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Bielefeld University
Senate of Bielefeld University
Senate - academic staff
Senate - group of professors
Senate - administrative and technical staff
Senate - group of students
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Educational Science
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology
School of Public Health
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Sociology
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Medical School OWL
Faculty of Technology
Commissions/Commission for Studies and Teaching
Commissions/Commission for development of the university
Commissions/Commission for Research and Young Researchers
Commissions/Commission on Financial Affairs and Resources
Commissions/Equal Opportunities Commission
Commissions/(University) Library Commission
Commissions/Ethics Committee
Commissions/Untersuchungskommission für wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten
Commissions/Commission for the Promotion of Young Researchers
Commissions/International University Relations Coordinator
Commissions/Bielefeld University Environmental Protection Team (AKU)
Central Administration
Department for University Study and Teaching
Department of Human Resources and Organization
Department FM: Facility Management
International Office
Department F: Financial Services
Department for Research Administration and Technology Transfer (FFT)
Dezernat für digitale Transformation und Prozessorganisation (DT/P)
Zentrum für Lehren und Lernen (ZLL)
Communication Office
Councelling Center für staff and management
Staff Council for Staff in Technology and Administration
Staff Council for Academic and Artistic Employees
Equal Opportunities Office
Youth and Apprentice Representation
Equal Opportunities Officer
FairNetzt_Bielefeld! Das Netzwerk der Hochschulsekretariate
Datenschutz- und Informationssicherheitskoordinator*innen (DISK)
IT Service
Accessibility Services
Representative for the interests of students with disabilities/chronic illnesses
University Council
Central academic institutes
BiSEd Bielefeld School of Education
Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology CITEC
Center for Biotechnology - CeBiTec
Research Center for Mathematical Modelling (RCM)
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence
Center for Mathematical Economics
Institute of Science and Technology Studies (closed)
Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (IZG)
Research Institute for Cognition and Robotics
Laborschule [Laboratory School]
Oberstufenkolleg [High School College]
Center for Interdisciplinary Research
Other academic institutes
Bielefeld Institute for Nanoscience
Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Bielefeld Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences
Bielefeld University Press BiUP
Center for InterAmerican Studies
Center for Uncertainty Studies (CeUS)
Centrum für Molekulare Materialien
Bielefeld Institute for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (BIBI)
Institute for World Society Studies
Institute of University Continuing Education
Interdisciplinary Centre for Health Literacy Research (ICHL)
JICE - Joint Institute for Individualisation in a Changing Environment
Joint Research Center on Cooperative and Cognition-enabled AI
Competence Center for Research Data
Coordination Center for University Continuing Education
Centre for Statistics
Collaborative Research Centres
CRC 1283 "Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low regularity in analysis, stochastics and their applications"
SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world"
Strong-Interaction Matter under Extreme Conditions
CRC/Transregio 212 "A Novel Synthesis of Individualisation across Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution: Niche Choice, Niche Conformance, Niche Construction" (NC³)
SFB/Transregio 318 “Constructing Explainability“
SFB /Transregio 358 "Integral Structures in Geometry and Representation Theory"
SFB 1646 "Sprachliche Kreativität in der Kommunikation"
Former Collaborative Research Centres
Alumni Association
AStA [Student Union]
AStA [Student Union] /AStA-Pool
AStA [Student Union] /AStA
Centre for Aesthetics
Laboratory School and High School College
