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Frau Prof. Dr. Pamela Wicker

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Curriculum Vitae

Forschungsimpact und Gutachterprofil

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Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 15.07.2020 Universitätsprofessorin für Sportmanagement und Sportsoziologie, Universität Bielefeld
07/2020 Erstplatzierte im Berufungsverfahren der Professur Sportwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Sportökonomie, Universität Innsbruck (Absage)
05/2020 Ruf eine Reader Position (Associate Professor), School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University (abgelehnt)
12/2019 Ruf auf die Professur Sportsoziologie und Sportökonomie, Universität Wien (abgelehnt)
09/2019 - 07/2020 Vertretung der Professur Organisationen des Sports, Universität Bielefeld
04/2019 Ruf auf die W2-Professur Organisationen des Sports (befristet, mit Tenure Track), Universität Bielefeld (angenommen)
09/2016 – 08/2019 Akademische Rätin und Oberrätin, Institut für Sportökonomie und Sportmanagement, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
0/2013 – 08/2016 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Sportökonomie und Sportmanagement, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln
01/2013 – 12/2015 Associate Professor (Adjunct), Griffith University, Australien
06/2011 – 12/2012 Senior Lecturer in Sport Management, Griffith University, Australien
05/2006 – 05/2011 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Sportökonomie und Sportmanagement, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

Akademische Ausbildung

2015 Antrittsvorlesung (Privatdozentin und Venia Legendi für Sportwissenschaft)
2009 - 2014 Habilitation (kumuliert) in Sportwissenschaft, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln; Thema: „Organizational capacity and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs”
2005 - 2009 Promotion in Sportwissenschaft, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln; Thema der Dissertation: „Perspektiven und Grenzen der Beitragsfinanzierung von Sportvereinen – Eine Analyse zur Theorie und Empirie der Beitragselastizität im Sportverein“
2000 – 2005 Studium der Sportwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Ökonomie und Management, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln

Auszeichnungen und Preise
2024 NASSM Distinguished Research Award
2022 Outstanding Reviewer of the Year (International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship)
2021 Editors’ Selection Award 1-2021 des German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research für den Artikel mit dem Titel “Determinants of pro-environmental behavior among voluntary sport club members“ von Tim F. Thormann & Pamela Wicker
2020 Best Reviewer Award, Sport Management Review, Kategorie 'Associate Editor'
2019 Best Conference Reviewer Award (European Sport Management Conference; EASM)
2018 Research Fellow der North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
2018 Best Paper Award des European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS) für den Artikel mit dem Titel: “Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour” von Wicker, Downward, & Lera-Lopez (2017)
2017 Best Paper Award der Sport Management Association for Australia and New Zealand (SMAANZ) für den Artikel mit dem Titel: “The carbon footprint of active sport participants”
2017 Wissenschaftspreis 2015/2016 des Deutschen Olympischen Sportbunds (DOSB) für die Habilitationsschrift (3. Platz)

Wissenschaftliche Funktionen und Positionen

Seit 2022 Associate Editor, Journal of Sports Economics
2021-2023 Guest Editor, International Journal of Sport Finance, ESEA Conference Special Issue
2021-2023 Präsidentin der European Sport Economics Association (ESEA)
Seit 2021 Co-Editor, European Journal for Sport and Society
2021-2022 Guest Editor, Sustainability: ‘Sustainable Management of Sport Organizations’
2019 Guest Editor, Frontiers in Sociology: ‘Gender and Racial Bias in Sport Organizations’
2019-2021 Vizepräsidentin (President-Elect) der European Sport Economics Association (ESEA)
Seit 2017 Associate Editor, European Sport Management Quarterly
Seit 2017 Section Editor, Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre der Sportwissenschaft/Journal for Study and Teaching in Sport Science
Seit 2015 Associate Editor, Sport Management Review
2015 - 2019 Youth Development Officer, zuständig für die Belange des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der European Sport Economics Association (ESEA)
2013 - 2016 Social Media Editor, Sport Management Review

Mitgliedschaften in Editorial Boards

International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
Sport und Gesellschaft
European Journal for Sport and Society
European Sport Management Quarterly
International Journal of Sport Finance
Journal of Sport Management
Journal of Sport & Tourism
Journal of Sports Economics
Managing Sport and Leisure
Sport Management Review


Zeitschriftenaufsätze (Peer Review)

In Druck
Bühren, C., & Wicker, P. (in press). Correlates of environmental attitudes among Europeans: The moderating roles of volunteering and sports club membership. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies.
Cunningham, G. B., Webb, T., & Wicker, P. (in press). Female officials in Europe and their sport’s diversity climate. European Sport Management Quarterly.
Czyrnick-Leber, U., Bahlke, S., Wicker, P., & Gröben, B. (in press). „Klar kam mir das ein bisschen komisch vor!“ – Eine explorative Studie zum Irritationspotenzial tänzerischen Kampfkunsttrainings mit männlichen Gefängnisinsassen. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform.
Czyrnick-Leber, U., Kuhrs, K., Kraft, C., Wicker, P., & Gröben, B. (in press). The Ef-fect of a Dance-Like Martial Arts Training on Prisoners’ Concentration Ability. Jour-nal of Prison Education and Reentry.
Downward, P., Wicker, P., & Thormann, T. F. (in press). The well-being and social value of playing soccer for men and women. Journal of Sports Economics.
Galdino, M., Soebbing, B. P., & Wicker, P. (in press). Betting (in)efficiency after football coaching replacements in Brazil. International Journal of Sport Finance.
Kraft, C., Bühren, C., & Wicker, P. (in press). The correlates of environmental initiatives in sports organizations with climate change attitudes and subjective well-being. Journal of Public Health.
Lesch, L., Lachance, E. L., Kerwin, S., & Wicker, P. (in press). From gender policies and practices to organizational performance of sport governing bodies. European Sport Management Quarterly.
Lesch, L., Scharfenkamp, K., & Wicker, P. (in press). Women and men professors as role models and their effect on academics’ career decisions. Sport Management Education Journal.
Lesch, L., Wicker, P., & Gröben, B. (in press). Exploring the inclusion of people with disabilities in gyms: Organizational capacity needs. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research.
Thormann, T. F., Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., & Davies, L. E. (in press). Task and social frustration of community sport volunteers. Leisure Studies.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G. B., & Webb, T. (in press). Factors affecting women sports officials’ intention to leave across Europe. Journal of Sport Management.

Cunningham, G. B., & Wicker, P. (2024). Sexual harassment and implicit gender-career biases negatively impact women’s life expectancy in the US: a state-level analysis, 2011–2019. BMC Public Health, 24, 1115.
Dransmann, M., Meier, C., Gröben. B., & Wicker, P. (2024). Scoring for the future? Social-educational outcomes of a soccer intervention in prison. Cogent Social Sciences, 10(1), 2365980.
Galdino, M., & Wicker, P. (2024). A culture of constraints: How head coach turnovers affect the backroom staff and player development in professional football. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 19(2), 515-524.
Gehrmann, S., Czyrnick-Leber, U., & Wicker, P. (2024). The effects of capital and gender on adolescents’ favourite sports. European Journal for Sport and Society, 21(1), 86-103.
Misener, K., Kihl, L., Wicker, P., & Cuskelly, G. (2024). Sounding the alarm: Occurrences of fraud in nonprofit community sport organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 34(4), 901-925.
Scharfenkamp, K., Lesch, L., & Wicker, P. (2024). Who you publish with matters: The effects of authorship composition on citations of sports economics publications. International Journal of Sport Finance, 19(4), tba.
Scharfenkamp, K., & Wicker, P. (2024). Gender differences in pro-environmental nutrition behavior among German football fans. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 54, 76-85.
Wicker, P., Thormann, T. F., & Davies, L. E. (2024). Football volunteering and subjective well-being: A multi-country study of different voluntary roles and well-being measures. European Sport Management Quarterly, 4(3), 703-722.

