This course details the journey of the educational system in India, spanning from the ancient Gurukul system and the era of colonial mass schooling to the modern-day pursuit of universal education. Students will explore educational philosophies that were lost or that have endured over time. Students will challenge their understanding of conventional teaching practices and systems through interactive classes and group work.
In dieser Veranstaltung findet ein Platzvergabeverfahren statt. Bitte informieren Sie sich hier über den Ablauf:
Frequency | Weekday | Time | Format / Place | Period |
Module | Course | Requirements | |
25-BE-IndiErg13 Inklusion | E3: Inklusion in institutionellen und organisationalen Kontexten | Study requirement
Student information |
25-BE-IndiErg3_a IndiErg: Bildung und Didaktik | E1: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen | Study requirement
Ungraded examination |
Student information |
E3: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen oder Didaktische Modelle und Lernräume | Study requirement
Ungraded examination |
Student information | |
25-BE-IndiErg8_a International Studies in Educational Science | E2: Comparative and/or International Education | Study requirement
Student information |
25-BE11 Abschlussmodul | E1: Seminar | Study requirement
Student information |
25-BE8 Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen | E1: Bildungstheorie und -geschichte | Study requirement
Student information |
25-BiWi10 Schulentwicklung und Professionelle Kooperation | E1: Organisations- und Schultheorie | Study requirement
Student information |
25-BiWi15_a Bildung, Erziehung und Unterricht (GymGe) | E2: Organisation und Schulentwicklung | Study requirement
Graded examination |
Student information |
25-UFP2 Institutionen des Bildungs- und Erziehungswesens | E2: Bildungs- und Schultheorien | Study requirement
Student information |
25-UFP2_a Institutionen des Bildungs- und Erziehungswesens | E2: Bildungs- und Schultheorien | Study requirement
Graded examination |
Student information |
25-UFP3 Werte und Ziele in Erziehung und Bildung | E1: Geschichte/Klassiker der Pädagogik | Study requirement
Student information |
30-MGS-4 Hauptmodul 3: Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Transformationen | Seminar 1 | Study requirement
Student information |
Seminar 2 | Study requirement
Graded examination |
Student information |
The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.
A corresponding course offer for this course already exists in the e-learning system. Teaching staff can store materials relating to teaching courses there: