This seminar directs attention to two regions that are prone to irregularised maritime migration: the Andaman Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. By engaging with contemporary mass movements and the recent (non-)reception policies emanating from potential receiving countries, students will discuss militarised border policies, depoliticisation and repoliticisation of escapes by boats, humani-tarianisation of border management, maritime deterrence and left-to-die policies, the criminalisa-tion of sea rescue, and the role of non-state actors. The overarching questions to be tackled throughout the semester are: what are the differences in maritime migration and state policies vis-à-vis ‘boat people’ compared to movements on land and what are the prospects of using the spe-cifics of maritime spaces and legal frameworks to deter maritime arrivals?
Andersson, Ruben (2012) A Game of Risk: Boat migration and the business of bordering Europe, Anthropology Today, 28(6):7–11.
Basaran, Tugba (2015) The saved and the drowned: Governing indifference in the name of securi-ty, Security Dialogue 46(3):205–20.
Cuttitta, Paolo (2018) Repoliticization Through Search and Rescue? Humanitarian NGOs and Migra-tion Management in the Central Mediterranean, Geopolitics, 23(3):632-660.
Fair, Christine (2018) Rohingya: Victims of a Great Game East, Washington Quarterly, 41(3):63–85.
Hathaway, James (1992) The Emerging Politics of Non-Entrée, Refugees 91: 40–41.
Mann, Itamar & Julia Mourão Permoser (2022) Floating sanctuaries: The ethics of search and rescue at sea, Migration Studies,
Moreno-Lax, Violeta; Daniel Ghezelbash & Natalie Klein (2019) “Between Life, Security and Rights: Framing the Interdiction of ‘Boat Migrants’ in the Central Mediterranean and Australia”, Leiden Journal of International Law, 32(4):715-740.
Newland, Kathleen (2016). All at Sea: The Policy Challenges of Rescue, Interception, and Long-Term Response to Maritime Migration, Washington: Migration Policy Institute.
Stierl, Maurice (2021) The Mediterranean as a Carceral Seascape, Political Geography, 88:102–17.
Tazzioli, Martina. 2018. Crimes of solidarity: migration and containment through rescue. Radical Philosophy, 2(1): 4–10.
Walters, William (2015) Migration, vehicles, and politics: Three theses on viapolitics, European Journal of Social Theory, 18(4):469–488.
Walters, William, Charles Heller & Lorenzo Pezzani (2022) Viapolitics: Borders, migration, and the power of locomotion, Durham: Duke University Press.
Frequency | Weekday | Time | Format / Place | Period |
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