Laboratory School and High School College/Administrative Section Laborschule [Laboratory School]
Laboratory School and High School College/Oberstufen-Kolleg (High School College)
Linked Institutions
Public Science Forum
Institute for Nursing Sciences
Centre for Continuing Higher Education (ZWW)
Centre Services
Bielefeld IT-Service center (BITS)
Fachsprachenzentrum [Language Centre]
University Library
Zentrum für Unternehmensgründung (ZUg)
Scientific Data Services
Service Units
University Medical Service
Digital Learning Lab
Emergency call for women
Facility Service
Help Desk
Security Service
Facility Service
Experts (in German)
Experts (in German)/Ästhetik
Experts (in German)/Aktienrecht
Experts (in German)/Algenbiotechnologie
Experts (in German)/Alterssicherung
Experts (in German)/Anlage und Umwelt
Experts (in German)/Antike
Experts (in German)/Anti-Semitism/Anti-Judaism
Experts (in German)/Arbeitsmarkt
Experts (in German)/Armut
Experts (in German)/Astrophysik
Experts (in German)/Atmosphäre
Experts (in German)/Auktionen, Bietstrategien
Experts (in German)/Ausländer, Integration
Experts (in German)/Ausländerrecht
Experts (in German)/Ausnahmezustand
Experts (in German)/Disability medicine
Experts (in German)/Consulting, gender-sensitive
Experts (in German)/Counseling, psychosocial
Experts (in German)/Consulting, school
Experts (in German)/Bewegung
Experts (in German)/Bildung
Experts (in German)/Bildung, Begabung
Experts (in German)/Bildung, digitale
Experts (in German)/Bioenergie
Experts (in German)/Bionik
Experts (in German)/Biophysik
Experts (in German)/Biotechnologie
Experts (in German)/Botanik
Experts (in German)/Bürgerbeteiligung
Experts (in German)/Bundesverfassungsgericht
Experts (in German)/Care work
Experts (in German)/Corona crisis and political reactions
Experts (in German)/CRISPR/Cas-Methode
Experts (in German)/Data Literacy
Experts (in German)/Demografie/Demografischer Wandel
Experts (in German)/Democracy
Experts (in German)/Digitization
Experts (in German)/Diversity
Experts (in German)/Dritte Welt
Experts (in German)/Eis und Wasser
Experts (in German)/e-learning
Experts (in German)/Entrepreneurship
Experts (in German)/Entwicklung
Experts (in German)/Entwicklung, kindliche
Experts (in German)/Entwicklung, schulische
Experts (in German)/Epileptology
Experts (in German)/Erziehung
Experts (in German)/Ethik
Experts (in German)/Ethnology
Experts (in German)/EU / Europäische Union
Experts (in German)/Euro
Experts (in German)/European expansion
Experts (in German)/Europäische Integration
Experts (in German)/Europäische Menschrechtskonvention
Experts (in German)/Europarecht
Experts (in German)/Eventmanagement im Sport
Experts (in German)/Evolution
Experts (in German)/Exklusion
Experts (in German)/Familienforschung
Experts (in German)/Familienstiftungen und Beiräte
Experts (in German)/Familienunternehmen
Experts (in German)/Familie und Beruf
Experts (in German)/Financial Market
Experts (in German)/Finanzrecht
Experts (in German)/Frankreichforschung
Experts (in German)/Frauenforschung
Experts (in German)/Women and science
Experts (in German)/Fremdmanagement
Experts (in German)/Fundamentalismus
Experts (in German)/Gemeinschaftsschule
Experts (in German)/Gender
Experts (in German)/Generationale Ordnung
Experts (in German)/Genetik
Experts (in German)/Genetik, Pflanzen
Experts (in German)/Gene und Verhalten
Experts (in German)/Gerichtliche Verfahren
Experts (in German)/History & Society
Experts (in German)/History & Theory
Experts (in German)/Geschichtsdidaktik
Experts (in German)/Historical culture/ Historiography
Experts (in German)/Historical Culture/Public History
Experts (in German)/Geschlechterforschung
Experts (in German)/ Gender relations
Experts (in German)/Geschlecht, Pflege
Experts (in German)/Gesellschaft
Experts (in German)/Gesundheit im Alter
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitsförderung
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitsförderung, Arbeitswelt
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitskompetenz
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitsökonomie
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitspolitik
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitssysteme, international
