300662 The Humanitarians: Strategizing, Utopian Thinking, and Limitations of Humanitarian Action (MA: Soziologie der globalen Welt) (S) (SoSe 2024)

Contents, comment

Based on the sociological method of close ethnographies of global institutions (Hirschauer, Amann 1997), this course offers a thorough view on the inner-life and rationales of decision-making of humanitarian and human rights organizations. The course thus offers insights into the strategies and pitfalls of international organizations and their humanitarian action and intervention. The sociology of international organizations “inside out” constitutes a new field in sociology, anthropology, international relations, and human geography. These exemplary studies by leading professionals in the field allow the students to understand the “inner life” and internal dynamics of international organizations and think tanks, illustrating their utopian thinking and practical limitations. The course thus offers an original approach to the understanding of humanitarian action.

Organizations covered include the World Bank, the UNHCR, Amnesty International and the French Doctors without Borders, and the International Court of Justice and looks at the factors, governance, courts, civil society, community, media, etc. that impinge upon decision-making. Students at the University of Bielefeld may use the insights gained in the course to establish a contact to international organizations of their choice.

Requirements for participation, required level

- Understand how and why humanitarianism and humanitarian action have become major areas of ethnographic and anthropological research in peace studies
- Understand the structures that limit the scope of humanitarian action in a specific context
- Understand how the organizations relate to the everyday struggle of ordinary people
- Distinguish between and critically analyse a wide variety of theoretical approaches to humanitarian action in the social sciences
- Relate specific historical and ethnographic case studies of humanitarian action to current debates on decision-making.
- Draw on the course readings and class discussions to engage in key debates about contemporary humanitarianism
- Write critically and creatively about humanitarian action from an informed perspective
- Demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate evidence from specific case studies and use such material in building coherent arguments in essay writing and seminar presentations
- Critically examine and inspect the political and ethical dimensions of research on humanitarian action in post-colonial fashion.
- Critically reflect our own position in the post-colonial world, increasingly characterized by displacement and forced migration
- Willingness to engage with local communities and contribute to efforts of humanitarian aid, partnerships based on equality and conflict transformation for a better world.


Niezen, Ronald and Maria Sapignoli 2017 (eds.): Palaces of Hope. The Anthropology of Global Organizations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Subject assignments

Module Course Requirements  
29-WS-GSG Globale Ordnungen und Governance Forschungsseminar Study requirement
Graded examination
Student information
30-M-Soz-M8a Soziologie der globalen Welt a Seminar 1 Study requirement
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Seminar 2 Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information
30-M-Soz-M8b Soziologie der globalen Welt b Seminar 1 Study requirement
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Seminar 2 Study requirement
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- Graded examination Student information
30-M-Soz-M8c Soziologie der globalen Welt c Seminar 1 Study requirement
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Seminar 2 Study requirement
Student information
- Graded examination Student information

The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.

- Students should regularly attend, participate actively in the discussions, attend to the readings (PDF to be provided by the instructor), to give a presentation from the course literature (in small groups), to be willing to participate in practical exercises and tutorials, and to prepare a concise essay to be uploaded on the virtual platform. The instructor will provide precise guidelines for course presentation, and for the organization and structure of the essay. The grade will be based on the quality of participation, oral presentation, and the completed essay

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Registered number: 12
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If the reference number is used for several courses in the course of the semester, use the following alternative address to reach the participants of exactly this: VST_446678644@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de
12 Students to be reached directly via email
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Number of entries 13
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Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Wednesday, November 15, 2023 
Last update times:
Thursday, April 4, 2024 
Last update rooms:
Thursday, April 4, 2024 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
S / 2
This lecture is taught in english
Faculty of Sociology
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