230714 Englisch: Connect! English Culture Tandem, Conversation and Discussion, B1 and higher (Teil 2) (S) (SoSe 2024)

Contents, comment

Takes place from April 8 to May 26!

-- Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Kurs nur online verfügbar sein wird. Alle Lehrveranstaltungen werden mit Zoom und Lernrnraum+ durchgeführt./Please note that this course will be online only. All lessons will be given using Zoom and Lernrnraum plus. Space in the computer lab will be provided if you need a spot on campus. --

Join this class and connect in English with each other and with students abroad.

This course is intended for students who are interested in improving their English fluency while having a fun and a unique cultural experience.

The class centers around conversations with a tandem partner (or partners) learning German in New York at Cornell University .(Please note that participants should have a minimum of a B2 proficiency in German.) Since you will be assigned a partner or partners in New York, class attendance and participation is essential. In addition to participating regularly in class activities, students will be working with their tandem partner on small projects that will be presented regarding the themes of culture and technology.

There will be subthemes assigned every week to spark conversation followed by a small homework assignments related to next week's class (article, video or brief research that has to do with the topics). Additionally, students are always encouraged to bring in issues from international, national and local news to drive conversation.

Teaching staff

Dates ( Calendar view )

Frequency Weekday Time Format / Place Period  

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Subject assignments

Module Course Requirements  
23-ANG-IntH_a Internationalisierung at home - Ungraded examination Student information
23-FSZ-M20_a Spracherwerb: Spezifische Fertigkeiten bzw. Spezialisierung in den Fremdsprachen Spracherwerb: Spezifische Fertigkeiten bzw. Spezialisierung in den Fremdsprachen 1. Teil Ungraded examination
Student information
Spracherwerb: Spezifische Fertigkeiten bzw. Spezialisierung in der Fremdsprache 2. Teil Ungraded examination
Student information

The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.

Degree programme/academic programme Validity Variant Subdivision Status Semester LP  
Fachsprachenzentrumskurse ENG   2.5 unbenotet  

To earn the 2.5 credits, students must:
- participate regularly in the skype sessions with their partner
- complete a portfolio of journal writing assignments including a final reflection with your partner(s)
- final presentation on a topic chosen from one of our themes

E-Learning Space

A corresponding course offer for this course already exists in the e-learning system. Teaching staff can store materials relating to teaching courses there:

Registered number: 23
This is the number of students having stored the course in their timetable. In brackets, you see the number of users registered via guest accounts.
eKVV participant management:
eKVV participant management is used for this course.
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Limitation of the number of participants:
Limited number of participants: 12
This address can be used by teaching staff, their secretary's offices as well as the individuals in charge of course data maintenance to send emails to the course participants. IMPORTANT: All sent emails must be activated. Wait for the activation email and follow the instructions given there.
If the reference number is used for several courses in the course of the semester, use the following alternative address to reach the participants of exactly this: VST_449559902@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de
23 Students to be reached directly via email
Additional notes on the electronic mailing lists
Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Thursday, March 14, 2024 
Last update times:
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 
Last update rooms:
Wednesday, February 14, 2024 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
S / 2
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
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