Arora, N. K., Roehrken, G., Crumbach, S., Phatak, A., Labott, B. K., Nicklas, A., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2023). Good Scientific Practice and Ethics in Sports and Exercise Science: A brief and comprehensive hands-on appraisal for Sports Research. Sports, 11, 47.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2023). The relationship between leisure-time physical activity and job satisfaction: A dynamic panel data approach. Journal of Occupational Health, 65(1), e12382.
Feiler, S., Coates, D., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2023). The perceived financial situation of nonprofit sports clubs explained by objective financial measures. Sport Management Review, 26(4), 607-627.
Galdino, M., Lesch, L., & Wicker, P. (2023). Reality check for high-performance football: A study of coaching competences based on the International Sport Coaching Framework. International Sport Coaching Journal, 10(2), 217-229.
Held, S., Rappelt, L., Giesen, R., Wiedenmann, T., Deutsch, J., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2023). Increased oxygen uptake in well-trained runners via uphill running: A ran-domized crossover testing. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, 1117314.
Herold, E., Wicker, P., Czyrnick-Leber, U., Gröben, B., & Dransmann, M. (2023). Sport in prison: Social and subjective health outcomes of different sport programs. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 19(4), 682-698.
Humphreys, B.R., Wagner, G., Whitehead, J.C., & Wicker, P. (2023). Willingness to pay for COVID-19 environmental health risk reductions in consumption: Evidence from U.S. professional sports. Health Economics, 32(1), 218-231.
Lesch, L., Kerwin, S., & Wicker, P. (2023). Women representation and organisational characteristics in sport governance: Implications for gender policy and practice. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 15(3), 493–510.
Lesch, L., Scharfenkamp, K., & Wicker, P. (2023). The role fit of women and men academics: Evidence from the social sports sciences. Frontiers in Psychology.
Rappelt, L., Held, S., Wiedenmann, T., Deutsch, J., Hochstrate, J., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2023). Restricted nasal-only breathing during self-selected low intensity training does not affect training intensity distribution. Frontiers in Physiology, 14, 1134778.
Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., & Frick, B. (2023). Female representation at the national lev-el and women sport volunteering in European countries. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 33, 783–806.
Soebbing, B. P., Wicker, P., & Watanabe, N. M. (2023). NFL player career earnings and off-field behavior. The Review of Black Political Economy, 50(1), 81-96.
Thormann, T. F., Lesch, L., & Wicker, P. (2023). Corporate social responsibility within a global pandemic: A qualitative analysis of the population’s perception of sport organizations. Sport in Society, 26(11), 1838-1856.
Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2023). Environmentally-friendly stadium travel of football fans: A stated preferences study. Journal of Sports Economics, 25(1), 3-29.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C., & Dallmeyer, S. (2023). The gender earnings gap among elite athletes in semi-professional sports. Managing Sport and Leisure, 28(6), 583-600.
Wicker, P., & Cunningham, G. B. (2023). Gender stereotypes and their correlates: The moderating role of voluntary sports club membership. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1236439.
Wicker, P., Downward, P., & Rasciute, S. (2023). Leisure trips to the natural environment: Examining the trade-off between economic and environmental impact. Leisure Sciences, 45(3), 221-239.
Wicker, P., Lesch, L., Gröben, B., & Dransmann, M. (2023). Coaching sports in prison: Coaches’ experiences. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 62(2), 98-117.
Wicker, P., Misener, K., Kihl, L., & Cuskelly, G. (2023). Vulnerability to fraud in community sport organizations: A multi-country analysis of the role of organizational capacity. Journal of Sport Management, 37(2), 88-101.

Bahlo, M., Bahlke, S., Wicker, P., Gröben, B., & Dransmann, M. (2022). Der Beitrag des Freizeitsports zur Identitätsbildung junger, männlicher Strafgefangener. Forum Kinder- und Jugendsport, 3(1), 35-45.
Czyrnick-Leber, U., Gröben, B., & Wicker, P. (2022). Strafgefangene sind keine Sportstudierende: Eine autoethnographische Habitusreflexion über ein Tänzerisches Kampfkunsttraining im offenen Strafvollzug. Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 63(2), 112-131.
Galdino, M., Lesch, L., & Wicker, P. (2022). (Un)Sustainable human resource management in Brazilian football? Empirical evidence on coaching recruitment and dismissal. Sustainability, 14, 7319.
Gehrmann, S., & Wicker, P. (2022). The effect of regional and social origin on health-related sport and physical activity of young people in Europe. European Journal for Sport and Society, 19(2), 117-134.
Held, S., Rappelt, L., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2022). Changing oar rotation-axis position increases catch angle during indoor and in-field para-rowing: A randomized crossover trial verified by a repeated measurement trial. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, 833646.
Held, S., Speer, K., Rappelt, L., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2022). The effectiveness of traditional vs. velocity-based strength training on explosive and maximal strength performance: A network meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology, 13, 926972.
Kley, T., & Wicker, P. (2022). Interaktion und Kommunikation in Videokonferenzen in der universitären, präsenzlosen Lehre: Dozent*innen- und Student*innenperspektiven im Vergleich. Leipziger Sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 63(1), 133-151.
Labott, B. K., Held, S., Wiedenmann, T., Rappelt, L., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2022). Validity and Reliability of a Commercial Force Sensor for the Measurement of Upper Body Strength in Sport Climbing. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 838358.
Lesch, L., Kerwin, S., Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2022). Critical masses and gender diversity in voluntary sport leadership: The role of economic and social state-level factors. Sustainability, 4, 6208.
Lesch, L., Kerwin, S., & Wicker, P. (2022). State politics and gender diversity in sport governance. Economics of Governance, 23(3-4), 385-409.
Rappelt, L., Held, S., Leicht, M., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2022). Similar strength gains at lower perceived efforts via cluster set versus traditional home-based online training: A six weeks randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 968258.
Scharfenkamp, K., Wicker, P., Thormann, T. F., & Davies, L. E. (2022). Do women perceive a payoff from working without pay? A gender comparison of volunteering in European grassroots football. Sustainability, 14, 11907.
Thormann, T. F., Gehrmann, S., & Wicker, P. (2022). The wellbeing valuation approach: The monetary value of sport participation and volunteering for different wellbeing measures and estimators. Journal of Sports Economics, 23(8), 1096-1115.
Thormann, T. F., Wicker, P., & Braksiek, M. (2022). Stadium travel and well-being of football spectators. Sustainability, 14, 7278.
Wicker, P., Feiler, S., & Breuer, C. (2022). Board gender diversity, critical masses, and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs. European Sport Management Quarterly, 22(2), 251-271.
Wicker, P., & Kerwin, S. (2022). Women representation in the boardroom of Canadi-an sport governing bodies: Structural and financial characteristics of three organizational clusters. Managing Sport and Leisure, 27(5), 499-512.
Wicker, P., Orlowski, J., & Weimar, D. (2022). Referees’ card awarding behavior and performance evaluation in the Football Bundesliga: The role of players’ running distance and speed. International Journal of Sport Finance, 17(2), 62-72.
Wicker, P., & Thormann, T. F. (2022). Wellbeing of sport club members: The role of pro-environmental behavior in sport and clubs’ environmental quality. Sport Management Review, 25(4), 567-588.
Wicker, P., Weimar, D., & Orlowski, J. (2022). The ‘real’ birthday effect: Post-birthday running performance of Football Bundesliga players. Applied Economics Letters, 29(12), 1129-1133.

