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Dr. Stefan Pfaff

Photo of the person Herr Dr. Stefan Pfaff - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Sports Science

+49 521 106-5123  
+49 521 106- 6129 
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-6987 Secretary's Details
UHG N3-106 Locations Map

Montag 11-12.00 Uhr in der Vorlesungszeit und nach Vereinbarung

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gegenüber von F0-125, graues Postfach (Nr. 02)

2. Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science / Department of Sports Science / Coordinator / Praktikumsbeauftragte

Praktika für außerschulische Studiengänge


Montag 11-12.00 Uhr in der Vorlesungszeit und nach Vereinbarung

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3. BiSEd-Mitglieder / BiSEd-Mitglieder der Fakultät für Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft


Montag 11-12.00 Uhr in der Vorlesungszeit und nach Vereinbarung

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4. Staff Council for Academic and Artistic Employees

Mitglied des wiss. Personalrates (WPR), 1. stellv. Vorsitzender

+49 521 106-5123  
UHG N3-106 Locations Map

nach Vereinbarung

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Curriculum Vitae

1993-1999 Studies (Sports Science, Business Administration, German Studies) in Göttingen and Amherst (Massachusets/ USA)
1999-2002 academic researcher at the Institute for Sports Science and the Institute for Political Science at the University of Göttingen
2000-2003 Teaching activities in the field of sports and political science (Prof. Lösche)
2000-2002 Doctoral student at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Georg-August-University (Göttingen)
2002 Doctoral thesis "Experience marketing for visitors to sporting events", defence (Dr. disc. pol. (disciplinarum politicarum)) on 19 August 2002 ("magna cum laude")
2003- 2005 Highschool teacher in Kassel
30 April 2005: 2nd state exam(ination) (highschool) with distinction
since 5/2005 Teacher with teaching qualification for highschools
Since 9/2005: Lexcturer in the Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science
10/2008 Awarded as part of the nomination for the Karl Grotemeyer Prize for "outstanding academic achievements and personal commitment in teaching"
4/2009 Appointment as senior lecturer
07/2010- 07/2012 Member of the faculty conference, the speaker's council and the departmental board
10/2011 Honoured as part of the nomination for the Karl Grotemeyer Prize for "outstanding academic achievements and personal commitment to teaching"
07/2012 Elected to the academic staff council of Bielefeld University
Since 2013 advisory WPR member of the Senate of Bielefeld University

Current research topics

- Digital transformation in sport
- Brand management and brand building
- Sports marketing and corporate communication
- Impact research and monitoring the success of major sporting events
- Analysis methods and expertise in event management

Planning and organising events:

2006: Chair Race
2007: 1st Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2008: Mystique, Olympia Curiosa
2009: 2nd Bielefeld Sports Business Day, University Sports Service Bielefeld Day
2010: West Side Story, Underground Dance Event
2011: 3rd Bielefeld Sports Business Day, Zumba - The University Fitness Party, Christmas Poker Night
2012: Underground Dance Event II, German University Championships (DHM) Volleyball (preliminary round)
2013: 4th Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2014: Sport.IT Day
2015: 5th Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2016: Sport.IT Day
2017: 6th Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2018: Campus Sport Show
2019: 7th Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2020: Sport.IT Day
2023: 8th Bielefeld Sports Business Day
2024: Sport.IT Day

Selected publications:

Pfaff, S. (2000): Erlebniswelt Arena - Zur Vermarktung moderner Sportveranstaltungsstätten, Hamburg.

Pfaff, S.(2002); Freizeitdienstleistung Sport. Neue Wege in der Vermarktung von Sportgroßveranstaltungen, in; Freyer, W. et al: Tourismus - Wirtschaft - Sport-Events, Dresden.

Pfaff, S.(2003): The experience-orientated marketing of sports visitors - a Delphi investigation, in: Leistungssport 2/2003, Frankfurt.

Pfaff, S.(2003): Erlebnismarketing für die Besucher von Sportveranstaltungen - Erlebnisstrategien und -instrumente am Beispiel Fußballbundesliga, Business Village Verlag, Göttingen.

Pfaff, S.: Erlebniswelt "Fußballstadion", in SPONSORS No. 1/2003.

Pfaff, S.: The visitor - the unknown being?, in SPONSORS No. 2/2003.

Pfaff, S.: Provider as leisure service provider - the management of visitor experiences, in SPONSORS No. 3/2003.

Pfaff, S.(2003): Erlebniswelt Fußball-Arena, in: Krüger/ Dreyer (2004): Sportmanagement - eine themenbezogene Einführung. Oldenbourg-Verlag. Munich.

Pfaff, S. (2003), Die Eventisierung des Spitzensports, in: Zeitschrift des ADHs, 2/2003.

Pfaff, S. (2005), Erlebnisorientierung in der Fußballbundesliga, 2nd ed., Göttingen 2005.

Pfaff, S. (2007): Trends towards the event? Opportunities and risks of eventisation trends in university competitive sport. In: Göring, A. & Behrens, I. (2007) (eds.): Farewell to Humboldt: Reform processes at German universities. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.pp. 57-66.