250436 Utopias in education (S) (WiSe 2021/2022)

Contents, comment

“The utopian mode is to the existence of society what invention is to scientific knowledge. The utopian mode may be defined as the imaginary project of another kind of society, of another reality, another world.” (Ricoeur, 1976, 24)

First used in a book by Thomas More (1516), utopia is commonly defined as an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. The term, based on the Greek ou ‘not’ and topos ‘place’ (= no place), has known multiple interpretations, uses and modifications over time.
By adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this seminar draws on literature, history, sociology, and philosophy in order to uncover the multiple meanings and importance of utopias and utopian thinking applied to the educational sphere. We will have a look at both classical literary and modern utopias in relation to education and school. We will then identify and analyse together current innovative projects in education, and aim to understand to which extent they are “(partially) realised utopias” (Ricoeur, 1976). Moreover, examples of intentional communities, utopian pedagogies (Freire, 1972), and progressive education will be discovered in detail.
The seminar is partially grounded in past experiences from Bielefeld. It takes a closer look at the creation of the 'LaborSchule', and briefly explores the international interdisciplinary project “History of the Function of Literary Utopias in the Early Modern Period” (1980-1981, Center for Interdisciplinary Research - ZiF).

During the semester, we will discuss questions such as:
• How has the image of ideal education changed over time?
• How is education described in the utopian texts, such as books, articles or movies? What do these texts teach us about the best world(s) possible?
• How do the utopian experiments in education transform the contemporary societies? How can one understand educational utopias in countries from the Global South?
• To which extent contemporary inclusive education could be considered as a utopian project?

The seminar aims:
• to provide a shared space for critical thinking about present and future alternative practices in education.
• to allow the participants to discover and further build on forgotten ideas about teaching and learning.
• to support a thorough analysis of utopian discourses in/about education, understood as articulations of “spaces of experience” and “horizons of expectations” (Koselleck, 2004).

In dieser Veranstaltung findet ein Platzvergabeverfahren statt. Bitte informieren Sie sich hier über den Ablauf: https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/erziehungswissenschaft/studium-und-lehre/einrichtungen/bie/faq-stundenplan/

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Module Course Requirements  
25-BE-IndiErg3_a IndiErg: Bildung und Didaktik E1: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen Study requirement
Ungraded examination
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E3: Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen oder Didaktische Modelle und Lernräume Study requirement
Ungraded examination
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25-BE-IndiErg8_a International Studies in Educational Science E2: Comparative and/or International Education Study requirement
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25-BE11 Abschlussmodul E1: Seminar Study requirement
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25-BE8 Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen E2: Theorien und Institutionen Study requirement
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25-BiWi10 Schulentwicklung und Professionelle Kooperation E1: Organisations- und Schultheorie Study requirement
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25-BiWi15_a Bildung, Erziehung und Unterricht (GymGe) E2: Organisation und Schulentwicklung Study requirement
Graded examination
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25-FS-BE8 Bildung: Theorien und Institutionen E2: Theorien und Institutionen Study requirement
Ungraded examination
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30-M11 Vernetzung: Sozialwissenschaftliche Nachbardisziplinen Seminar Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information

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Registered number: 24
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Limited number of participants: 32
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17 Students to be reached directly via email
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Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 
Last update times:
Friday, July 30, 2021 
Last update rooms:
Friday, July 30, 2021 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
S / 2
This lecture is taught in english
Faculty of Educational Science
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