Bielefeld Graduate School In History And Sociology / Promotion

Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das WiSe 2023/2024

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Research Classes (Research Classes)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220032 van Norden research class eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mo 16-18, 14-täglich in X-E0-209
300191 Werron Soziologische Theorie & empirische Forschung (Research Class Teil 1) S , Block
300280 Kroh, Zick Research on Social and Political Polarization (MA: Kolloquium Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ) Course taught in English Ko Mi 14-16 ; Mo ab 9:30, einmalig in BGHS-Raum; Mo ab 9:30, einmalig in BGHS-Raum; Mo ab 9:30, einmalig in BGHS-Raum
300293 entfällt --- [N.N. (RC: Soziologische Methoden - quantitativ)] S    
300295 Ayaß Theorie und Empirie in qualitativer Forschung (RC: Soziologische Methoden - qualitativ) eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mo 16-18 in X-C2-228
300390 Tacke Research Class: Organisationssoziologie S Fr, Block ONLINE ; Fr, Block ONLINE ; Fr, Block ONLINE ; Fr, Block ONLINE
300490 Albert RC: World Politcs S Di 16-18
300495 Vasilache, Müller RC: Politikwissenschaft S Di 16-18 in X-C2-228 Strukoraum
300591 Sauer Research Class (RC: Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit) S Do 14-16 in X-D2-236
300690 Nguyen, Kaasch RC: Economy, Politics and Society (BGHS: Research Class) Course taught in English S Mi 14:30-17:30, 14-täglich in X-C2-216; Mi 14:30-17:30, einmalig in X-C2-216; Mi 14:30-17:30, einmalig in X-C2-216
300693 Pfaff-Czarnecka RC: Universities as sites of knowledge S Fr 12:00-18:00, Block in X-D2-242; Di 16:00-19:00, Block in X-D2-242; Mi 12:00-16:00, Block in X-D2-242
300694 Faist Transnational Studies (RC) S Fr 09:00-18:00, einmalig in X-B3-117; Sa 09:00-18:00, einmalig in X-B3-117
300780 Greschke Kolloquium und Research Class Mediensoziologie und qualitative Medienforschung Ko Di 14-18, 14-täglich in X-E0-220
300890 Kallenberg, Wolf Research Class S Di 16-18 in C5-141
300990 Hagedorn Research Class: Didaktik der Sozialwissenschaften (Forschungskolloquium) Ko Do 10-12 in X-C4-109
301090 Mense-Petermann Research Class Wirtschaft und Arbeit S Mi 16-20, 14-täglich in X-C3-222; Mi 16-20, einmalig in X-C3-222; Mi 16-20, einmalig in X-C3-222
301190 Forschungswerkstatt: Recht und Gesellschaft (Research Class) S  
996002 Kessel Research Class S , n. V. Erstes Treffen am Donnerstag, 12.10.2023, 13.15 Uhr, Raum wird zeitnah mitgeteilt
996006 Flüchter, Petzke Research Class SFB 1288 S Fr 10-14, Block in X-B2-103; Fr 10-14, Block in X-A4-113

Theory and Methods Classes (Theory and Methods Classes)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220004 Rüther Norm und Struktur. Frühneuzeitliche Hofordnungen
Promotionsstudiengang - Theory Class/Methods Class (BGHS) eKVV Teilnahmemanagement
S Di 12-14 in T2-234
220009 Kończal Memory in Translation eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English S+K Mo 14:00-18:00, Block ONLINE
220035 Brandt, Dahl BGHS Theory Class Understanding as a key concept in the humanities and social sciences Course taught in English S N. N. 9-16, Block ONLINE Einführungssitzung: 10. November 10-12 Uhr, 1. Workshop: 1. Dezember 9-16 Uhr, 2. Workshop: 2. Dezember 9-16 Uhr
300090 Stark, Wessing, (Luhmann-Gastprofessor WiSe 2023/24) Algorithmic Management and New Class Conflicts (Theory Class) S Di 16-18, einmalig ONLINE ; Di 14-18, einmalig in X-B2-105; Di 14-18, einmalig in X-B2-105; Di 14-18, einmalig in X-B2-105
300190 entfällt ---[Sozialtheorie (Soziologische Theorie - Theory Class)] S    
300290 Ayaß Analyse verbaler Daten (MC: Soziologische Methoden - qualitativ) eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mo 10-12, einmalig in X-C2-228; Do 10:00-13:00 s.t., Block in X-C2-228; Do 10:00-13:00 s.t., Block in X-C2-228; Do 10:00-13:00 s.t., Block in X-C2-228
300294 Reinecke Quantitative Methoden und Statistik (MC) S Di 10-18, einmalig in X-C3-107; Mi 10-12, einmalig in X-C3-107; Mi 14-18, einmalig in X-C3-107
300590 Sauer Survey experiments (MC: Sozialstruktur und soziale Ungleichheit) S Fr 12-15, einmalig in X-D2-236; Fr 12-15, einmalig in X-D2-236; Fr 12-15, einmalig in X-D2-236; Fr 12-15, einmalig in X-D2-236; Fr 12-15, einmalig in X-D2-242
996001 Regazzoni, Hoffmann, Dr. Britta Hochkirchen Denkraum Theorie eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Fr 14-16, Block in X-B2-103 Organisatorische Sitzung; Fr 12-18, Block in X-B2-103; Fr 12-18, Block in X-B2-103
996008 Schäfer Perspectivity in analysis Course taught in English S Do 10-17 s.t., Block ONLINE Only for participants of the BIP; Fr 10-17, Block ONLINE Only for participants of the BIP

