24-M-Opt Optimization for Quantitative Economics

Optimization (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240113 Castellano Optimization Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in U5-133; Mi 12-14 in U5-133

Übung zu Optimization (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240114 Rajeev Tutorials in Optimization Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-214 in engl. Sprache

Modul 24-M-Prob1 Probability Theory for Quantitative Economics

Probability Theory (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240111 Terveer Probability Theory Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in X-E0-208; Mi 10-12 in X-E0-204

Übung zu Probability Theory (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240112 Terveer, Tutor: Can Atacan Tutorials for Probability Theory Course taught in English Ü Mi 14-16 in V4-112 in engl. Sprache

Modul 31-M-Macro1 Macroeconomics 1

Macroeconomics (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
319014 Clemens Macroeconomics 1a Course taught in English V Mi 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012
319017 Makarewicz Macroeconomics 1b Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120
319019 Schäfer Tutorium Macroeconomics 1a + 1b Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-204

Tutorium (Tut)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
319017 Makarewicz Macroeconomics 1b Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120
319019 Schäfer Tutorium Macroeconomics 1a + 1b Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-204

Modul 31-M-Micro1 Microeconomics 1

Microeconomics (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312205 Preker, Karos Tutorial zu Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) und 1b (General Economic Theory) Course taught in English Tut Mi 14-16 in X-E0-211; Do 16-18, einmalig in T2-149
312207 Karos Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) and 1b (General Equilibrium) Course taught in English V Mo 8-10 in V10-122; Do 8-10 in V10-122

Modul 31-M-El1 Elective Courses 1

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
312521 Koslik Übung zu "Generalisierte Lineare Modelle" Course taught in English Ü Do 16-18 in D2-136

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310406 Feldmann Praktische Übung zu Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English Ü Fr 8-10 in D2-136
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311719 Breitmoser Übung zu "Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in X-E0-213
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311730 Karos Seminar zu Social Choice S Do 10-12 in V10-122
312842 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Finance and Insurance
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 10
S n. V., n. V. Nach Absprache mit den Studierenden.

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312503 Adam Generalisierte Lineare Modelle Course taught in English V Mi 16-18 in H10
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216
319414 Schamberger Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in H2; Di 16-18 in W9-109

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El1

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311846 Karos 31-M-El1 Elective Courses 1
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder maximal zwei Übungen im Umfang von insgesamt 12 LP zu wählen. Werden eine oder zwei Übungen gewählt, ist jeweils eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-El2 Elective Courses 2

Gewählte Veranstaltung aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitative Methoden 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310406 Feldmann Praktische Übung zu Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English Ü Fr 8-10 in D2-136
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
312521 Koslik Übung zu "Generalisierte Lineare Modelle" Course taught in English Ü Do 16-18 in D2-136
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312503 Adam Generalisierte Lineare Modelle Course taught in English V Mi 16-18 in H10
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211
319414 Schamberger Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in H2; Di 16-18 in W9-109

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El2

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311847 Karos 31-M-El2 Elective Courses 2
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder eine Übung im Umfang von insgesamt 8 LP zu wählen. Wird eine Übung gewählt, ist eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-El3 Elective Courses 3

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 2 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311719 Breitmoser Übung zu "Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in X-E0-213
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 4 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311730 Karos Seminar zu Social Choice S Do 10-12 in V10-122
312842 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Finance and Insurance
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 10
S n. V., n. V. Nach Absprache mit den Studierenden.

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El3

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311848 Karos 31-M-El3 Elective Courses 3
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder eine Übung im Umfang von insgesamt 8 LP zu wählen. Wird eine Übung gewählt, ist eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-Master Master Thesis

Masterkolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312900 Ferrari Master- und Doktorandenseminar
First meeting will be communicated in due time. Course taught in English
S N. N., N. N.
312901 Riedel, Nendel Master- und Doktorandenseminar Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in V10-122
312908 Schmeck Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 10
S Mo 14-16 in V10-122
312911 Bauer Masterkolloquium "Statistik, Data Science und Ökonometrie" Ko Mi 10-12 in V9-117
312913 Clemens Doktorandenkolloquium Ko N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312915 Willmann Masterkolloquium "Außenwirtschaft" Ko N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
312919 Dawid, Makarewicz Masterkolloquium Computational Economics Course taught in English S Mo 12-14, N. N. in W8-107 Einzeltermine, werden noch bekannt gegeben.
312928 Clemens Masterkolloquium Ko N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
312960 Karos Master- und Doktorand*innenseminar Course taught in English S Mo 12-14 in V10-122
312981 Hinz Masterkolloquium "International Economics: Trade, Migration and Capital Flows" Ko N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
312982 Iodice Masterkolloquium Ko N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
319413 Zaharieva Master Colloquium Labour Economics Course taught in English Ko Do 12-14, N. N. in W8-107

