This course introduces students to the phenomenon of new migration and its various features. New migration theory draws on the existing theories of multi-scalar networks, immobility, migration uncertainties and super-diversity and postulates the “new” in new migration. Through a rejection of global apartheid, a strategy adopted by the industrial countries like North America, Europe and Australia to protect themselves and their citizens’ privileged lifestyles from the threat of international migration movements, new migration theory as a conceptual framework is foregrounded in primacy of the immigrants in migration-related decision-making capacity, legislative novelties, global re-migration opportunities and the newly-found visibility of the “Global Talents” from the postcolonial to the industrial capitalist countries. As a four-fold composition christened as “new migration quadruple”, this theory invites history from below and a debunking of methodological colonialism. For researching new migration, it is based on reflexivity and storytelling. New migration theory aims at upending the subalternist framework, creating opportunities for knowledge production and knowledge episteme from the postcolonial societies.
Rhythmus | Tag | Uhrzeit | Format / Ort | Zeitraum |
Modul | Veranstaltung | Leistungen | |
29-WS-GSG Globale Ordnungen und Governance | Forschungsseminar | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
30-M-Soz-M8a Soziologie der globalen Welt a | Seminar 1 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
Seminar 2 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation | |
- | benotete Prüfungsleistung | Studieninformation | |
30-M-Soz-M8b Soziologie der globalen Welt b | Seminar 1 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
Seminar 2 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation | |
- | benotete Prüfungsleistung | Studieninformation | |
30-M-Soz-M8c Soziologie der globalen Welt c | Seminar 1 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
Seminar 2 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation | |
- | benotete Prüfungsleistung | Studieninformation | |
30-MGS-4 Hauptmodul 3: Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Transformationen | Seminar 1 | Studienleistung
Studieninformation |
Seminar 2 | Studienleistung
benotete Prüfungsleistung |
Studieninformation |
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