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Belegnr | Lehrende/r | Thema | Art | Termine | Mein eKVV |
220027 | Gorißen | Research Class Vormoderne | S | Fr 15:00-16:30 in X-A3-216 [25.10.2024] alle weiteren Termine nach Vereinbarung | |
300191 | Werron | Soziologische Theorie und empirische Forschung (Soziologische Theorie - Research Class) | S | Fr 10-17 in X-C2-228 [13.12.2024] ; Sa 10-17 in X-C2-228 [14.12.2024] ; Fr 10-17 in X-C2-228 [17.01.2025] ; Sa 10-17 in X-C2-228 [18.01.2025] | |
300192 | Petzke | Research Class (Historische Soziologie) Course taught in English | S | Fr 10-18 in X-A2-103 [13.12.2024] ; Sa 9-17 in X-B2-103 [14.12.2024] ; Fr 10-18 in X-B2-103 [17.01.2025] ; Sa 9-17 in X-B2-103 [18.01.2025] | |
300290 | Reinecke | RC: Quantitative Methods and Statistics | S | Mi 10-17 s.t. in X-D2-236 [02.10.2024] ; Di 10-16 s.t. in X-D2-236 [11.02.2025] | |
300292 | Kroh, Zick | Research on Social and Political Polarization Teil III (RC: Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ) Course taught in English | S | Mi 14-16 [09.10.2024-29.01.2025] | |
300390 | Tacke | Research Class (Organisationssoziologie) | S | n.V. [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300490 | Albert | RC: World Politcs | S | Di 16-18 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300492 | Nguyen, Kaasch | RC: Economy, Politic and Society Course taught in English | S | Mi 14:30-17:30 (14-täglich) in C01-249 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] nicht am 20.11.2024 ; Mi 14:30-17:30 in X-C2-216 [16.10.2024] ; Mi 14:30-17:30 in X-C2-228 [30.10.2024] ; Mi 14.30-17.30 in C01-249 [27.11.2024] ; Mi 14:30-17:30 in C01-249 [11.12.2024] | |
300495 | Müller, Blum | Research Class: Political Science | S | Di 14-16 in X-B2-103 BGHS-Raum [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300591 | Abendroth | Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit (RC: Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit) | S | Do 14:00-16:00 in X-E0-002 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] einmalig am 05.12.2024 in CITEC ; Do 14-16 in CITEC [05.12.2024] einmalig am 05.12.2024 in CITEC | |
300692 | Faist | RC: Transnational Studies (BGHS: Research Class) Course taught in English | S | Mi 18:00-20:00 in X-E0-230 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] einmalig am 16.10.2024 in X-E1-107 ; Mi 18-20 in X-E1-107 [16.10.2024] einmalig am 16.10.2024 in X-E1-107 | |
300695 | Winkel | Research Class - Teil 3 Course taught in English | S | Do 14-16 in X-C4-224 [10.10.2024] Introduction ; Fr 9-12 in X-C4-224 [18.10.2024] presentation research design, methodology & conducting interviews ; Fr 13-16 in X-C4-224 [18.10.2024] presentation research design, methodology & conducting interviews ; Fr 9-12 in X-C4-224 [08.11.2024] ethnographic observation ; Fr 13-16 in X-C4-224 [08.11.2024] ethnographic observation | |
300890 | König, Thiessen | Research Class Geschlechtersoziologie | S | Di 14-18 in U2-216 [15.10.2024] ; Di 14-18 in X-C3-107 [29.10.2024] ; Di 14-18 in X-E0-230 [12.11.2024] ; Di 14-18 in X-C2-228 [26.11.2024] ; Di 14-18 in C0-269 [10.12.2024] ; Di 14-18 in C0-269 [07.01.2025] ; Di 14-18 in X-C2-228 [21.01.2025] | |
300990 | Hagedorn | Research Class: Didaktik der Sozialwissenschaften (Forschungskolloquium) | Ko | Do 10-12 in X-C4-109 [10.10.2024-30.01.2025] | |
301090 | Mense-Petermann, Spiegel | Research Class: Cross-border Labour Markets | S | Mo 10-18 [14.10.2024] Meeting Day I, Duisburg ; Mo 10-18 [11.11.2024] Meeting Day II, Duisburg ; Mo 10-18 in X-B2-103 [16.12.2024] Meeting Day III, Bielefeld ; Mo 10-18 [13.01.2025] Meeting Day IV, Osnabrück | |
996002 | Kessel | Research Class | S | Block [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] First meeting Thursday, 10 October at 10.15 a.m. in room X-B2-103 | |