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312905 Dawid BiGSEM-CUDE Kolloquium (Economics and Finance) Course taught in English Ko Di 16-18 in siehe Economics Seminar
312988 Dawid, Wen CUDE Cluster Group B. Reading Group on dynamic strategic investment under uncertainty Course taught in English Ko Mo 16-18 in W8-107
317303 Breitmoser, Clemens, Dawid, Ferrari, Greiner, Karos, Riedel, Willmann, Zaharieva Economics Seminar Course taught in English Ko Di 16-18 in H9 einmalig am 14.11.2023 in X-e0-001; Di 18-20 in H9 einmalig am 14.11.2023 in X-E0-001; Di 16-18, einmalig in X-E0-001 einmalig am 14.11.2023 in X-e0-001; Di 18-20, einmalig in X-E0-001 einmalig am 14.11.2023 in X-E0-001

Profil International Track

Modul 24-M-Opt Optimization for Quantitative Economics

Optimization (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240113 Castellano Optimization Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in U5-133; Mi 12-14 in U5-133

Übung zu Optimization (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240114 Rajeev Tutorials in Optimization Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-214 in engl. Sprache

Modul 24-M-Prob1 Probability Theory for Quantitative Economics

Probability Theory (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240111 Terveer Probability Theory Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in X-E0-208; Mi 10-12 in X-E0-204

Übung zu Probability Theory (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240112 Terveer, Tutor: Can Atacan Tutorials for Probability Theory Course taught in English Ü Mi 14-16 in V4-112 in engl. Sprache

Modul 31-M-Macro1 Macroeconomics 1

Macroeconomics (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
319014 Clemens Macroeconomics 1a Course taught in English V Mi 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012
319017 Makarewicz Macroeconomics 1b Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120
319019 Schäfer Tutorium Macroeconomics 1a + 1b Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-204

Tutorium (Tut)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
319017 Makarewicz Macroeconomics 1b Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 319012; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120; Mi 16-18, einmalig in U4-120
319019 Schäfer Tutorium Macroeconomics 1a + 1b Course taught in English Ü Mi 16-18 in T2-204

Modul 31-M-Micro1 Microeconomics 1

Microeconomics (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312205 Preker, Karos Tutorial zu Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) und 1b (General Economic Theory) Course taught in English Tut Mi 14-16 in X-E0-211; Do 16-18, einmalig in T2-149
312207 Karos Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) and 1b (General Equilibrium) Course taught in English V Mo 8-10 in V10-122; Do 8-10 in V10-122

Modul 31-M-El1 Elective Courses 1

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
312521 Koslik Übung zu "Generalisierte Lineare Modelle" Course taught in English Ü Do 16-18 in D2-136

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310406 Feldmann Praktische Übung zu Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English Ü Fr 8-10 in D2-136
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311719 Breitmoser Übung zu "Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in X-E0-213
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311730 Karos Seminar zu Social Choice S Do 10-12 in V10-122
312842 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Finance and Insurance
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 10
S n. V., n. V. Nach Absprache mit den Studierenden.

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312503 Adam Generalisierte Lineare Modelle Course taught in English V Mi 16-18 in H10
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216
319414 Schamberger Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in H2; Di 16-18 in W9-109

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich "Spezialkenntnisse in ökonomischer Theorie und/oder quantitativen Methoden" 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El1

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311846 Karos 31-M-El1 Elective Courses 1
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder maximal zwei Übungen im Umfang von insgesamt 12 LP zu wählen. Werden eine oder zwei Übungen gewählt, ist jeweils eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-El2 Elective Courses 2

Gewählte Veranstaltung aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitative Methoden 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310406 Feldmann Praktische Übung zu Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English Ü Fr 8-10 in D2-136
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
312521 Koslik Übung zu "Generalisierte Lineare Modelle" Course taught in English Ü Do 16-18 in D2-136
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310405 Langrock Multivariate Verfahren Course taught in English V Mo 12-14 in X-E0-002
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312503 Adam Generalisierte Lineare Modelle Course taught in English V Mi 16-18 in H10
312504 Büscher Regression Analysis V Mi 14-16 in X-E0-216
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211
319414 Schamberger Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Course taught in English V Di 16-18 in H2; Di 16-18 in W9-109

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich quantitativen Methoden 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El2

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311847 Karos 31-M-El2 Elective Courses 2
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder eine Übung im Umfang von insgesamt 8 LP zu wählen. Wird eine Übung gewählt, ist eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-El3 Elective Courses 3

