289990 Stochastic Analysis of Complex Networks (V) (WiSe 2008/2009)

Contents, comment

Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society. Their analysis is by no means exhausted by probability degree statistics, but requires detailed investigations into the structural properties of a network,� finding of� measurable quantities within the network and describing their dynamical properties. We demonstrate that stochastic analysis would help much in that.
�The main intrigue of the course is the interplay between words - "graph" and "random". The first and obvious combination -- "random graphs" will be explained in details by Dr. T.Kr�ger from the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MIS, Leipzig). Then, the point of view would be somewhat alternated. Namely, the graph is considered non-random, but the "frame of reference" is now taken at random giving us a random walk on graphs. Dr. D. Volchenkow (Uni-Bielefeld) starts the course from combinatorics through the spectral graph theory to graphs as probabilistic manifolds. Herr Prof. Dr. Ph. Blanchard (Uni-Bielefeld) discusses a number of network models in biology and epidemiology. The course is interdisciplinary and can be interesting for e.g. mathematicians, physicists, bio-cybernetists, neuro-biologists,
�computer scientists and engineers. A certain background in linear algebra may be useful.

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Subject assignments

Degree programme/academic programme Validity Variant Subdivision Status Semester LP  
Bielefeld Graduate School In History And Sociology / Promotion    
Mathematik / Diplom (Enrollment until SoSe 2008) Wahl HS
Mathematik / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Wahl HS
Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik / Diplom (Enrollment until SoSe 2004) Physik   HS
Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2012) Individuelle Ergänzung Wahl 3  
Physik / Diplom (Enrollment until SoSe 2008) Wahl HS
Physik / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2012) Individuelle Ergänzung Wahl 3  
Soziologie / Promotion   Graduierte
Wirtschaftsmathematik / Diplom (Enrollment until SoSe 2005) Wahl HS
Wirtschaftsmathematik / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Wahl HS

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Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Friday, December 11, 2015 
Last update times:
Friday, September 26, 2008 
Last update rooms:
Friday, September 26, 2008 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
V / 2
Faculty of Physics
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