Herr Dominik Bentler: Teaching

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Weekly schedule Contact

All courses for all semesters:

SoSe 2022

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270925 Kato-Beiderwieden, Hellwig, Bentler   Prozesse in Organisationen: Arbeit 4.0 - Wie die Psychologie die moderne Arbeitswelt gestaltet
Limited number of participants: 25 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mo 12-13 ONLINE [04.04.2022] Für Lehrende - Organisationstermin
Mi 10-12 in E01-108 [04.04.-15.07.2022]

WiSe 2020/2021

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270034 Masjutin, Bentler, Paruzel, Hellwig   Forschungs- und Praxiswerkstatt
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
Ko Di 14:00-16:00 ONLINE [26.10.2020-12.02.2021]

SoSe 2020

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270146 Bentler   Eignungsdiagnostische Gutachten
Limited number of participants: 10 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
GV Fr 12-14 s.t. [24.04.2020] Onlinekonferenz
Fr 13-14 s.t. [08.05.-17.07.2020] Onlinekonferenz
270307 Bentler   Prozesse in Organisationen: Umweltfreundliches Mitarbeiterverhalten
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Do 08-10 s.t. [23.04.2020] Onlinekonferenz
Do 09-10 s.t. [30.04.-16.07.2020] Onlinekonferenz

WiSe 2019/2020

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270129 Bentler   Trainingsplanung II
Limited number of participants: 20
BS Di 08-10 in X-E0-203 [14.10.2019-31.01.2020]
Mo 08-18 in V2-105/115 [18.11.2019]
Do 08-18 in V2-135 [28.11.2019]
Fr 08-18 in C5-141 [20.12.2019]
Mi 14-16 in T2-228 [29.01.2020]
270426 Bentler   Prozesse in Organisationen: Organisationsentwicklung
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mi 10-12 in C01-142 [14.10.2019-31.01.2020]
Mi 10:15-12 in H8 [16.10.2019] zentrale Vorbesprechung

SoSe 2019

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270307 Bentler   Prozesse in Organisationen: Umweltfreundliches Mitarbeiterverhalten
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mo 08-10 in H2 [01.04.2019] zentrale Vorbesprechung
Do 08-12 in T2-233 [04.04.-23.05.2019]

WiSe 2018/2019

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270035 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Eignungsdiagnostik III
Limited number of participants: 15
S Di 10-12 in X-E0-204 [15.10.2018-01.02.2019]

SoSe 2018

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270139 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Eignungsdiagnostik II
Limited number of participants: 15 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 10-12 in X-B2-101 [09.04.-20.07.2018]
Mi 14-16 in X-E0-212 [18.04.2018]
Fr 08-12 in VHF.01.253 [04.05.2018]
Mo 08-12 in T2-228 [28.05.2018]
Mo 12-16 in VHF.01.210 [28.05.2018]
Mo 16-18 in U2-222 [28.05.2018]

WiSe 2017/2018

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270035 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Eignungsdiagnostik III
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 10-12 in X-E0-218 [10.10.2017-02.02.2018]
Do 17-19 in X-E1-201 [01.02.2018]
270427 Bentler, Kato-Beiderwieden, Lamß, Paruzel, Schlicher, Heppner, Holger; Mlekus, Lisa; Ötting, Sonja   Prozesse in Organisationen: Arbeit 4.0 - Wie die Psychologie die moderne Arbeitswelt gestaltet
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mi 08-10 in E01-108 [11.10.2017-02.02.2018]

SoSe 2017

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270139 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Eignungsdiagnostik II
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 10-12 in U2-147 [18.04.-28.07.2017]
Di 10-12 in C01-246 [16.05.2017]

WiSe 2016/2017

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270035 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Teil III
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 10-12 in E0-180 [25.10.2016-10.02.2017]
Di 10:00-14:00 in X-E0-218 [21.02.2017]

SoSe 2016

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270138 Paruzel, Bentler, Steinmann   Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Schwerpunkt Arbeitspsychologie
Limited number of participants: 160 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
V Mo 14-16 in X-E0-001 [11.04.-30.05.2016]
Fr 10-14 [11.04.-30.05.2016]
270138 Paruzel, Bentler, Steinmann   1. Klausurtermin Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Schwerpunkt Arbeitspsychologie Kl Mo 14-16 in X-EO-001 [30.05.2016]
270138 Paruzel, Bentler, Steinmann   2. Klausurtermin Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Schwerpunkt Arbeitspsychologie Kl Mo 14-16 in X-E0-001 [11.07.2016]
270139 Bentler   Aufbauseminar Personalpsychologie - Eignungsdiagnostik II
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mo 10-12 in E01-108 [11.04.-22.07.2016]
Mi 14:00-16:00 in Q0-109 [20.07.2016]

WiSe 2015/2016

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270129 Bentler   Trainingsplanung II
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 8-10 in U2-147 [19.10.2015-12.02.2016]
Sa 9-18 in Q0-119 [24.10.2015]
Sa 9-18 in C01-136 [21.11.2015]
So 9-18 in E01-108 [22.11.2015]
Fr 8-18 in E0-180 [27.11.2015]
Fr 8-10 in C01-239 [11.12.2015]

SoSe 2015

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270149 Bentler   Trainingsplanung I: Techniken und Konzeption
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 8-10 in C01-136 [13.04.-17.07.2015]

WiSe 2014/2015

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
270021 Steinmann, Bentler   Grundlagen der Personalentwicklung
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Di 8-10 in Q0-119 [14.10.2014-03.02.2015]
270021 Steinmann, Bentler   Abschlussklausur Grundlagen der Personalentwicklung Kl Di 8-10 in H15 [27.01.2015]
Fr 8-10 in H5 [20.03.2015]
270022 Steinmann, Bentler   Eignungsdiagnostische Gutachten
Limited number of participants: 10 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
GV Mo 8-10 in T2-226 [13.10.2014-02.02.2015]