Experts (in German)/Gesundheitswesen
Experts (in German)/Gewalt
Experts (in German)/Gewalt gegen Ältere
Experts (in German)/Gleichstellung
Experts (in German)/Globalisierung
Experts (in German)/Globalization (also historical)
Experts (in German)/Greifvögel
Experts (in German)/Gründungsmanagement
Experts (in German)/Grundrechte
Experts (in German)/Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit
Experts (in German)/Häusliche Pflege
Experts (in German)/Hirntod
Experts (in German)/Hochschulforschung
Experts (in German)/Identity Politics
Experts (in German)/Identitäts- und Habitustheorie
Experts (in German)/Immobilienrecht
Experts (in German)/Industrieökonomik
Experts (in German)/Inklusion
Experts (in German)/Inklusion (Mathematikunterricht)
Experts (in German)/Inklusion, schulische
Experts (in German)/Innere Sicherheit
Experts (in German)/Innovationsmanagement
Experts (in German)/Innovationsökonomik u. -politik
Experts (in German)/Insekten
Experts (in German)/Insolvenzrecht
Experts (in German)/Integration
Experts (in German)/Integration und Migration
Experts (in German)/Intelligenz
Experts (in German)/Internationale Politik
Experts (in German)/International trade
Experts (in German)/Internetrecht
Experts (in German)/Intervalltraining
Experts (in German)/Investigativ-Journalismus
Experts (in German)/Jewish Life in Europe
Experts (in German)/Jugend
Experts (in German)/Jugendkultur
Experts (in German)/Jugend und Religion
Experts (in German)/Juristenausbildung
Experts (in German)/Kapitalanlagerecht
Experts (in German)/AI for Social Good
Experts (in German)/Kindheitsforschung
Experts (in German)/AI-trustworthy, explainable, sustainable
Experts (in German)/Corporeality and body history
Experts (in German)/Kognitionswissenschaft
Experts (in German)/Colonialism
Experts (in German)/Kommunalrecht
Experts (in German)/Kommunikation, akustische
Experts (in German)/Communication, strategic
Experts (in German)/Denominations/confessionalisation
Experts (in German)/Konflikt
Experts (in German)/Konsekutive Studiengänge (BA/MA)
Experts (in German)/Kosmos
Experts (in German)/Krankenhauswesen
Experts (in German)/Krankenversicherung
Experts (in German)/Krankheiten, chronische
Experts (in German)/Krisen
Experts (in German)/Kuba/USA-Kuba
Experts (in German)/Künstliche Intelligenz
Experts (in German)/Kybernetik, biologische
Experts (in German)/Lateinamerika
Experts (in German)/Laufen, ausdauerndes
Experts (in German)/Life Course Research
Experts (in German)/Lehrerbildung
Experts (in German)/Leistungsbewertung
Experts (in German)/Lernmotivation
Experts (in German)/Literatur, deutsch
Experts (in German)/Literatur und Kultur
Experts (in German)/Literatur und Religion
Experts (in German)/Masculinities Research
Experts (in German)/Marketing in sports
Experts (in German)/Maschinelles Lernen
Experts (in German)/Mathematikunterricht Grundschule
Experts (in German)/Media Education
Experts (in German)/Medienpädagogik
Experts (in German)/Mediensoziologie
Experts (in German)/Mehrsprachigkeit / Bilingualismus
Experts (in German)/Menschenrechte
Experts (in German)/Menschenwürde
Experts (in German)/Mentales Training
Experts (in German)/Mietrecht
Experts (in German)/Migration
Experts (in German)/Minderheitenrechte
Experts (in German)/Mitmachlabore
Experts (in German)/Nachfolge
Experts (in German)/Nachhilfe
Experts (in German)/Nanowissenschaften
Experts (in German)/Nationalism
Experts (in German)/Networks
Experts (in German)/Neuroinformatik
Experts (in German)/Notstand
Experts (in German)/Ökologie
Experts (in German)/Olympischer Spitzensport
Experts (in German)/Ozon
Experts (in German)/Parties
Experts (in German)/Persönlichkeit
Experts (in German)/Personalentwicklung
Experts (in German)/Pflege
Experts (in German)/Pflegeversicherung
Experts (in German)/Polarpolitik
Experts (in German)/Politikberatung und Expertise
Experts (in German)/Polizei
Experts (in German)/Postkolonialismus
Experts (in German)/Privat- und Verfahrensrecht
Experts (in German)/Professioneller Teamsport
Experts (in German)/Quasikristalle
Experts (in German)/Rankings/Competition
Experts (in German)/Rassismus
Experts (in German)/Rechenstörungen
Experts (in German)/Rechtsextremismus
Experts (in German)/Legal History
Experts (in German)/Rechtspopulismus
Experts (in German)/Rechtsstaat
Experts (in German)/Recht und Film
Experts (in German)/Reformation, Folgen der
Experts (in German)/Reformation and Piety
Experts (in German)/Regional History
Experts (in German)/Travel and travel literature
Experts (in German)/Reiserecht
Experts (in German)/Religion/Piety
Experts (in German)/Religion im Lebenslauf
Experts (in German)/Religionspsychologie
Experts (in German)/Risk Management
Experts (in German)/Roboter, Laufroboter, Bewegung
Experts (in German)/Roboter, soziale
Experts (in German)/Sanctions
Experts (in German)/School, History lessons
Experts (in German)/Schulentwicklung
Experts (in German)/Schulforschung
Experts (in German)/Schulreform
Experts (in German)/Sekundarschule
Experts (in German)/Seuchen
Experts (in German)/Sexismus
Experts (in German)/Sexualität im Tierreich
Experts (in German)/Shell-Jugendstudie
Experts (in German)/Sicherheitspolitik
Experts (in German)/Solarenergie
Experts (in German)/Soziale Netzwerke
Experts (in German)/Sozialer Wohnungsbau
Experts (in German)/Sozialhilfe
Experts (in German)/Sozialisation
Experts (in German)/Sozialpolitik
Experts (in German)/Sozialpsychologie
Experts (in German)/Sozialstruktur
Experts (in German)/Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus
Experts (in German)/Game Theory
Experts (in German)/Spiritualität und Religion
Experts (in German)/Sponsorship in sport
Experts (in German)/Sport, Entwicklung des Spitzensports
Experts (in German)/Sport, Globalisierung
Experts (in German)/Sportsucht
Experts (in German)/Sport, Trainer im Spitzensport
Experts (in German)/Sport und Ehrenamt
Experts (in German)/Sport und Integration, Inklusion
Experts (in German)/Sport und Wirtschaft
Experts (in German)/Sport, Vereinsentwicklung
Experts (in German)/Sportwetten
Experts (in German)/Sprachberatung
Experts (in German)/Staatsbürgerschaft
Experts (in German)/Staat und Staatstheorie
Experts (in German)/Stadt- und Migrationsforschung
Experts (in German)/Sterbehilfe
Experts (in German)/Steuern
Experts (in German)/Supervision/Coaching
Experts (in German)/Tanz
Experts (in German)/Technikfolgen
Experts (in German)/Technologiemanagement
Experts (in German)/Teilchenphysik
Experts (in German)/Temperament
Experts (in German)/Terrorismus
Experts (in German)/Transplantationsmedizin
Experts (in German)/Trinkwasserversorgung
Experts (in German)/Environment, Anthropocene
Experts (in German)/Umweltrecht
Experts (in German)/Ungleichheit, soziale
Experts (in German)/Universitätsschulen
Experts (in German)/Unternehmensführung
Experts (in German)/Unternehmensgeschichte
Experts (in German)/Unternehmenskultur
Experts (in German)/Unterricht
Experts (in German)/Unterrichtsmaterialien
Experts (in German)/USA, History
Experts (in German)/USA, Culture/Literature/Media
Experts (in German)/USA/Politics
Experts (in German)/US-Sport
Experts (in German)/Utopie
Experts (in German)/Verbrennung
Experts (in German)/Verfassungsrecht
Experts (in German)/Verfassungsrecht, Europa
Experts (in German)/Verfassungsrecht, Frankreich
Experts (in German)/Verfassungsrecht, USA
Experts (in German)/Verfassungsvergleich
Experts (in German)/Comparisons/comparative practices
Experts (in German)/Vergütung
Experts (in German)/Verhaltensforschung
Experts (in German)/Vierte Gewalt
Experts (in German)/Virtual Reality
Experts (in German)/Völkerrecht
Experts (in German)/Vorurteile und Rassismus
Experts (in German)/Wahlen
Experts (in German)/Weimarer Republik
Experts (in German)/Weltgesellschaft
Experts (in German)/Global economy
Experts (in German)/Wetten
Experts (in German)/Arms race/arms control
Experts (in German)/Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Experts (in German)/Wirtschaftsinformatik
Experts (in German)/Wirtschaftspolitik
Experts (in German)/Wirtschaftsrecht, öffentliches
Experts (in German)/Science Communication
Experts (in German)/Science and Society
Experts (in German)/Science and politics
Experts (in German)/Wohnungseigentumsrecht
Experts (in German)/Wolken
Experts (in German)/Zivilverfahren
Experts (in German)/Zuwanderung
Experts (in German)/Zwillingsforschung
Bielefeld University
+49 521 106-5844
Universität Bielefeld
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld
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