Personen- und Einrichtungssuche

Frau Prof. Dr. Johanna Kißler

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Curriculum Vitae

2002 Dr. rer.nat.University of Konstanz.
1996 Diploma in Psychology, University of Regensburg.
1998-2001 Graduate Student, Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz.

Professional Experience:
11/2016-02/2019 Dean Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, Bielefeld University.
2013-2016 Dean of Graduate Studies, Department of Psychology and Sports Science, Bielefeld University.

since 10/2011 Professor for General Psychology and Affective Neuroscience, Bielefeld University.
09/2010–3/2011 Stand-in Professor, Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg.

03-05/2008 Visiting Professor, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, University of Geneva, CH.
2003-2011 Junior Professor, Clinical Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Konstanz.
2001-2002 Post Doc, Department of Linguistics, University of Konstanz.