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 2 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 2 LP (Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311509 Ferrari, Dammann Finance 1 Tutorial Course taught in English Ü Do 10-12 in T2-228
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and dotoral students discuss latest research in economic theory. Course taught in English
S Fr 10-12 in V10-151
311523 Riedel CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments
In the reading group, advanced master students and doctoral students discuss latest research in economic theory.
311719 Breitmoser Übung zu "Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in X-E0-213
311906 Greiner, Owusu Praktische Übung zur Wirtschaftspolitik Ü N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
311925 Jacobs Practical Tutorials for European Integration Ü Fr 8-10 in C6-200
311928 Willmann Reading Course "Trade" Course taught in English Ü Do 12-14 in V2-135
312006 Wen Übung zu Differential Games in Economics and Management Science Course taught in English Ü Mi 12-14 in U2-147
312013 Kohlweyer Praktische Übung Industriedynamik: Künstliche Intelligenz und Wettbewerb Ü N. N., N. N. wöchentlich nach der Weihnachtspause; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228; Fr 14-16, einmalig in T2-228
312212 Zaharieva, Afonina Übung zur Arbeitsmarktökonomik Ü Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226; Mo 16-18, einmalig in T2-226
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U4-120

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 4 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311730 Karos Seminar zu Social Choice S Do 10-12 in V10-122
312842 Schmeck Seminar on Topics in Finance and Insurance
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 10
S n. V., n. V. Nach Absprache mit den Studierenden.

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 4 LP (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311500 Ferrari Finance 1a Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in U2-232; Do 12-14 in X-E0-211
311501 Ferrari Finance 1b Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in Raum wie 311500; Do 12-14 in Raum wie 311500
311537 Karos Micro 3: Repeated Games with Incomplete Information Course taught in English V Mo 10-12 in V10-122
311723 Breitmoser Verhaltensorientierte Entscheidungstheorie Course taught in English V Mi 12-14 in X-E0-228
311920 Willmann European Integration V Mi 10-12 in T2-214
312001 Dawid Innovationsökonomik (Economics of Innovation) Course taught in English V Di 12-14 in H8
312005 Wen Differential Games in Economics and Management Sciences Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in U2-232
312099 Ippoliti Ökonomische Analyse des Rechts I "Eigentumsrecht" / Economic Analysis of Law "Property Rights"
The course is split up between lectures on the core issues of the program and seminar sessions during which students have to contribute to the learning process by presenting scientific articles on selected relevant topics for the Law and Economics, and actively taking part in discussions concerning the proposed case studies. Course taught in English
V Fr 12-14 in X-E0-212 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135; Fr 12-14, einmalig in U2-135 einmalig am 08.12.2023 in U2-135
312202 Greiner Optimal Taxation V Mi 18:00-19:30 in U2-205
312213 Zaharieva Arbeitsmarktökonomik (Labour Economics with Search Frictions) Course taught in English V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-214
312847 Schmeck Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Course taught in English V Di 8-10 in T2-220
318004 Nendel Finance 3 Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V2-135
318006 Nendel Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance Course taught in English S N. N., N. N. in V10-122 Date of 1st meeting will be communicated in due time.
318006 Finance 3 Seminar: Stochastic Control and Model Uncertainty in Economics and Finance S    
318007 Dianetti Stochastic Control and Machine Learning Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in V10-122
318009 Riedel Seminar in Economic Theory and Finance
The seminar discusses recent research papers on decision theory, risk measures, and games under uncertainty. Course taught in English
S Mo 16-18 in X-E0-211

Gewählte Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich ökonomischer Theorie 5 LP (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312809 Greiner, Bökemeier Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.; Do 9-12, einmalig in T2-238
312831 Zaharieva Advanced Topic Seminar: Labour Economics Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in W8-107
312833 Clemens Masterseminar S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben
312852 Hinz Masterseminar: Economics of Disintegration: Sanctions, trade wars and political tensions Course taught in English S Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen; Mi 10-12, einmalig in W8-107 Präsentationen

Weitere Veranstaltungen des Moduls 31-M-El3

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
311848 Karos 31-M-El3 Elective Courses 3
Es sind Vorlesungen und/oder Seminare und/oder eine Übung im Umfang von insgesamt 8 LP zu wählen. Wird eine Übung gewählt, ist eine Studienleistung zu erbringen. Die Modulprüfung besteht aus einem Portfolio von Prüfungsleistungen, in dem die Inhalte der besuchten Vorlesungen und Seminare geprüft werden. Nach Erbringung aller Leistungen wenden Sie sich zur Verbuchung des Portfolios an den Modulverantwortlichen. Nehmen Sie diese Veranstaltung bei Beginn des Portfolios in Ihren Stundenplan mit auf.

Modul 31-M-Master-IT Master Thesis - International Track

Masterkolloquium (Ko)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
312911 Bauer Masterkolloquium "Statistik, Data Science und Ökonometrie" Ko Mi 10-12 in V9-117

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 20.9.2024 (12:34 Uhr))