Braksiek, M., Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2021). Intentions of environmentally-friendly behavior among sport club members: An empirical test of the theory of planned behavior across genders and sports. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 657183.
Cunningham, G. B., Wicker, P., & Kutsko, K. (2021). Gendered racial stereotypes and coaching intercollegiate athletic teams: The representation of Black and Asian women coaches on U.S. women’s and men’s teams. Sex Roles, 84, 574-583.
Dransmann, M., Koddebusch, M., Gröben, B., & Wicker, P. (2021). Functional High-Intensity Interval Training Lowers Body Mass and Improves Coordination, Strength, Muscular Endurance, and Aerobic Endurance of Inmates in a German Prison. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 733774.
Galdino, M., Wicker, P., & Soebbing, B. P. (2021). Gambling with leadership succession in Brazilian football: Head coach turnovers and team performance. Sport, Business, and Management, 11(3), 245-264.
Kihl, L., Misener, K., Cuskelly, G., & Wicker, P. (2021). Tip of the iceberg? An international investigation of fraud in community sport. Sport Management Review, 24, 24-45.
Kley, T., & Wicker, P. (2021). Der Blick auf Employability im universitären Sportmanagementstudium aus Studierenden- und Dozierendenperspektive. Sciamus – Sport und Management, 2021(4), 1-25.
Kley, T., & Wicker, P. (2021). Kompetenzverständnis in sportwissenschaftlichen Sportmanagementstudiengängen aus Student*innensicht. Zeitschrift für Studium und Lehre in der Sportwissenschaft, 4(2), 36-46.
Loewen, C., & Wicker, P. (2021). Travelling to Bundesliga games: The carbon footprint of football fans. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 25(3), 253-272.
Meikis, L., Wicker, P., & Donath, L. (2021). Effects of Pilates training on physiological and psychological health parameters in healthy older adults and in older adults with clinical conditions over 55 years: a meta-analytical review. Frontiers in Neurology, 12, 724218.
Potwarka, L. R., & Wicker, P. (2021). Conditions under which trickle-down effects occur: A realist synthesis approach. Sustainability, 13, 69.
Soebbing, B. P., Wicker, P., Weimar, D. & Orlowski, J. (2021). How do bookmakers interpret running performance of teams in previous games? Evidence from the Football Bundesliga. Journal of Sports Economics, 22(3), 231-250.
Sperlich, B., & Wicker, P. (2021). Knowledge transfer into sport practice: An empirical user analysis of a sport science website. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(5), 753-761.
Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2021). Determinants of pro-environmental behavior among voluntary sport club members. German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research, 51, 29-38.
Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2021). The perceived corporate social responsibility of major sport organizations by the German public: An empirical analysis during the Covid-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 679772.
Thormann, T. F., & Wicker, P. (2021). Willingness-to-pay for environmental measures in non-profit sport clubs. Sustainability, 13, 2841.
Wendtlandt, M., & Wicker, P. (2021). The effects of sport activities and environmentally sustainable behaviors on subjective well-being: A comparison before and during COVID-19. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3, 659837.
Weimar, D., Soebbing, B. P., & Wicker, P. (2021). Dealing with statistical significance in Big Data: The social media value of game outcomes in professional football. Journal of Sport Management, 35(3), 266-277.
Wicker, P., & Orlowski, J. (2021). Coping with adversity: Physical activity as a moderator in adaption to bereavement. Journal of Public Health, 43(2), e196-e203.

Cunningham, G. B., Wicker, P. & McCullough, B. P. (2020). Pollution, health, and the moderating role of physical activity opportunities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17, 6272.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2020). The relationship between physical activity and out-of-pocket health care costs of the elderly in Europe. European Journal of Public Health, 30(4), 628-632.
Whitehead, J. C., & Wicker, P. (2020). The effects of training satisfaction and weather on revisiting sport events and their monetary value: The role of attribute non-attendance. Tourism Management Perspectives, 35, 100713.
Wicker, P. (2020). The impact of participation frequency and travel distances for different sport participation purposes on subjective well-being: The ‘unhappy commuter’ and the happy sport tourist? European Sport Management Quarterly, 20(3), 385-402.
Wicker, P., Dallmeyer, S., & Breuer, C. (2020). Elite athlete well-being: The role of socio-economic factors and comparisons with the resident population. Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), 341-353.
Wicker, P. & Downward, P. (2020). The causal effect of voluntary roles in sport on subjective well-being in European countries. Journal of Sport Management, 34(4), 303-315.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2020). NOlympia in Tyrol: Determinants of voting behaviour in the referendum for the 2026 Innsbruck-Tyrol Winter Games. International Journal of Sport Finance, 15(1), 3-15.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2020). Sustainable financing of elite athlete development: An empirical analysis of winter sports in Austria. Sustainability, 12, 9664.

Anderson, A., Dixon, M., Oshiro, K., Wicker, P., Cunningham, G., & Heere, B. (2019). Managerial perceptions of factors affecting the design and delivery of sport for health programs for refugee populations. Sport Management Review, 22, 80-95.
Feiler, S., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2019). Determinants of membership fee levels in non-profit sports clubs in Germany. International Journal of Sport Finance, 14, 262-277.
Feiler, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2019). Public subsidies for sports clubs in Germany: Funding regulations vs. empirical evidence. European Sport Management Quarterly, 19(5), 562-582.
Maxcy, J., Wicker, P., & Prinz, J. (2019). Happiness as a reward for torture: Is participation in a long distance triathlon a rational choice? Journal of Sports Economics, 20(2), 177-197.
Orlowski, J. & Wicker, P. (2019). Monetary valuation of non-market goods and services: A review of conceptual approaches and empirical applications in sports. European Sport Management Quarterly, 19(4), 456-480.
Swierzy, P., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2019). Usefulness of multi-level modeling in sport management research: The case of voluntary roles in non-profit sports clubs. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 23(4), 325-336.
Whitehead, J., & Wicker, P. (2019). Valuing nonmarket benefits of participatory sport events using willingness to travel: Payment card versus random selection with mitigation of hypothetical bias. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21, 180-186.
Wicker, P. (2019). The carbon footprint of active sport participants. Sport Management Review, 22, 513-526.
Wicker, P., Cunningham, G., & Fields, D. (2019). Head coach changes in women’s college soccer: An investigation of women coaches through the lenses of gender stereotypes and the glass cliff. Sex Roles, 81, 797-807.

