World Studies: Orders, Politics, Cultures / Master of Arts

FsB vom 04.06.2020 mit Änderungen vom 21.05.2021 und 14.04.2023 (Einschreibung ab WiSe 20/21)
Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das WiSe 2024/2025

Modul 22-WS-BM Basismodul

Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220168 Davy, Flüchter, Förster, Gorißen, Kaasch, Kramer, Lemser, Mohana, Siehr World Studies: Basic concepts and theories, interdisciplinary approach Course taught in English V Fr 12-14 ONLINE

Mentorium (AngSelb)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220169 Davy, Gorißen, Flüchter, Förster, Mohana, Kaasch, Kramer Mentorium "World Studies" Course taught in English AngSelb n. V., n. V.

Tutorium zur Vorlesung (Tut)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220170 Tutorium Basic Module Course taught in English Tut Di 8-10

Modul 29-WS-GSG Globale Ordnungen und Governance

Forschungsdiskurs (AngSelb o. Ko)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220176 Davy, Kaasch Colloquium Global Structures and Governance Ko , n. V.

Forschungsseminar (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
300150 Werron How Democracies Die: On the institutional conditions of liberal democracies Course taught in English S Do 10-12 in X-C3-107
300455 Blum The Politics and Policies of Community, Work and Family (MA: Politische Soziologie) Course taught in English S Fr 9-16, Block followed by a group work phase; Mo 10-16, Block ; Di 13-18, Block ; Mi 16-18, Block ; Fr 9-11, Block ; Fr 14-16, Block
300459 Schulze Waltrup Global Governance and Social-Ecological Transformation Course taught in English S Do 14-16 in U5-133
300651 Wilcox Anthropology of development (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in X-E0-234
300652 Palmer Perspectives on Labour Exploitation in Global Fisheries (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mo 16:00-18:00 in X-E0-200
300653 Reu Religion and Politics: Anthropological Perspectives (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mo 16:00-18:00 VOR ORT & ONLINE in X-E0-236
300654 Romashchenko Ukrainian diaspora: from past to present (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mi 14:00-16:00 in E1-148
301271 Wolfesberger Sovereignty and Autonomy in the Americas. Course taught in English S Mo 14-16 in X-E0-236

Überblick (Ü o. V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
291052 Mohana The Role of the United Nations in Global Governance
Als Teilprüfung für die FFA wird eine Klausur angeboten. Course taught in English
V Di 12-14 in X-E0-228
291115 Siehr Principles of Public International Law eKVV Teilnahmemanagement V Mo 16-18 in X-B3-117
291131 Mohana International Organization, Role, Functioning and Effectiveness Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in X-E0-228

Modul 30-WS-GTI Globaler Handel und Ungleichheit

Forschungsseminar (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
300654 Romashchenko Ukrainian diaspora: from past to present (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mi 14:00-16:00 in E1-148
300659 Missbach Migration strategies of children and youth: trauma, resilience & affective economies (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Do 12:00-14:00 in VHF.01.253
300662 Horstmann From Economic Growth to Life-Centred Alternatives: Theories of Post-Development (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Fr 10:00-12:00 in U2-233
300663 Horstmann Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mo 12:00-14:00 in U2-217
300666 Luong Welfare Transformations in Post-socialist Asia (MA: Soziologie der globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Do 12-14 in X-D2-202

Überblick (V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
291053 Mohana Social Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises and Global Governance
Einführungsveranstaltung findet am 09.10.2024 statt, Uhrzeit wird noch bekannt gegeben Course taught in English
BS Mi 10-12 in C01-243; Fr 10-17, einmalig in C01-264; 10-17, Block ; Sa 10-17, einmalig in T0-145

Modul 23-WS-GE Globale Verflechtungen

Forschungsdiskurs (Ko)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220172 Gorißen, Flüchter Colloquium Global Entanglements Ko n. V., n. V. see section "contents, comment" for the dates of the lectures

Forschungsseminar (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220066 Büker Mining in the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Theories of extractivism. S Fr 12-14 in C3-241
220115 Rohland Anthropocene History? Perspectives from the Global South and North Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in C01-243
220125 Damberg Theoretical Perspectives on Environmental Movements in the United States of America Course taught in English S Fr 16-18, einmalig ONLINE ; Sa 10-16, Block in C01-246; Sa 10-16, Block in C01-243; Sa 10-16, Block in F1-125; Sa 10-16, Block in F1-125; Sa 10-18, Block in C01-252 Das ist der Termin für die mündlichen Prüfungen! / This is the date for the oral exams!

Überblick (S o. Ü o. V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220052 Regazzoni, Domańska Ecocides and Genocides: A Planetary Perspective Course taught in English S Do 14:30-16 s.t., einmalig in X-B2-103; Mo 17-20, einmalig in U2-232; Di 17-20, einmalig in X-E0-211; Mi 17-20, einmalig in X-E0-215; Do 17-20, einmalig in C01-226; Fr 17-20, einmalig in C01-230; Mi 16-18 in X-E0-215
220113 Rohland Energy History of the Americas: 1492 to the ‘Great Acceleration’ Course taught in English S Di 12-14 in C01-246
230113 Michael Interdisciplinary Introduction to InterAmerican Studies / Introducción interdisciplinaria a los Estudios InterAmericanos S Mi 14-16 in C01-246

Modul 22-WS-CSH Globale Strukturen und Interaktionen: Literatur-, kultur- und geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven

Forschungsdiskurs (Ko)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220171 Gorißen, Flüchter Colloquium Global Structures and Interactions Course taught in English Ko Mo see section "contents, comment" for the dates of the lectures; n. V., n. V.

Forschungsseminar (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220115 Rohland Anthropocene History? Perspectives from the Global South and North Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in C01-243

Überblick (S o. Ü o. V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220113 Rohland Energy History of the Americas: 1492 to the ‘Great Acceleration’ Course taught in English S Di 12-14 in C01-246

Modul 30-WS-WSL Weltgesellschaft und Recht

Forschungsdiskurs (AngSelb o. Ü)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220177 Davy, Kaasch Colloquium World Society and Law Ko , n. V.

Forschungsseminar (S)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
300651 Wilcox Anthropology of development (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Di 14-16 in X-E0-234
300652 Palmer Perspectives on Labour Exploitation in Global Fisheries (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mo 16:00-18:00 in X-E0-200
300654 Romashchenko Ukrainian diaspora: from past to present (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mi 14:00-16:00 in E1-148
300663 Horstmann Refugees and the Politics of Humanitarianism (MA: Soziologie der Globalen Welt) Course taught in English S Mo 12:00-14:00 in U2-217

Überblick (S o. Ü o. V)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
291054 Mohana Intellectual Property Rights and Development with a focus on India
Einführungsveranstaltung findet am 07.10.2024 statt, Uhrzeit wird noch bekannt gegeben Course taught in English
BS Mo 10-12 in V2-135; Fr 10-17, einmalig in U0-131; 10-17, Block ; Sa 10-17, einmalig in T0-145
291055 Mohana Implementation of International Human Rights Law in Emergencies Course taught in English V Do 12-14 in C0-259
291135 Mohana International Children´s Rights
Als Teilprüfung für die FFA wird eine Klausur angeboten. Course taught in English
V Do 10-12 in C0-269

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
300250 Kühne Survey Methodology (MA: Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ) Course taught in English S Mi 16-18 in X-E0-228

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 10.10.2024 (12:36 Uhr))