Staff and
Department Search

Department of Sports Science


Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. Bernd Gröben


Administration Department of Sports Science:
Nicole Kanz

UHG E0-154 Locations Map
Opening hours
Mo - Do 11-12
+49 521 106-6115
+49 521 106-6438
Postfach 10 01 31
D-33501 Bielefeld


AB III & V, Hilfskräfte
AB IV, Hilfskräfte
AB IVb, Hilfskräfte
AB VI, Wiss. Mitarbeiter*innen

Motorische Kontrolle u. Training

Agic, Tugyan
Akbulut, Firat

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Bahlke, Steffen, Dr.

Quality Control Commission

Studies Advisary Committee

Baresel, Marco

- Uni-Sporthallen
- Uni-Außensportanlagen
- Sporthallen Lampingstr./Wertherstr.


Bargheer, Diane

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Bathge, Ilka

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Berendt, Johannes
Berg, Angelika

Exermination Board Deputy

Berg, Sara-Loreen

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Bergmann, Fynn

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Bergmann, Jana

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Bläsing, Bettina, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Boger, Mai-Anh, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Borchers, Max

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Borgstedt, Jannick

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Braksiek, Michael, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Breckle, Siegmar, Prof. Dr.
Bremke, Sabine

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Breuer, Jan

Lehrbeauftragter Turnen

Brinkschröder, Julia

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Brüggemann-Kons, Nicole
Brummel, Christina

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Brunßen, Leefke

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Burmeister, Felix


Cachay, Klaus, Prof. (i.R.) Dr.
Chiou, Shiau-Chuen, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Cienfuegos, Miguel

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Czogalla, Jasmin

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Czyrnick-Leber, Uta, Dr.
D'Aquino, Alessio

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Dethloff, Steven

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Deutschendorf, Wulf

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Deutscher, Christian, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Exermination Board

Dörksen, Denise
Dornseifer, Arne

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Dransmann, Milan, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Dreessen, Frauke
Elbanna, Hatem

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Elsner, Andreas, Dr. med. (MHA)

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Engeln, Lea

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Fallaschek, Lena
Fast, Natalia, Dr.
Fräßdorf, Patrick

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Skiexkursion Ski-Alpin

Fröbel, Tobias
Futterlieb, Lara

Student Counselling Service / Studentische Studienberatung / Studentische Studienberatung Fachschaft Sport

Gärtner, Andreas
Galdino de Souza, Matheus

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Gehrmann, Sebastian, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Genett, Nele

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Gerritsen, Lisa

Stützkursleiterin (Turnen, Tanzen)

Gerten, Sina

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

QM Koordination

Coordinator / QM Koordination

Coordinator / ERASMUS

ERASMUS-Beauftragte, Vertretung

Student Counselling Service / Akademische Studienberatung

Allgemeine Studienberatung

Goetze, Jutta

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Goretzki, Michael

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Gotzmann, Christian


Coordinator / Sicherheitsbeauftragte


Graefe, Bastian


Gröben, Bernd, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Coordinator / Studiengangsleiter / BA: Kernfach (Gymnasium und Gesamtschule)

Coordinator / Studiengangsleiter / BA: Nebenfach (Gymnasium und Gesamtschule)

Studies Advisary Committee

Head of Department

Department Committee

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Große Venhaus, Meike


Günzel, Patrick
Güzeldere, geb. Uhlemeier, Celina
Haase, Ru Kim

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Hackmann, Jascha

Coordinator / IT-Minder

EDV-Support (Studentische Hilfskraft)

Hagan Jr., John Elvis, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Coordinator / ERASMUS

Haksal, Ali
Hansjürgens, Marlene

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Haurenherm, Magnus


Heckemeyer, Karolin, Dr.


