
On this page, you see the courses, degree programmes, faculties and teaching staff you accessed last.

Courses accessed

300695 Research Class - Teil 2 (S)
392002 Übungen 7: Grundlagen der Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Ü)
230318 British and American Children's Fiction (S)
690021 Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive im Sachunterricht (S)
289950 Theorie der kondensierten Materie (GrS)
230381 Victorianism (S)
291208 Jugendstrafrecht (V)
300353 Familie und Organisation – Soziologische und geschichtswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (S)
291053 Social Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises and Global Governance (S)
392029 Übungen 1: Grundlagen Neuronaler Netze (Ü)
312981 Masterkolloquium 'International Economics: Trade, Migration and Capital Flows' (Ko)
403012 Methodische Arbeitsweisen der Gesundheitswissenschaften / Public Health IV (BS)
270078 Vorlesung Allgemeine Psychologie II - Emotion und Motivation (V)
392102 User studies in interactive intelligent systems (S)
501970 Geschlechtsspezifische Medizin als Chance der digitalen Medizin (V)
391011 Glykobiotechnologie (Pr)
243188 BGTS Kolloquium (Ko)
291113 Polizei- und Ordnungsrecht (V)
300463 Politics of Social Policy (MA: Politikwissenschaft) (S)
230168 Empire State of Mind: New York as a Cultural and Sociolinguistic Space (BS)

Degree programmes used last

Behaviour: From Neural Mechanisms to Evolution / M.Sc.
Bioinformatic Genome Research / B.Sc.
Educational Science for Special Needs with the Career Perspective Teacher in Special and Inclusive Education / M.Ed.
Geschichtswissenschaft (Nebenfach) / Mag
Internationales in Studium und Lehre (Einschreibung bis SS 2011)
Katholische Theologie / Mag
Art / M.Ed.
Literary Studies / M.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Molekulare Biotechnologie / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2012)
Philosophie / Sek II
Philosophie (HR) / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2014)
Sozialwissenschaften GHR/SP / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2014)
Sociology - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
Faculty of Technology - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
Zusatzstudiengang Interkulturelle Pädagogik

Departments used last

Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
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Teaching staff
Faculty of Biology
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Educational Science
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology/Department of Philosophy
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology/Department of Theology
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Mathematics
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Sociology
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
International Office
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Technology
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff