230355 Poetics of Ruins (S) (SoSe 2015)

Contents, comment

“The ruins of Plantations have affected American cultures all around.”

La frase de Eduard Glissant marca una de las múltiples y diversas perspectivas hacia las ruinas en las culturas de las Americas. Pero logra reunir ya la idea de las ruinas como espacios concretos de cambios históricos, así como también su caracter inmaterial. El seminario propone una mirada hacia los diversos enfoques literarios, documentales y fotográficos de las historias, narrativas y mitologías de ruinas en el continente. Así intentaremos acercarnos a posibles poéticas de ruinas entre manifestaciones de lo maravilloso y lo apocalíptico para también reflexionar sobre el efecto e impacto que se manifiestan en las expresiones culturales mismas.

Eduardo Glissant´s vision of the plantation past of the Americas emphasizes one of the multiple perspectives on ruins in the history of the Americas. But it is also useful to include within the ruins as concrete space of historical changes, their immaterial character. The course looks at diverse literary, documentary and photographic conceptions which have shaped the histories, narratives and mythologies of ruins in the Americas. Therefore we try to approach possible poetics of ruins in-between manifestations of the marvelous and the apocalyptic with a view to reflect the impacts and effects within the cultural expressions to be observed.

Lecturas y materiales propuestos para las sesiones / Proposed readings and materials: Pablo Neruda, Alejo Carpentier, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cortázar, Cormac McCarthy, Diamela Eltit, Jorge Luis Borges; Detriot, ruins of a city (Michel Chanan), Early American Photography. etc...

El seminario está concebido en castellano. A lo largo del semestre el idioma de textos cambiará entre el castellano y el inglés y de ahí también existe la posibilidad de cambiar entre ambos idiomas durante las presentaciones y discuisones en clase.

Teaching staff

Dates ( Calendar view )

Frequency Weekday Time Format / Place Period  
weekly Fr 12.00-14.00 X-E1-201 07.04.-17.07.2015
not on: 5/1/15
weekly Fr 14-16 X-E0-210 17.04.-19.06.2015
not on: 5/1/15

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Subject assignments

Module Course Requirements  
23-ANG-M-AngHM3_IAS Media and the Processes of Culture / Los medios y los procesos de la cultura "Cultural Communication" oder "Mediating Cultures" Study requirement
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Teoría e historia de los medios en América Latina Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information
23-IAS-M-IAS5 Literaturas y culturas latinoamericanas Estudios culturales latinoamericanos Study requirement
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Literatura latinoamericana en su contexto histórico-social Study requirement
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Vertiefungsseminar "Literaturas y culturas latinoamericanas" oder "Estudios culturales latinoamericanos" Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information
23-IAS-M-IAS6 Advanced Studies of Literatures and Cultures of the Americas / Estudios avanzados de literaturas y culturas de las Américas "Literaturas y culturas iberoamericanas" oder "Estudios culturales latinoamericanos" Study requirement
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NorthAmerican Literatures in Context Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information
23-LIT-M-LitAM5 Aufbau-Modul II: Fachphilologische Vertiefung Romanistik Lehrveranstaltung 1 Study requirement
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Lehrveranstaltung 2 Study requirement
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Lehrveranstaltung 3 Graded examination
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23-LIT-M-LitPM3 Profilmodul III: Literatur und Medien Lehrveranstaltung 1 Graded examination
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Lehrveranstaltung 2 Study requirement
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The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.

Degree programme/academic programme Validity Variant Subdivision Status Semester LP  
Literaturwissenschaft / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2012) MaLit5c; MaLit4d    

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Registered number: 8
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2 Students to be reached directly via email
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Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Friday, December 11, 2015 
Last update times:
Thursday, October 22, 2015 
Last update rooms:
Monday, March 30, 2015 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
S / 2
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
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