Cunningham, G., Fairley, S., Ferkins, L., Kerwin, S., Lock, D., Shaw, S., & Wicker, P. (2018). eSport: Construct specifications and implications for sport management. Sport Management Review, 21(1), 1-6.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2018). The relationship between sport-related government spending and physical activity: The role of funding size, period, and consistency. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 56(4-5), 237-247.
Frick, B., & Wicker, P. (2018). The monetary value of having a first division Bundesliga team to local residents. Schmalenbach Business Review, 70(1), 63-103.
Orlowski, J., & Wicker, P. (2018). Putting a price tag on healthy behavior: the monetary value of sports participation to individuals. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 13, 479-499.
Orlowski, J., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2018). Labor migration among elite sport coaches: an exploratory study. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(3), 335-349.
Swierzy, P., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2018). The impact of organizational capacity on voluntary engagement in sports clubs: A multi-level analysis. Sport Management Review, 21(3), 307-320.
Swierzy, P., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2018). Willingness-to-pay for memberships in nonprofit sports clubs: The role of organizational capacity. International Journal of Sport Finance, 13(3), 261-278.
Whitehead, J., & Wicker, P. (2018). Estimating willingness to pay for a cycling event using a willingness to travel approach. Tourism Management, 65, 160-169.
Wicker, P. (2018). The carbon footprint of active sport tourists: an empirical analysis of skiers and boarders. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 22(2), 151-171.
Wicker, P., & Coates, D. (2018). Flame goes out: Determinants of individual support in the 2024 Hamburg Games referendum. Contemporary Economic Policy, 36(2), 302-317.
Wicker, P., Orlowski, J., & Breuer, C. (2018). Coach migration in German high performance sport. European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(1), 93-111.
Wicker, P., Swierzy, P., & Breuer, C. (2018). Willingness-to-volunteer versus willingness-to-pay in sport clubs: How organizational capacity affects individual decisions. European Journal for Sport and Society, 15(4), 332-351.

Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2017). How an aging society affects the economic costs of inactivity in Germany: Empirical evidence and projections. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 14(18), 1-9.
Dallmeyer, S., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2017). Public expenditure and sport participation: An examination of direct, spillover, and substitution effects. International Journal of Sport Finance, 12(3), 244-264.
Frick, B. & Wicker, P. (2017). The value of alpine skiing to the Austrian population: A CVM study of the 2017 World Championships. Managing Sport and Leisure, 22(6), 414-427.
Watanabe, N. M., Wicker, P., & Yan, G. (2017). Weather conditions, travel distance, rest, and running performance: The 2014 FIFA World Cup and implications for the future. Journal of Sport Management, 31(1), 27-43.
Weimar, D., & Wicker, P. (2017). Moneyball revisited: Effort and team performance in professional soccer. Journal of Sports Economics, 18(2), 140-161.
Wicker, P. (2017). Volunteerism and volunteer management in sport. Sport Management Review, 20(4), 325-337.
Wicker, P., & Downward, P. (2017). Exploring spillovers between government quality and individual health production through sport and physical activity. European Sport Management Quarterly, 17(2), 244-264.
Wicker, P., Downward, P. & Lera-López, F. (2017). Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(10), 1350-1359.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2017). Intensity of physical activity and subjective well-being: An empirical analysis of the WHO recommendations. Journal of Public Health, 39(2), e19-e26.
Wicker, P., Whitehead, J. C., Johnson, B. K. & Mason, D. S. (2017). The effect of sporting success and management failure on attendance demand in the Bundesliga: A revealed and stated preference travel cost approach. Applied Economics, 52, 5287-5295.
Wicker, P., Whitehead, J. C., Mason, D. S. & Johnson, B. K. (2017). Public support for hosting the Olympic Summer Games in Germany: The CVM approach. Urban Studies, 54(15), 3597-3614.

Frick, B. & Wicker, P. (2016). The trickle-down effect: how elite sporting success affects amateur participation in German football. Applied Economics Letters, 23(4), 259-263.
Frick, B. & Wicker, P. (2016). Football experts versus sports economists: whose forecasts are better? European Journal of Sport Science, 16(5), 603-608.
Lera-López, F., Wicker, P. & Downward, P. (2016). Does government spending help to promote healthy behavior in the population? Evidence from 27 European countries. Journal of Public Health, 38(2), e5-e12.
Orlowski, J. & Wicker, P. (2016). The monetary value of voluntary coaching: An output-based approach. International Journal of Sport Finance, 11(4), 310-326.
Orlowski, J., Wicker, P., & Breuer, C. (2016). Determinants of labour migration of elite sport coaches. European Journal of Sport Science, 16(6), 711-718.
Prinz, J. & Wicker, P. (2016). Diversity effects on team performance in the Tour de France. Team Performance Management, 22(1/2), 22-35.
Soebbing, B. P., Wicker, P. & Watanabe, N. M. (2016). The effect of performance expectations on total compensation of Division I-FBS head coaches. Journal of Sport Management, 30(1), 70-81.
Sotiriadou, P., Wicker, P. & Hill, B. (2016). The role of community sport venues, environmental factors and servicescape in attracting and retaining users. International Journal of Sport Management, 17(1), 62-83.
Wicker, P., Coates, D. & Breuer, C. (2016). Utilizing a short-term fitness program to address time constraints among fitness participants. International Journal of Sports Science, 6(3), 100-105.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2016). Recruitment and retention of referees in nonprofit sport organizations: The trickle-down effect of role models. Voluntas, 27(3), 1304-1322.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2016). Temporal reliability and survey timing in contingent valuation research. International Journal of Social Science & Economic Research, 1(10), 1503-1520.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2016). The inspirational effect of sporting achievements and potential role models in football: A gender-specific analysis. Managing Sport and Leisure, 21(5), 265-282.
Wicker, P., Orlowski, J. & Breuer, C. (2016). Human capital, formal qualifications and income of elite sport coaches. International Journal of Sport Finance, 11(3), 204-220.
Wicker, P., Whitehead, J. C., Johnson, B. K. & Mason, D. S. (2016). Willingness-to-pay for sporting success of Football Bundesliga teams. Contemporary Economic Policy, 34(3), 446-462.

Coates, D. & Wicker, P. (2015). Why were voters against the 2022 Munich Winter Olympics in a referendum? International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(3), 267-283.
Feiler, S., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2015). How to raise voluntary giving for nonprofit sports clubs: An analysis of factors influencing donations. Voluntas, 26, 1219-1239.
Filo, K., Cuskelly, G. & Wicker, P. (2015). ‘We were very sad to start with…’: Resource utilisation and power relations of community sport clubs in the aftermath of natural disasters. Sport Management Review, 18(4), 555-569.
Hallmann, K. & Wicker, P. (2015). Determinants of sport-related expenditure of golf players and differences between light and heavy spenders. Sport, Business and Management, 5(2), 121-138.
Nichols, G., Wicker, P., Cuskelly, C. & Breuer, C. (2015). Measuring the formalisation of community sports clubs: Findings from the UK, Germany and Australia. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7(2), 283-300.
Nowy, T., Wicker, P., Feiler, S. & Breuer, C. (2015). Organizational performance of non-profit and for-profit sport organizations. European Sport Management Quarterly, 15(2), 155-175.
Orlowski, J. & Wicker, P. (2015). The monetary value of social capital. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 57, 26-36.
Orlowski, J. & Wicker, P. (2015). The monetary value of voluntary work – conceptual and empirical comparisons. Voluntas, 26(6), 2671-2693.
Soebbing, B. P., Wicker, P. & Weimar, D. (2015). The impact of leadership changes on expectations of organizational performance. Journal of Sport Management, 29(5), 485-497.
von Hanau, T., Wicker, P. & Soebbing, B. P. (2015). Determinants of expected vs. actual match outcome: An examination of the German Bundesliga. Soccer and Society, 16(1), 63-75.
Watanabe, N. M., Wicker, P. & Reuter, J. C. (2015). Determinants of stoppage time awarded to teams in the English Premier League. International Journal of Sport Finance, 10(4), 310-327.
Weimar, D., Wicker, P. & Prinz, J. (2015). Membership in sport clubs: A dynamic panel analysis of external organizational factors. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(3), 417-436.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2015). How the economic and financial situation of the community affects sport clubs’ resources: Evidence from multi-level models. International Journal of Financial Studies, 3, 31-48.
Wicker, P., Coates, D. & Breuer, C. (2015). Physical activity and subjective well-being: The role of time. European Journal of Public Health, 25(5), 864-868.
Wicker, P., Coates, D. & Breuer, C. (2015). The effect of a four-week fitness program on satisfaction with health and life. International Journal of Public Health, 60(1), 41-47.
Wicker, P. & Frick, B. (2015). The relationship between intensity and duration of physical activity and subjective well-being. European Journal of Public Health, 25(5), 868-872.
Wicker, P., Kiefer, S. & Dilger, A. (2015). The value of sporting success to Germans: Comparing the 2012 UEFA Championships with the 2012 Olympics. Journal of Business Economics, 85(8), 897-919.
Wicker, P., Longley, N. & Breuer, C. (2015). Revenue volatility in German nonprofit sports clubs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(1), 5-24.
Wicker, P., Soebbing, B. P., Feiler, S. & Breuer, C. (2015). The effect of Porter’s generic strategies on organisational problems of non-profit sport clubs. European Journal for Sport and Society, 12(3), 281-307.