996003 | Hoffmann | Research Class | S | Block [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] Erstes Treffen am Freitag, 11.10. um 14.15 Uhr in Raum X-B2-103 | |
996007 | Schwandt | Research Class Digital Medieval History | S | Di 14-16.30 s.t. ONLINE [29.10.2024] ; Mi 14-16.30 s.t. ONLINE [18.12.2024] ; Di 12.30-15 s.t. ONLINE [28.01.2025] |
Belegnr | Lehrende/r | Thema | Art | Termine | Mein eKVV |
300295 | Kroh | Longitudinal Research Methods (MC: Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ) Course taught in English | S | Do 16-18 in X-D2-105 [10.10.2024-30.01.2025] | |
300296 | Dahm | Discourse Analysis (MC: Soziologische Methoden - qualitativ) Course taught in English | S | Mo 9-17 in X-B2-103 [21.10.2024] ; Di 9-17 in X-B2-103 [05.11.2024] | |
300493 | Albert | RTG 2225 (Theory Class) | S | Mo 08-10 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300590 | Mönkediek | Sociological theory and life course research (Theory Class: Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit) | S | Mo 10:00-16:00 in V2-105/115 [14.10.2024] ; Di 11:00-16:30 in V2-105/115 [15.10.2024] Lehre hat sich um eine Stunde nach hinten verschoben | |
301091 | Werron, Spiegel | Theory Class: Research Training Group Course taught in English | S | Mo 10-18 s.t. in X-B2-103 (BGHS) [04.11.2024] ; Mo 10-18 s.t. in Universität Duisburg/Essen [09.12.2024] | |
996001 | Domańska, Regazzoni | Exploring Postsecularism in Contemporary Historical and Political Theory Course taught in English | S | Di 16-18 in X-A2-103 [09.07.2024] Preliminary discussion ; Fr 10-17 in X-B2-103 [18.10.2024] ; Sa 10-17 in X-B2-103 [19.10.2024] |
You can get credit courses offered by PEP (Personalentwicklungsprogramm) as well as language courses for your transferable skills study programme requirements if length and character correspond to the BGHS courses. For more information, please contact
Belegnr | Lehrende/r | Thema | Art | Termine | Mein eKVV |
996004 | Schäfer | Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit – Workshop zur Vorbereitung der „Linie 4“ | WS | Di 14-18 in X-B2-105 [22.10.2024] ; Di 14-18 in X-B2-105 [26.11.2024] ; Di 14-18 in X-B2-105 [28.01.2025] | |
996005 | Dr. Vera Leberecht | Goal in sight — organise the final phase of your PhD Course taught in English | WS | Do 10.00-17.00 s.t. ONLINE [07.11.2024] | |
996006 | Dr. Vera Leberecht | Goal in sight — reach the finish line of your PhD and move on Course taught in English | WS | Fr 9.30-16.30 s.t. ONLINE [08.11.2024] |
Belegnr | Lehrende/r | Thema | Art | Termine | Mein eKVV |
220037 | Kramer, Regazzoni | Gespräche mit den Toten: Das Jenseits als Erkenntnisort | S | Mi 12-14 in C01-142 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
220052 | Regazzoni, Domańska | Ecocides and Genocides: A Planetary Perspective eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English | S | Do 14:30-16 s.t. in X-B2-103 [11.07.2024] ; Mo 17-20 in U2-232 [07.10.2024] ; Di 17-20 in X-E0-211 [08.10.2024] ; Mi 17-20 in X-E0-215 [09.10.2024] ; Do 17-20 in C01-226 [10.10.2024] ; Fr 17-20 in C01-230 [11.10.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-E0-215 [16.10.-11.12.2024] | |
220066 | Büker | Mining in the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Theories of extractivism. | S | ||
220068 | Johannesmeier | Locating History. Theoretical and Conceptual Approaches to Europe and beyond Course taught in English | S | Do 12-14 in C01-246 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
220109 | Förster | Interdisziplinäre und globalgeschichtliche Zugriffe auf die Geschichte der Energie | S | Do 10-12 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
220125 | Damberg | Theoretical Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the United States of America eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English | S | Fr 16-18 ONLINE [18.10.2024] ; Sa 10-16 in C01-246 [26.10.2024] ; Sa 10-16 in C01-243 [09.11.2024] ; Sa 10-16 in F1-125 [23.11.2024] ; Sa 10-16 in F1-125 [14.12.2024] ; Sa 10-18 in C01-252 [25.01.2025] Das ist der Termin für die mündlichen Prüfungen! / This is the date for the oral exams! | |
