Module 23-ANG-Profil3_G Profile Module 3_G: Advanced Linguistics

Explanation regarding the elements of the module

Es werden drei der vier Veranstaltungen Profil3.1-3.4 als Wahlpflicht studiert, in denen jeweils eine Studienleistung erbracht wird.
Profil3.5 "Classroom Communication" wird zusätzlich verpflichtend studiert.

Es ist zusätzlich eine Modulprüfung zu erbringen.

Es wird Studierenden nachdrücklich empfohlen, in mindestens einem Wahlpflichtmodul Advanced Academic Writing zu besuchen, da diese Veranstaltung zentrale Arbeitstechniken und Schreibkompetenzen vermittelt, die auch in die Bewertung der Modul- und Studienabschlussarbeiten einfließen.

Die Prüfungsform wird von den jeweiligen Seminarleitenden festgelegt. Sie soll auf Vorarbeiten basieren, die im Rahmen eines der Modulelemente z.B. in Form von Referaten o.ä. erbracht werden.

Profil3.1_G Historical Linguistics (Seminar)

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
230132 Gramley   The Spread of English
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Di 14-16 in U2-229 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]

Profil3.2_G Language System (Seminar)

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
230210 Wagner   Models of World Englishes
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Mo 10-12 in V2-121 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]

Profil3.3_G Language in Use (Seminar)

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
230089 Zähres   Language Variation on YouTube
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in C01-277 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230192 Wentker   Pragmatic Approaches to Online Genres
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Mi 10-12 in Y-1-202 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230210 Wagner   Models of World Englishes
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Mo 10-12 in V2-121 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230390 Schröder, Matheus   African Sociolinguistics
Limited number of participants: 40 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Di 10-12 in X-E0-228 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]

Profil3.4_G Advanced Academic Writing (Seminar)

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
230129 Gramley   Advanced Academic Writing
This seminar is intended for students who are writing their PM2/3 paper in linguistics.
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Mo 12-14 in T2-149 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230186 Wentker   Advanced Academic Writing
This seminar is intended for students who are writing their module paper in linguistics.
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Do 8-10 in C5-141 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230188 Wentker   Advanced Academic Writing
This seminar is intended for students who are writing their module paper in linguistics.
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
S Do 10-12 in T2-233 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]
230190 Wentker   Advanced Academic Writing
This seminar is intended for students who are writing their module paper in linguistics.
Limited number of participants: 30 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management Course taught in English
BS Di 10-11 s.t. ONLINE [06.02.2024] Vorbereitungstreffen
10-14 (Block) in U2-200 [13.-15.02.2024]
10-14 (Block) in U2-200 [20.-22.02.2024]

Profil3.5_G Classroom Communication (Seminar)

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
230121 Skorge   Classroom Communication Course taught in English S Do 14-16 ON SITE & ONLINE in C3-241 [09.10.2023-02.02.2024]