Coates, D., Wicker, P., Feiler, S. & Breuer, C. (2014). A bivariate probit examination of financial and volunteer problems of non-profit sport clubs. International Journal of Sport Finance, 9(3), 130-148.
Ruseski, J.E., Humphreys, B.R., Hallmann, K., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2014). Sport participation and subjective well-being: Instrumental variable results from German survey data. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(2), 396-403.
Sotiriadou, P. & Wicker, P. (2014). Examining the participation patterns of an ageing population with disabilities in Australia. Sport Management Review, 17(1), 35-48.
Sotiriadou, P., Wicker, P. & Quick, S. (2014). Attracting and retaining club members in times of changing societies: The case of cycling in Australia. Managing Leisure, 19(5), 345-358.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2014). Examining the financial condition of sport governing bodies: The effects of revenue diversification and organizational success factors. Voluntas, 25(4), 929-948.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2014). Exploring the organizational capacity and organizational problems of disability sport clubs in Germany using matched pairs analysis. Sport Management Review, 17(1), 23-34.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C., Lamprecht, M. & Fischer, A. (2014). Does club size matter? An examination of economies of scale, economies of scope, and organizational problems. Journal of Sport Management, 28(3), 266-280.

Hallmann, K., Wicker, P., Breuer, C., Rumpf, C. & Bode, M. (2013). Assessing customer segments and drivers of involvement among ice hockey attendees. International Journal of Sport Management, 14(1), 61-80.
Sotiriadou, P. & Wicker, P. (2013). Community sports clubs’ responses to institutional and resource dependence pressures for government grants. Annals of Leisure Research, 16(4), 297-314.
Vos, S., Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Scheerder, J. (2013). Sports policy systems in regulated Rhineland welfare states: Similarities and differences in financial structures of sports clubs? International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 5(1), 55-71.
Watanabe, N.M., Soebbing, P.B. & Wicker, P. (2013). Examining the impact of the StubHub agreement on price dispersion in Major League Baseball. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 22(3), 129-137.
Wicker, P. & Becken, S. (2013). Conscientious vs. ambivalent consumers: Do concerns about climate change and energy availability influence consumer behaviour? Ecological Economics, 88, 41-48.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2013). Exploring the critical determinants of organisational problems using Data Mining techniques: Evidence from non-profit sports clubs in Germany. Managing Leisure, 18(2), 118-134.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2013). Understanding the importance of organizational resources to explain organizational problems: Evidence from non-profit sport clubs in Germany. Voluntas, 24(2), 461-484.
Wicker, P., Feiler, S. & Breuer, C. (2013). Organizational mission and revenue diversification among non-profit sports clubs. International Journal of Financial Studies, 1(4), 119-136.
Wicker, P., Filo, K. & Cuskelly, G. (2013). Organizational resilience of community sport clubs impacted by natural disasters. Journal of Sport Management, 27(6), 510-525.
Wicker, P. & Hallmann, K. (2013). A multi-level framework for investigating the engagement of sport volunteers. European Sport Management Quarterly, 13(1), 110-139.
Wicker, P. & Hallmann, H. (2013). Estimating consumer's willingness-to-pay for participation in and travelling to marathon events. Event Management, 17(3), 271-282.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K. & Breuer, C. (2013). Analyzing the impact of sport infrastructure on sport participation using geo-coded data: Evidence from multi-level models. Sport Management Review, 16(1), 54-67.
Wicker, P., Prinz, J. & Weimar, D. (2013). Big spenders in a booming sport: Consumption capital as a key driver of triathletes’ sport-related expenditure. Managing Leisure, 18(4), 286-299.
Wicker, P., Prinz, J., Weimar, D., Deutscher, C. & Upmann, T. (2013). No pain, no gain? Effort and productivity in professional soccer. International Journal of Sport Finance, 8(2), 124-139.
Wicker, P. & Sotiriadou, P. (2013). The trickle-down effect: What population segments benefit from hosting major sport events? International Journal of Event Management Research, 8(2), 25-41.
Wicker, P., Vos, S., Scheerder, J. & Breuer, C. (2013). The link between resource problems and interorganisational relationships: A quantitative study of Western European sport clubs. Managing Leisure, 18(1), 31-45.

Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & von Hanau, T. (2012). Consequences of the decrease in volunteers among German sports clubs: Is there a substitute for voluntary work? International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 4(2), 173-186.
Hallmann, K. & Wicker, P. (2012). Consumer profiles of runners at marathon races. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(2), 171-187.
Hallmann, K., Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Schönherr, L. (2012). Understanding the importance of sport infrastructure for participation in different sports – Findings from multi-level modeling. European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(5), 525-544.
Prinz, J., & Wicker, P. (2012). Team and individual performance in the Tour de France. Team Performance Management, 18(7), 418-432.
Reiser, M., Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2012). The sponsorship effect: Do sponsorship announcements impact the firm value of sponsoring firms? International Journal of Sport Finance, 7(3), 232-248.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Hennigs, B. (2012). Understanding the interactions among revenue categories using elasticity measures – Evidence from a longitudinal sample of non-profit sport clubs in Germany. Sport Management Review, 15(3), 318-329.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & von Hanau, T. (2012). Gender effects on organizational problems – evidence from non-profit sports clubs in Germany. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 66(1), 105-116.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & von Hanau, T. (2012). Is it profitable to represent the country? Evidence on the sport-related income of funded top-level athletes in Germany. Managing Leisure, 17(2-3), 220-238.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & von Hanau, T. (2012). Understanding the income determinants of German elite athletes in non-professionalised sports. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 11(1/2), 26-43.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K. & Breuer, C. (2012). Micro and macro level determinants of sport participation. Sport, Business and Management: an International Journal, 2(1), 51-68.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K., Breuer, C. & Feiler, S. (2012). The value of Olympic success and the intangible effects of sport events – A contingent valuation approach in Germany. European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(4), 337-355.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K., Prinz, J. & Weimar, D. (2012). Who takes part in triathlon? An application of lifestyle segmentation to triathlon participants. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 12(1/2), 1-24.
Wicker, P., Hallmann, K. & Zhang, J. (2012). What is influencing consumer expenditure and intention to revisit? An investigation of marathon events. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 17(3), 165-182.
Wicker, P., Prinz, J. & von Hanau, T. (2012). Estimating the value of national sporting success. Sport Management Review, 15(2), 200-210.
Wicker, P. & Soebbing, B. P. (2012). Examining participation in sports betting in Germany. Journal of Gambling Business and Economics, 6(3), 17-33.
Wicker, P., Weingärtner, C., Breuer, C. & Dietl, H. (2012). The effect of a sport institution’s legal structure on sponsorship income: The case of amateur equestrian sports in Germany. International Journal of Sport Finance, 7(4), 340-357.

