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Prof.Dr. Anja Hackbarth

Photo of the person Frau Prof.Dr. Anja Hackbarth - Opens the image in full size on a new page


1. Faculty of Educational Science / AG 4 - Schulentwicklung und Schulforschung / Professuren

Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Diagnostik, Förderung und Didaktik bei Lern- und Entwicklungsbeeinträchtigungen

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Aktuell werden Masterarbeiten an Studierende vergeben, die Interesse daran haben, im Rahmen einer qualitativen Interviewstudie narrative Interviews mit Eltern von Kindern mit zugeschriebenen Lernschwierigkeiten durchzuführen und diese mittels der dokumentarischen Methode auszuwerten. Die Auswertung der Interviews wird über eine Forschungswerkstatt begleitet.

Im Eingangsbereich Z-Gebäude, Postfach AG 4

Curriculum Vitae

08/2024-09/2024 Guest lecturer (DAAD [German Academic Exchange Service]) at the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (with Prof Dr Márcia Pletzsch)

Since 03/2022 Professor of Educational Science specialising in diagnostics, support and didactics for learning and developmental disabilities at Bielefeld University (WG 4 School Development and School Research)

04/2020 Positive interim evaluation as Junior Professor for School Research/Inclusion (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

04/2017 - 02/2022 Junior Professor of Educational Science specialising in school research/inclusion at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (working group: School Pedagogy / School Research)

10/2016 Doctorate/Phd studies (Dr phil) at the Department of Educational Science at the University of Frankfurt a.M., dissertation "Inclusions and Exclusions in Student Interactions. Empirical reconstructions in multi-age learning groups at a special school and an inclusive primary school"

2012 - 2017 Pedagogical assistant at the Institute for Secondary School Pedagogy, Goethe University Frankfurt a.M.

2012 - 2013 Parental leave

2006 - 2012 Teacher at a special school specialising in language support in Frankfurt a.M.

2004 - 2006 Teacher at the Colegio Humboldt in Caracas (Venezuela)

2004 Second state exam(ination): Teaching qualification for special schools

2002 Extension examination: subject area mental development

2001 First state exam(ination): Teaching qualification for special education - subject areas: Language and behaviour; primary school education

1999 - 2000 Semester abroad at the University of Groningen (Netherlands)

1996 - 2002 Studied special and remedial education at the University of Rostock

Current research topics

Research workshop "Documentary Method", Bielefeld University
Since the winter semester 2023/24, there has been an interdisciplinary research workshop on the documentary method at the Faculty of Educational Science, which is led by Anja Hackbarth and Nora Katenbrink.
The aim of the research workshop is to provide a space for discussion and interpretation of current research projects using the documentary method, to discuss methodological and methodological principles and questions and to exchange views on theories of reconstructive social research, particularly in relation to school and inclusion education topics.
Participation is possible in presence or online. Please contact us in advance and briefly present your research projects and experiences with the documentary method.

The current news dates are: 2 February (9-11am), 1 March (10am-12pm), 12 April (12pm-14pm), 3 May (10am-12pm), 7 June (12pm-14pm) and 5 July (12pm-14pm).

Research topics
Reconstructive video-based teaching research
Subject-related learning in heterogeneous learning groups
Didactics of inclusive teaching
Diagnostics, support, fitting relationships in interactions
Disability and inequality, organisational discrimination
(Social) space-orientated school development
Professionalisation for inclusive education

Memberships and Functions

Board member of the DGfE (German Society for Educational Science) since 2024
DGfE Section for Special Needs Education (Executive Board)
DGfE working group on inclusion research
ces, centre for qualitative evaluation and social research (Board of Directors)