Social Sciences Major Subject (Academic)

FsB vom 05.09.2016 mit Änderungen vom 15.09.2023 und 28.06.2024


Bachelor of Arts
6 semesters
Winter semester
Apply now! Put together your degree programme now

In den ersten Semestern wird in soziologische, politikwissenschaftliche und ökonomische Grundlagen sowie Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung eingeführt. In den folgenden Semestern werden die Betrachtungsweisen der sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen integriert und (in der Nicht-Lehramtsvariante) in einem Praktikum analytisch angewendet. Das dritte Studienjahr dient der individuellen Schwerpunktsetzung durch Fachmodulwahl und Bachelorarbeit. Die Fakultät bietet bei der Spezialisierung im Fachmodul eine konkurrenzlos breite Optionsvielfalt. Zur Wahl stehen dabei unter anderem folgende Themenfelder:

  • Bildung und Weiterbildung (für die Lehramtsvarianten)
  • Theoretische Soziologie
  • Organisationen
  • Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Sozialpolitik
  • Transnationalisierung, Migration und Entwicklung
  • Geschlechterforschung
  • Wissenschaft, Technik, Medien

The courses

You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.

An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.

Formalities / Important information

Course start

Studies can be commenced only in winter semester.

Length and scope of studies

The standard period of studies is 6 semesters.

The studies Major Subject (Academic) Social Sciences comprise 120 credit points.

Find out about the academic structure model and note the possible combinations as well as the rules regarding the individual supplementary area.

Access requirements

Access to the Bachelor programme is granted to those who have a university entrance qualification suitable for Germany (e. g. German ‘Abitur’).

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Application, admission and enrolment  1

The study places are not subject to any admission restrictions (numerus clausus). Nevertheless, you need to apply within the currently applicable application deadlines. Afterwards, however, you can submit your application for enrolment directly in the application and status portal, provided that you meet the access requirements. If you are already enrolled at Bielefeld University, you need to apply for a change of degree programme.

You can find more detailed information on the application process as well as information on the enrolment procedure on the pages of the Student Office.

To the application portal

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Further links

Internet pages of the subject Social Sciences

Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):

Faculty of Sociology with the courses offered



Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

"technical" degree programme; no option for teaching profession available here.