Breuer, C., Hallmann, K. & Wicker, P. (2011). Determinants of sport participation in different sports. Managing Leisure, 16(4), 269-286.
Hallmann, K., Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Schüttoff, U. (2011). Interdependency of sport supply and sport demand in German metropolitan and medium-sized municipalities – findings from multi-level analyses. European Journal for Sport and Society, 8(1/2), 65-84.
Prinz, J., Wicker, P. & Strahler, F. (2011). Zeitschriften- und zitationsbasierte Analyse sportökonomischer Forschung – Ein Vergleich von wirtschafts- und sport¬wissen¬schaftlichen Lehrstühlen. Hochschulmanagement, 6(3), 84-89.
Stahl, S., Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2011). Strukturelle und kontextuelle Spezifika von selbstorganisierten Migrantensportvereinen. Sport und Gesellschaft, 8(3), 220-254.
Wicker, P. (2011). Willingness-to-pay in non-profit sports clubs. International Journal of Sport Finance, 6(2), 155-169.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2011). Scarcity of resources in German non-profit sport clubs. Sport Management Review, 14, 188-201.

Breuer, C., Hallmann, K., Wicker, P. & Feiler, S. (2010). Socio-economic patterns of sport demand and ageing. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 7(2), 61-70.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). Les associations sportives en Allemagne: entre subvention et imposition. JuriSport Revue Économique & Juridique du Sport, 97, 38-41.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2010). Analysis of problems using Data Mining techniques – Findings from sport clubs Germany. European Journal for Sport and Society, 7(2), 131-140.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Pawlowski, T. (2010). Are sports club members big spenders? Findings from sport specific analyses in Germany. Sport Management Review, 13, 214-224.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Decreasing sports activity with increasing age? Findings from a 20-year longitudinal and cohort sequence analysis. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80(1), 22-31.
Hovemann, G. & Wicker, P. (2009). Determinants of sport participation in the European Union. European Journal for Sport and Society, 6(1), 51-59.
Pawlowski, T., Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Poupaux, S. (2009). Travel time spending behavior in recreational sports: An econometric approach. European Sport Management Quarterly, 9(3), 215-242.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Pawlowski, T. (2009). Promoting sport for all to age-specific target groups – The impact of sport infrastructure. European Sport Management Quarterly, 9(2), 103-118.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2008). Demographic and economic factors concerning the inclusion in the German sport system – A micro-analysis of the years 1985 to 2005. European Journal for Sport and Society, 5(1), 33-42.


Breuer, C., Wicker, P., Dallmeyer, S. & Ilgner, M. (2018). Die Lebenssituation von Spitzensportlern und Spitzensportlerinnen in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Hausdruckerei des Statistischen Bundesamtes. (ISBN 978-3-96523-002-6)
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Orlowski, J. (2017). Bundes- und mischfinanzierte Trainer im deutschen Spitzensport – Standortbedingungen und Migrationsanalyse. Hellenthal: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-3-86884-540-2)
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Swierzy, P. (2016). Angemessene Mitgliedschaftsbeiträge in den Fußball- und Leichtathletikvereinen des WFLV. Duisburg: WDFV (ISBN: 978-3-00-054724-9)
Kleinert, J., Belz, J., Zepp, C., Glöckler, K., Breuer, C., Quilling, E. & Wicker, P. (2016). Aus der Arztpraxis in den Sportverein? Herausforderung an eine ärztliche Präventionsempfehlung zur Veränderung des Bewegungsverhaltens. Köln: Hundt Druck. (ISBN: 978-3-922386-02-5)
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Orlowski, J. (2014). Zum Wert des Sports – Eine ökonomische Betrachtung. Heidelberg: Springer.
Wicker, P. (2014). Organizational capacity and organizational problems of non-profit sport clubs. Habilitation. Köln: Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Rapport sur l’Évolution Sportive 2009/2010. Analyse de la situation des associations sportives en Allemagne. Version abrégée. Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-86884-3-459-7)
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland. Kurzfassung. Köln: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-3-86884-457-3)
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Sports Development Report 2009/2010. Analysis of the situation of sports clubs in Germany. Abbreviated Version. Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-86884-3-458-0)
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Die Situation der Sportarten in Deutschland – Eine Analyse der Sportvereine auf Basis der Sportentwicklungsberichte. Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-3-86884-460-3)
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). Sportökonomische Analyse der Lebenssituation von Spitzensportlern in Deutschland. Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß. (ISBN: 978-3-86884-477-1)
Wicker, P. (2009). Perspektiven und Grenzen der Beitragsfinanzierung von Sportvereinen – Eine Analyse zur Theorie und Empirie der Beitragselastizität im Sportverein. Dissertation. Cologne: German Sport University Cologne.
Wicker, P. (2009). Price elasticity in sport clubs. Measurement and empirical findings. Saarbrücken: SVH. (ISBN: 978-3-8381-0965-7)