Transferable Skills (Transferable Skills)

You can get credit courses offered by PEP (Personalentwicklungsprogramm) as well as language courses for your transferable skills study programme requirements if length and character correspond to the BGHS courses. For more information, please contact

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
996003 Schäfer Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit – Workshop zur Vorbereitung der „Linie 4“ WS Mo 13-17, Block in X-B2-103; Mo 13-17, Block in X-B2-103; Mo 13-17, Block in X-B2-103
996004 Dr. Anton Froeyman How to get published Course taught in English WS , Block ONLINE Free time allocation. Please register with PEP!
996005 Dr. Vera Leberecht Motivated, realistic, and successful: staying on track in the research process Course taught in English WS Do 10-17 s.t., Block ONLINE Only for participants of the BIP
996009 Simon Scholarly Argumentation Course taught in English WS Fr 9-17, Block ONLINE Only for participants of the BIP; Fr 9-17, Block ONLINE Only for participants of the BIP
996011 Dr. Roland Bluhm Good Scientific Practice Course taught in English WS Mo 10-18 s.t., Block ONLINE ; Di 10-18 s.t., Block ONLINE
996013 Dr. Vera Leberecht Plan, think, decide - and get your research writing done! Course taught in English WS Mo 10-17, Block ONLINE ; Di 9.30-16.30, Block ONLINE
996014 Dr. Vera Leberecht Publishing strategies: writing more effective abstracts Course taught in English WS Mo 10-17 s.t., einmalig ONLINE
996015 Dr. Vera Leberecht Finding my ‘voice’: from other people’s ideas to my own text Course taught in English WS Di 10-17 s.t., einmalig ONLINE

Optional Course Programme (Optional Course Programme)

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
220003 Rüther Narrative des Krieges. Spätmittelalterliche Gewaltbilder eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mo 14-16 in X-E0-228; Mo 14-16 in X-E0-203; Mo 14-16, einmalig in T2-208
300292 Kroh, Kühne Current Research in Quantitative Social (Data) Science: Design, Implementation, Publication S Do 12-14 in X-B3-115
300401 Flügel-Martinsen Einführung in die Politikwissenschaften V Di 16-18 in Y-0-111
300493 Flügel-Martinsen Forschungskolloquium Politische Theorie eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mi 16-18 in X-C3-107 - Fakoraum Hybrid Veranstaltung
300691 Nguyen, Missbach, Vasilache, Palmer, Wilcox Understanding Asia (BGHS: Optional Course Programme) Course taught in English S Di 16:00-18:00, Block in X-E0-226; Di 16:00-18:00, Block in X-A2-105 Natasha Pairaudeau: Exile in the Age of Migration. Burmese Prince Myingun’s movements in India and peninsular southeast Asia; Di 16:00-18:00, Block in X-B2-103 Helena Hof: (Im)mobility and class among highly-educated middling migrants in Asia; Di 16:00-18:00, Block in X-B2-103 Nicole Constable: Passport Entanglements: Protection, Care, and Precarious Migrations; Di 16:00-18:00, Block in X-A2-105 Joanna Pfaff: Understanding Asia through student mobilities and mobilisations
300692 Nguyen, Berten New Frontiers of Research on Welfare in the Global South - Ring Lecture Series (BGHS: Optional Course Programme) Course taught in English S Do 16-18, einmalig ONLINE ; Di 16-18, einmalig in X-B2-103; Do 16-18, einmalig ONLINE ; Do 16-18, einmalig ONLINE ; Do 16-18, einmalig in X-B2-103; Do 16-18, einmalig in X-C3-107; Do 16-18, einmalig in X-C3-107
360029 Schäfer Zur praxeologischen Sicht auf Religion, Kultur und Sozialstruktur eKVV Teilnahmemanagement BS Di 18-19:30 s.t., einmalig ONLINE Planungssitzung; Sa 9-18, Block in X-A4-113; Sa 9-18, Block in X-A4-113; Sa 9-18, Block in X-A4-113
360030 Schäfer Religionssoziologie nach Bourdieu eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mi 14-16 in C01-142 einmalig am 11.10.2023 in X-E0-234; Mi 14-16, einmalig in X-E0-234 einmalig am 11.10.2023 in X-E0-234
360053 Seibert Die Gretchenfrage S Mi 18-20, einmalig ONLINE ; Sa 10-18, Block in T2-208; Sa 10-18, Block in X-E0-220; Sa 10-18, Block in X-E0-226
996007 Kaltmeier Debates latinoaméricanos // Crisis ecológicas S 9.00-17, Block El seminario se realiza en la Akademie Weingarten der Diozese Rottenburg Stuttgart
996010 Felipe Mathis, Schäfer Study Group Peer Support in the Research Process StGr , n. V. in X-B2-103 First meeting on Wednesday 25 October at 2 p.m.
996012 Ayaß, Weinhauer Research Retreat Course taught in English S Fr 13-18, Block The Research Retreat takes place in the VHS Bielefeld, Ravensberger Spinnerei.; Sa 10-14, Block The Research Retreat takes place in the VHS Bielefeld, Ravensberger Spinnerei.

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 4.9.2024 (12:03 Uhr))