220126 | Gironda | Sozialgeschichtsschreibung als transnationale Unternehmung nach 1945 eKVV Teilnahmemanagement | S | Mi 16-18 in C01-246 [16.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
230113 | Michael | Interdisciplinary Introduction to InterAmerican Studies / Introducción interdisciplinaria a los Estudios InterAmericanos | S | Mi 14-16 in C01-246 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
230476 | Benz, Flüchter, Petzke | Praktiken des Vergleichens: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven | S | Di 16-18 in D3-121 [22.10.2024] Vorbesprechung ; Fr 10-18 in C01-264 [15.11.2024] ; Sa 10-14 in X-E1-103 [16.11.2024] ; Fr 10-18 in X-E0-212 [10.01.2025] ; Sa 10-14 in X-E1-103 [11.01.2025] | |
300291 | Kroh, Kühne | Current Research in Quantitative Social (Data) Science (OCP: Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ) Course taught in English | S | Do 14-16 in X-C2-228 [10.10.2024-30.01.2025] ; Do 14-16 in X-D2-105 [05.12.2024] | |
300401 | Koch | Einführung in die Politikwissenschaften | V | Di 16-18 in Y-0-111 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300455 | Blum | The Politics and Policies of Community, Work and Family (MA: Politische Soziologie) Course taught in English | S | Fr 9-16 [14.03.2025] followed by a group work phase ; Mo 10-16 [24.03.2025] ; Di 13-18 [25.03.2025] ; Mi 16-18 [26.03.2025] ; Fr 9-11 [28.03.2025] ; Fr 14-16 [28.03.2025] | |
300491 | Flügel-Martinsen | Forschungskolloquium Politische Theorie eKVV Teilnahmemanagement | S | Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [09.10.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [16.10.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [06.11.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [13.11.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [27.11.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [11.12.2024] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [08.01.2025] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [22.01.2025] ; Mi 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum [29.01.2025] | |
300551 | Abendroth | The Social Structures of Community, Work and Family (MA: Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit) | S | Fr 9:00-16:00 in X-E0-200 [14.03.2025] ; Mo 10:00-16:00 in X-E0-200 [24.03.2025] ; Di 13:00-18:00 [25.03.2025] ; Mi 16:00-18:00 [26.03.2025] ; Fr 14:00-16:00 in X-E0-200 [28.03.2025] | |
300690 | Faist | Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: Voice, Exit or Quiescence (BGHS: Optional Course Programme) Course taught in English | S | Mi 16:00-18:00 in X-E0-220 [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] | |
300691 | Missbach, Palmer, Vasilache, Nguyen, Winkel, Wilcox | Understanding Asia - Gender and Power (BGHS: Optional Course Programme) Course taught in English | S | Di 16-18 in X-C3-107 [15.10.2024] ; Di 16-18 in X-C3-107 [29.10.2024] ; Di 16-18 in Zoom [12.11.2024] ; Di 16-18 in X-C3-107 [10.12.2024] ; Di 16-18 in X-C3-107 [07.01.2025] ; Di 16-18 in X-C3-107 [28.01.2025] | |
300780 | Greschke | Kolloquium und Research Class Mediensoziologie und qualitative Medienforschung (MA Kolloquium Mediensoziologie) | Ko | Mo 16-18 in X-E1-200 [07.10.2024-27.01.2025] | |
301301 | Spiegel, Phillippa Cook | Career Planning inside and outside Academia for female scholars | S | Mo 10-17 in X-B2-105 [21.10.2024] | |
996008 | Grüner, Winkel, Schäfer | Research Retreat | S | Fr 13-19 [06.12.2024] Findet in der VHS Bielefeld statt. Takes place at VHS Bielefeld. ; Sa 9-14 [07.12.2024] Findet in der VHS Bielefeld statt. Takes place at VHS Bielefeld. |
(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 12.11.2024 (8:11 Uhr))