Heinrich, Daniel
Heismann, Vincent

Quality Control Commission

Henze, Philip

Student Counselling Service / Studentische Studienberatung / Studentische Studienberatung Fachschaft Sport

Herold, Elisa

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Herrmann, Franziska

Exermination Board Deputy

Heyduck, Stefanie

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Heye, Andreas, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education


Hiegemann, Etienne



Hilton, Alexandra


Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Hochschulsport, Auszubildende

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Hochschulsport, Hilfskräfte

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Telefon: +49 521 106-67643

Höke, Susanne

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics / Sekretariat

Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Thomas Schack

Research and Teaching Unit VI - Motor Control and Training

Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Christoph Schütz

Research and Teaching Unit I - Movement, Performance, Health

Sekretariat Prof. Dr. Jitka Veldema

Hollarek, Tim
Hormann, Dirk

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Deputy managing director of UniFit, staff member of the University Sports Service Bielefeld operating unit

Hormann, Ulf

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Ständige zweite Stellvertretung der geschäftsführenden Leitung
Leitung Pausenexpress

Islam, Rebecca
Jackobs, Timo
Janczik, Lukas
Jaunich, Agnetha

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Johannmeier, Jannis

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Junker, Luisa

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Stv. Geschäftsführende Leiterin der Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Kämpfer, Jonas

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Kanz, Nicole

Teamleitung Personal u. Finanzen
Abteilung Sportwissenschaft

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Kara Fallah, Gostaph

Sport und Medien
- e-learning
- kooperatives Lernen

Kartal, Joy
Kastrup, Valerie, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Exermination Board

Kathke, Petra, Prof. Dr.
Kemner, Jochen, Dr.
Kenter, Fabian

Geschäftsstelle Abteilung Sportwissenschaft (Personal und Finanzen)

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Coordinator / Sicherheitsbeauftragte

Kilic, Songül, Dr. phil.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Kimmich, Julie

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Equal Oppurtunities Commission Deputy

Klei, Sabrina
Kleinalstede, Susanne

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Kleindienst-Cachay, Christa, Prof. (i.R.) Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Kley, Theresa
Klipker, Sarah

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Knoeferle, Pia, Prof Dr.
Koddebusch, Martin
Kombrink, Nils Onno
Kraft, Christian

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Coordinator / Bibliotheksbeauftragte

Kramer, Niklas

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Kraus, Christine-Irene

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Kuba, Raphael
Küchelmann, Thomas

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Kühn, Viola
Kuhrs, Kiara Janina Marga
Kuhrs, Miriam Jordis
Langfeld, Peter
Leinweber, Noah

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Lesch, Lara, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Student Counselling Service / Akademische Studienberatung

BA: 1-Fach Profil "Wirtschaft und Geellschaft"
MA: Organisationsentwicklung & Management

Lindemann, Uta

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Lütkemeier, Julika
Manquinho, Tiago

Gymnastik / Tanz

Meier, Christopher, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Meierjürgen, Eric

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Menze-Sonneck, Andrea, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Equal Oppurtunities Commission

Department Committee Deputy

Merkert, Heike

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Michels, Rouven, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Wiss. Mitarbeiter bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Deutscher

Micke, Florian, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Mienert, Michael

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Moning, Marius
Müller, Vanina

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Nasser, Galila

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Neumann, Alexander, M.Sc.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Neumann, Katrin

Coordinator / Praktikumsbeauftragte

Praktika für Lehramts-Studiengänge

Niehaus, Pia

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Niewöhner, Sascha
Northoff, Timo
Oberhokamp, Pia
Pfaff, Stefan, Dr.

Coordinator / Praktikumsbeauftragte

Praktika für außerschulische Studiengänge

Pien, Nicole

Examination Office


Coordinator / Anlaufstelle Anrechnung

Coordinator / Contact for Disadvantage Compensation

Pollmann, Dietmar, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Student Counselling Service / Akademische Studienberatung

BA: 1-Fach Profil "Psychologie und Bewegung"
MA: Intelligenz und Bewegung

Department Committee

Coordinator / Representative for the interests of students with disabilities / chronic illnesses

Coordinator / Contact for Disadvantage Compensation

Poltrock, Sebastian


Poropat, Daniela



Prange, Mike


Betriebsleitung Schwimmbad
Geprüfter Meister für Bäderbetriebe
Diplom (IST) Bäderbetriebsmanager

Equal Oppurtunities Commission

Rasche, Mario
Redepenning, Tim

Research and Teaching Unit VI - Motor Control and Training

Reichelt, Benjamin, M.Sc.
Rethorst, Sabine, Dr.
Ritter, Oliver

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Ritter, Yvonne

Quality Control Commission

Studies Advisary Committee

Röhr, Peter

Telefon (Firma): 0521-98812080

Rosenkranz, Sabrina

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Rothmund, Daniel

Research and Teaching Unit I - Movement, Performance, Health

Samson-Baudisch, Marc, Dr.

