This course will be held in English by Prof. Dr. Anna Kirova (the University of Alberta, Canada). The aim of this course will be to introduce the students to the potential of different qualitative methods for studying the experiences of newcomer students in school.
Specific examples of research conducted with newcomer student experiences include phenomenology, arts-based-research methods, ethnographic and case research methods. The importance of the application of such research methods will be discussed in relation to newcomer students’ language capacity, and the expressive role of visual methods in accessing par-ticipants’ life experiences.
Emphasis will be given to the findings such methods produce, and the significance of gaining deep-er understanding of human experience, through the application of these methods to enriching educational practitioners’ work with refugee and immigrant students in educational contexts.
Students will learn to reflect on the ability of each of the research methods to reveal the newcomer students’ pre- and post-migration experiences and the impact of these experiences on their learning as well as their integration into the society at large. In developing a deeper understanding of both the research methods and the findings they produce, the students will begin to connect the principles of trauma-informed practices to their everyday life and responsibilities as teachers of students from diverse backgrounds, abilities, and life circumstances.
While the course will also discuss specific classroom strategies that can be used to support newcomer students, more philosophical questions concerning the practices of othering in schools will be the centre of the class discussions.
Please note that Prof. Dr. Anna Kirova’s stay at Bielefeld University is mainly financed by the International Guest Lecturer Program and also in parts by the Faculty of Educational Science.
In dieser Veranstaltung findet ein Platzvergabeverfahren statt. Bitte informieren Sie sich hier über den Ablauf:
Master of Arts: Voraussetzung ist die Einschreibung im Master of Arts Erziehungswissenschaft im SoSe 2022
M.Ed. UFP: Voraussetzung ist die Einschreibung im Master of Education, Unterrichtsfach Pädagogik im SoSe 2022
Master of Education: Voraussetzung ist die Einschreibung im Master of Education - Erziehungswissenschaft Integrierte Sonderpädagogik mit dem Berufsziel Lehramt für sonderpädagogische Förderung im SoSe 2022
Frequency | Weekday | Time | Format / Place | Period |
Module | Course | Requirements | |
25-ISP5 Inklusion und Exklusion | E2: Inklusion und Exklusion aus international vergleichender Perspektive | Study requirement
Student information |
25-ME-A4 Inhaltliche Fokussierung | E1: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 1 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information |
E2: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 2 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information | |
25-ME-B4 Inhaltliche Fokussierung | E1: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 1 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information |
E2: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 2 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information | |
25-ME-C4 Inhaltliche Fokussierung | E1: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 1 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information |
E2: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 2 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information | |
25-ME-IT Inhaltliche Fokussierung | E1: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 1 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information |
E2: Inhaltliche Fokussierung 2 | Study requirement
Ungraded examination Graded examination |
Student information | |
25-ME3 Forschungsprojekt | E1: Thematische Einführung | Study requirement
Student information |
25-ME3-IT Forschungsprojekt | E1: Thematische Einführung | Study requirement
Student information |
25-UFP6-C Fachbezogene Vertiefung: Migrationspädagogik, Civic- and International Education | E2: Civic- and International Education | Study requirement
Ungraded examination |
Student information |
The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.
Students write a total of three reflections of approx. 400 words each on one major content block of the seminar and upload them in LernraumPlus. There will be thematic choices. More details will be announced in one of the first sessions.
Term papers (‘Hausarbeit’) or portfolios can be written as ‘PL’. Individual counselling on these forms of examination will be offered during the seminar and in digital office hours. More details will be announced in one of the first sessions.
A corresponding course offer for this course already exists in the e-learning system. Teaching staff can store materials relating to teaching courses there: