The turn of the 20th Century saw the emergence of a new knowledge class, pioneered by mechanical engineers championing a movement known as Scientific Management. Today, in the opening decades of the 21st Century we find new knowledge claims promoted again by engineers – but these are software engineers championing Algorithmic Management. In this PhD seminar we will discuss the platform organizational form examining how algorithmic management addresses the peculiar managerial challenges when valuable assets and activities occur on the platform but not in the firm. After comparing and contrasting scientific and algorithmic management we then discuss the current era of platform monopoly capitalism in terms of possible conflicts among the different segments of the knowledge class. On one side is the established professional-managerial class, organized around claims of professional expertise. On the other side, the challengers, organized around new, algorithmic knowledge claims.
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Studiengang/-angebot | Gültigkeit | Variante | Untergliederung | Status | Sem. | LP | |
Bielefeld Graduate School In History And Sociology / Promotion | Theory and Methods Classes | 0.5 | Theory Class |
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