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Fakultät/Einrichtung: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
996001 Domańska, Regazzoni   Exploring Postsecularism in Contemporary Historical and Political Theory Course taught in English S Di 16-18 in X-A2-103 [09.07.2024] Preliminary discussion
Fr 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [18.10.2024]
Sa 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [19.10.2024]
996003 Hoffmann   Research Class S (n. V.) [07.10.2024-31.01.2025] Erstes Treffen am Freitag, 11.10. um 14.15 Uhr in Raum X-B2-103
996005 Dr. Vera Leberecht   Goal in sight — organise the final phase of your PhD Course taught in English WS Do 10.00-17.00 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [07.11.2024]
996006 Dr. Vera Leberecht   Goal in sight — reach the finish line of your PhD and move on Course taught in English WS Fr 9.30-16.30 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [08.11.2024]
996007 Schwandt   Research Class Digital Medieval History S Di 14-16.30 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [29.10.2024]
Mi 14-16.30 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [18.12.2024]
Di 12.30-15 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [28.01.2025]