Beiträge in Sammelbänden
Wicker, P. & Thormann, T. F. (2024). Environmental impacts of major sport events. In H.A. Solberg, R. K. Storm, & K. Swart (Eds.), Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events (pp. 373-385). Edgar Elgar.
Dransmann, M., Meier, C., Gröben, B. & Wicker, P. (2023). „Fußball ist schon was Verbindendes“ – Soziale Interaktion und Kommunikation im und durch Fußball in einer offenen deutschen Justizvollzugsanstalt. In S. Greve, J. Süßenbach & S. Schiemann (Eds.), Diversität im Sportspiel (S. 144-156). Czwalina.
Frick, B., Haase, P., Scharfenkamp, K., Simmons, R., & Wicker, P. (2023). The (surprising) gender earnings gap in winter sports: The impact of pool size on the returns to per-formance. In P. Rodriguez, M. Taks, & R. Koning (Eds.), Essays on Sports Economics (pp. 113-128). Gijon: Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo.
Scharfenkamp, K., Braksiek, M., & Wicker, P. (2023). Quantitative Methods in the Social Sport Sciences: Methodological Foundations and Empirical Applications. In V. Gir-ginov & J. Skinner (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Sport Studies (n.p.). Routledge.
Galdino, M., Gehrmann, S., & Wicker, P. (2022). Volunteering in children’s sport: From motivation to child protection. In M. Toms & R. Jeanes (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of coaching children in sport (pp. 405-411). Routledge.
Wicker, P. (2022). Volunteers: Systems, capacity, costs and models. In D. Shilbury (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Sport Management (pp. 183-198). Edgar Elgar.
Wicker, P., & Thormann, T. F. (2022). Measuring Sustainable Development Goal 13. In B. P. McCullough, T. Kellison, & E. N. Melton (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sport and Sustainable Development (pp. 328-335). Routledge.
Downward, P., Wicker, P., & Rasciute, S. (2021). Exploring the role of sport as physical ac-tivity for health promotion in Europe. In R. Koning & S. Késenne (Eds.), A modern guide to sports economics (pp. 241-257). Edward Elgar.
Wicker, P. & Thormann, T.F. (2021). Interessenvertretung von Spielern und Trainern. In L. Thieme & T. Wojciechowski (Hrsg.), Sportverbände – Stand und Perspektiven der Forschung (S. 187-200). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Sotiriadou, P., & Wicker, P. (2020). Athlete protection and duty of care. In E. Sherry & K. Rowe (Eds.), Developing sport for women and girls (pp. 197-208). London: Routledge.
Wicker, P. (2020). Vorbilder für den Kinder- und Jugendsport. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Vierter Kinder- und Jugendsportbericht für Deutschland (S. 327-348). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Orlowski, J., & Wicker, P. (2019). Willingness to pay in sports. In P. Downward, B. R. Humphreys, B. Frick, T. Pawlowski, J. E. Ruseski & B. P. Soebbing (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics (pp. 415-427). London: Sage.
Wicker, P. (2019). Public expenditure on women’s sport and gender equality among recipients of public expenditure in European sport. In N. Lough & A. N. Geurin (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of the business of women’s sport (pp. 204-216). London: Routledge.
Wicker, P. (2019). Volunteering in sports clubs and its impacts. In P. Downward, B. R. Humphreys, B. Frick, T. Pawlowski, J. E. Ruseski & B. P. Soebbing (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics (pp. 92-101). London: Sage.
Wicker, P., & Downward, P. (2019). Positive and negative externalities of sport events: From well-being, pride, and social capital to traffic and crime. In P. Downward, B. R. Humphreys, B. Frick, T. Pawlowski, J. E. Ruseski & B. P. Soebbing (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Sports Economics (pp. 428-438). London: Sage.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Orlowski, J. (2018). Bundes- und mischfinanzierte Trainerinnen und Trainer im Spitzensport: Standortbedingungen und Migrationsanalyse. In BISp (Hrsg.), BISp-Jahrbuch: Forschungsförderung 2016/17 (S. 247-250). Hellenthal: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Hallmann, K. & Wicker, P. (2017). Pathologien des Spitzensports. In K.-H. Bette & F. Kühnle (Hrsg.), Die dunkle Seite des Sports (S. 9-25). Aachen: Shaker.
Orlowski, J., Herter, M. & Wicker, P. (2017). The commodification and commercialization of elite athletes. In U. Wagner, R. K. Storm, & K. Nielsen (Eds.), When sport meets business – capabilities, challenges, critiques (pp. 43-56). London: Sage.
Wicker, P. (2017). Finanzierung von Sportvereinen. In L. Thieme (Hrsg.), Der Sportverein – Versuch einer Bilanz (S. 335-353). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Wicker, P. (2017). Ressourcentheorie. In L. Thieme (Hrsg.), Der Sportverein – Versuch einer Bilanz (S. 71-86). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Coates, D. & Wicker, P. (2016). Financial management. In R. Hoye & M. M. Parent (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Sport Management (pp. 117-137). London: Sage.
Watanabe, N. M., Yan, G. & Wicker, P. (2016). Fantasy sports across the pond. In N. D. Bowman, J. S. W. Spinda, & J. Sanderson (Eds.), Fantasy sports and the changing sports media industry (pp. 41-60). London: Lexington Books.
Wicker, P. & Breuer, C. (2016). Effekte von Zuschauersport. In C. Deutscher, G. Hovemann, T. Pawlowski & L. Thieme (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sportökonomik (S. 67-81). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Wicker, P., Watanabe, N. M. & Yan, G. (2016). Fantasy sport and World Cup viewership. In N. D. Bowman, J. S. W. Spinda, & J. Sanderson (Eds.), Fantasy sports and the changing sports media industry (pp. 217-234). London: Lexington Books.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2015). Sport clubs in Germany. In C. Breuer, R. Hoekman, S. Nagel, & H. van der Werff (Eds.), Sport clubs in Europe (pp. 187-208). Heidelberg: Springer.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2015). Sportvereine. In W. Schmidt, N. Neuber, T. Rauschenbach, H.-P. Brandl-Bredenbeck, J. Süßenbach & C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Dritter Deutscher Kinder- und Jugendsportbericht. Kinder und Jugendsport im Umbruch (S. 104-117). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2015). Arguments and evidence of bridging elite performance and mass participation sports from an economic perspective. In R. Bailey & M. Talbot (Eds.), Elite Sport and Sport-for-All: Bridging the two cultures? (pp. 30-40). London: Routledge.
Nagel, S., Schlesinger, T., Wicker, P., Lucassen, J., Hoekman, R., van der Werff, H. & Breuer, C. (2015). Theoretical framework. In C. Breuer, R. Hoekman, S. Nagel, & H. van der Werff (Eds.), Sport clubs in Europe (pp. 7-27). Heidelberg: Springer.
Wicker, P. (2015). Mehr Sport als Medizin gegen steigende Gesundheitskosten? In W. Höfling, J. Horst & M. Nolte (Hrsg.), Sport und Gesundheit (S. 21-34). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Orlowski, J. (2014). Sport und Wirtschaftspolitik. In C. Siegel & D. Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), DOSB-Schriftenreihe – Band 2: Sport gestaltet Gesellschaft (S. 151-161). Hamburg: Feldhaus.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Feiler, S. (2014). Empirische Analysen zur Entwicklung der Strukturen in Sportvereinen. In A. Rütten, S. Nagel & R. Kähler (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sportentwicklungsplanung (S. 225-233). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Breuer, C., Hallmann, K. & Wicker, P. (2014). Angebotsinduzierte Sportnachfrage. In A. Rütten, S. Nagel & R. Kähler (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sportentwicklungsplanung (S. 217-224). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Becken, S. & Wicker, P. (2013). A framework for analysing the role of environmental constraints to sport participation [online]. In J. Fountain & K. Moore (Eds.), CAUTHE 2013: Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big (pp. 20-31). Christchurch, NZ: Lincoln University.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S., Fischer, A., Lamprecht, M., Stamm, H.P. & Wicker, P. (2013). Deutsche und Schweizer Sportvereine im Vergleich. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportverbände, Sportvereine und ausgewählte Sportarten - Weiterführende Analysen der Sportentwicklungsberichte (S. 318-327). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2013). Schulpolitische Veränderungen und Sportvereinsentwicklung. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2011/2012. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 98-115). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2013). Situation und Entwicklung des ehrenamtlichen Engagements in Sportvereinen. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2011/2012. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 116-150). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2013). Sportstättensituation deutscher Sportvereine. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2011/2012. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 151-178). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Feiler, S. & Wicker, P. (2013). Strategien und ihre Bedeutung. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2011/2012. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 179-219). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Feiler, S. (2013). Entwicklung der Sportvereine in Deutschland von 2005 bis 2011. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportverbände, Sportvereine und ausgewählte Sportarten - Weiterführende Analysen der Sportentwicklungsberichte (S. 310-317). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Cuskelly, G., Wicker, P. & O’Brien, W. (2013). Australia. In K. Hallmann & K. Petry (Eds.), Comparative Sport Development – Systems, Participation and Public Policy (pp. 225-236). Heidelberg: Springer.