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Geschäftsführender Leiter der Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Department Committee

Sandkämper, Magnus
Scanzano, Duygu

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Coordinator / eLearning Beauftragte

Schack, Thomas, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Coordinator / Studiengangsleiter / MA: Intelligenz und Bewegung

Schanz, Nicole

Unterstützung "Tag des Schulsports" in der Abteilung Sportwissenschaft

Scharfenkamp, Katrin, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Schewe, Paula
Schreck, Stefan

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Schreiner, Laura
Schröer, Dirk, Prof.
Schubert, Luke

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Schütz, Christian
Schütz, Christoph, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit VI - Motor Control and Training

Research and Teaching Unit VI - Motor Control and Training

Schumacher, Tim Philipp

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Schumann, Laureen

Homepage Abteilung Sportwissenschaft

Schymkowiak, Camilla




Skreczek, Wolfhard

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Soerensen, Sven

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Spatzl, Jan

Coordinator / IT-Minder

IT-Support Abt. Sportwissenschaft

Spilker, Finn

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Springer-Engelmann, Nadine

Betriebseinheit Hochschulsport

Sachbearbeitung und Sekretariat

Starck, Jan-Friedrich
Steffenhagen, Mattes

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Steingräber, Teni

Research and Teaching Unit I - Movement, Performance, Health

Steinlechner, Carla Zoe

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Steinmann, Arthur

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Labor- und IT-Administration

Coordinator / IT-Minder

EDV-Support im AB II

Steinsiek, Lars

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Skiexkursion Snowboard

Strenge, Benjamin, Dr. rer. nat.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Sunar, Serhat

Quality Control Commission Deputy

Szafarczyck, Nicolas
Temme, Jule


Thienenkamp, Heike, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Ukley, Nils, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Referent des Studiendekans

Student Counselling Service / Akademische Studienberatung

BA: Lehramt Grundschule, HRSGe, Gymnasium/Gesamtschule
M.Ed.: Lehramt Grundschule, HRSGe, Gymnasium/Gesamtschule

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Koordinator für das Praxissemester Sport

Ul-Hassan, Muhammad-Fuzael
Ungerechts, Bodo, Dr. rer.nat.
Veldema, Jitka, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit I - Movement, Performance, Health

Velentzas, Kostas, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Verwaltung (Sport), Hilfskräfte
Vietmeier, Nadine
Vobejda, Christian, Dr.
Vogel, Ludwig

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Volkmann, Jessica
von Bose, Frederic

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

von Piechowski, Reinhard, Dr. rer. nat.

Coordinator / Datenschutz- und Informationssischerheitskoordinator*innen (DISK)

Coordinator / IT-Minder

EDV-Support AB I

Vornholt-Niehaus, Bernd
Wang, Kuo-Pin, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Weber, Johanna, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Weber, Marc Lucas

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Weege, Friedo
Wegener, Marcus, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Wegner, Claas, Prof. Dr.
Weidner, Sven
Wenderoth, Jörn

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education

Wicker, Pamela, Prof. Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit III - Sports and Sociology

Department Committee

Coordinator / Equal Oppurtunities Officer

Studies Advisary Committee

Wilhelm, Rainer


Windmöller, Zoe
Winkelmann, David, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit V- Sports and Economy

Wiss. Mitarbeiter bei Prof. Dr. Deutscher

Yu, Lin, Dr.

Research and Teaching Unit II - Neurocognition and Action - Biomechanics

Zimmermann, Elke, Prof. Dr.
Zurmühl, Salome

Research and Teaching Unit IV - Sports and Education