Breuer, C., Hallmann, K., Wicker, P. & Feiler, S. (2011). Financing of sport facilities in Germany. In P. Chaix (Éd.), Les grands stades. Au cœur des enjeux économiques et sociaux entre collectivités publiques et clubs professionnels (p. 135-152). Paris: L’Harmattan.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Bildung und Qualifizierung von Mitarbeitern. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 37-56). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Finanzierungsstrukturen von Sportvereinen. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 79-90). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Kommune und Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 57-78). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Schule und Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 120-133). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Situation und Entwicklung des freiwilligen Engagements und Ehrenamts in Sportvereinen. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 91-111). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Sportvereine in Deutschland – ein Überblick. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 15-36). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Vereinstypen. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sport¬entwicklungs¬bericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 134-151). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Zusammenfassung. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sport¬entwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 9-12). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Forst, M. (2011). Entwicklungslinien der Sportvereine – Ergebnisse der Sportentwicklungsberichte. In C. Siegel & D. Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), Sport im Verein – ein Handbuch (Schriftenreihe Sportentwicklung des DOSB, Bd. 1, S. 11-21). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Forst, M. (2011). Integrationsspezifische Organisations¬leistungen und –herausforderungen der deutschen Sportvereine. In S. Braun & T. Nobis (Hrsg.), Migration, Integration und Sport – Zivilgesellschaft vor Ort (S. 45-61). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissen¬schaften.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Forst, M. (2011). Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010 (3. Welle). In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hrsg.), BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2010/2011 (S. 219-223). Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Stahl, S. (2011). Migrantensportvereine. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2009/2010. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 112-119). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Pawlowski, T., Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2011). Travel time elasticities in recreational sports: Empirical findings for the professionalization in sport facility management. In H. Dolles & S. Söderman (Eds.), Sport as a Business. International, professional and commercial aspects (pp. 53-71). Houndsmilles, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Breuer, C., Hallmann, K., Meier, R. & Wicker, P. (2010). Kommunaler Sport. In A. Woll, F. Mess & H. Haag (Hrsg.), Handbuch Evaluation im Sport (S. 144-154). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). Gesundheitssport als riskanter Markt? Zu den finanziellen Konsequenzen des Gesundheitssportangebots deutscher Sportvereine. In R. Kähler (Hrsg.), Ökonomische Perspektiven von Sport und Gesundheit (Reihe Sportökonomie, Band 11; S. 35-49). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第1章スポーツクラブのデータマイニング分析. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu, (Eds.), ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 25-56). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第2章健康増進の機会を提供するスポーツクラブ. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.),ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 57-72). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第3章競技力向上とスポーツクラブ. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.), ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 73-93). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第4章スポーツクラブにおけるドーピング防止活動. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.),ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 96-103). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第5章スポーツクラブに対する公的助成. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.),ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 105-126). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第6章スポーツクラブへの女性や少女の積極的参与. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.),ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 127-141). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第7章開かれた全日制学校とスポーツクラブ. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.),ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 143-156). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). 第8章スポーツクラブにおける移民の社会的統合. In C. Breuer, & M. Kurosu (Eds.), ドイツに学ぶスポーツクラブの発展と社会公益性 (pp. 157-169). 創文企画.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2010). Sozialberichterstattung des deutschen Sports II (Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008). In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Hrsg.), BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2009/2010 (S. 259-263). Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Forst (2010). Integration in deutschen Sportvereinen - Leistungen und Herausforderungen der Freiwilligenorganisationen im Sport. In M. Dartan, H. Lichtenberg & A. Elis (Hrsg.), Deutsch-Türkische Verhältnisse im europäischen Kontext (S. 335-362). Istanbul: Punto Verlag.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Pawlowski, T. (2010). Der Wirtschafts- und Wachstums¬markt Sport. In G. Nufer & A. Bühler (Hrsg.), Management im Sport (2., neu bearb. und erw. Aufl.; S. 27-52). Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
Wicker, P. (2010). Beitragselastizitäten in gesundheitsorientierten Vereins¬sportarten. In R. Kähler & S. Schröder (Hrsg.), Ökonomische Perspektiven von Sport und Gesundheit (Reihe Sportökonomie, Band 11; S. 99-109). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Breuer, C., Forst, M. & Wicker, P. (2009). Forschungsstand. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 667-709). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Pawlowski, T. & Wicker, P. (2009). Ökonomische Potenziale in der Sportentwicklung. In E. Balz & D. Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklung – Grundlagen und Facetten (Reihe Sportentwicklungen in Deutschland, S. 89-106). Aachen: Meyer & Meyer.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Die Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland – ein Überblick. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 26-48). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Dopingprävention im Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 132-144). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Gesundheitssport im Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008 für Deutschland. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 49-76). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Integration von Migrantinnen und Migranten im Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 77-107). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Kurzfassung. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 9-23). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Leistungs- und Hochleistungssport im Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 108-131). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Les associations sportives en Allemagne. En C. Breuer (Éd.), Rapport sur l’Évolution Sportive 2007/2008. Analyse de la situation des associations sportives en Allemagne. Version abrégée (p. 5-52). Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Mädchen und Frauen im Sportverein. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 170-192). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Öffentliche Förderung des Vereinssports. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 145-169). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Sports clubs in Germany. In C. Breuer (Ed.), Sport Development Report 2007/2008. Analysis of the sports clubs‘ situation in Germany. Abbreviated Version (p. 5-50). Cologne: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2009). Sportvereine in Deutschland. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2007/2008. Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland. Kurzfassung (S. 5-50). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Pawlowski, T. (2009). Die Nachfrage nach Hochschulsport in einer sich ändernden Umwelt. In A. Göhring (Hrsg.), Quo vadis? Im Wandel von Hochschule und Gesellschaft (Reihe Hochschulsport: Bildung und Wissenschaft, Band 2; S. 5-20). Göttingen: Universitätsverlag.
Wicker, P. (2009). Sportausgaben von Vereinssportlern – ein Sportartenvergleich mit Managementimplikationen. In H.-D. Horch, C. Breuer, G. Hovemann, S. Kaiser & S. Walzel (Hrsg.), Sport. Medien und Kommunikation (Beiträge des 6. Deutschen Sportökonomie-Kongresses, S. 263-274). Köln: Institut für Sportökonomie und Sportmanagement.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Pawlowski, T. (2008). Der Wirtschafts- und Wachstumsmarkt Sport. In G. Nufer & A. Bühler (Hrsg.), Management und Marketing im Sport (S. 23-47). Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag.
Breuer, C., Wicker, P. & Pawlowski, T. (2008). Soziale Integration im und durch Sport. In K. Weis & R. Gugutzer (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sportsoziologie (S. 298-306). Schorndorf: Hofmann.
Wicker, P., Breuer, C. & Ebbert, S. (2008). Steuerung der Beitragspolitik im Sportverein. In S. Braun & S. Hansen (Hrsg.), Steuerung im organisierten Sport (S. 207-216). Hamburg: Czwalina.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2007). Kinder- und Jugendsport in Sportvereinen. In C. Breuer (Hrsg.), Sportentwicklungsbericht 2005/2006 – Analyse zur Situation der Sportvereine in Deutschland (S. 286-313). Köln: Sportverlag Strauß.
Breuer, C. & Wicker, P. (2007). Körperliche Aktivität über die Lebensspanne. In R. Fuchs, W. Göhner & H. Seelig (Hrsg.), Aufbau eines körperlich-aktiven Lebensstils: Theorie, Empirie und Praxis (S. 89-107). Göttingen: Hogrefe.