
On this page, you see the courses, degree programmes, faculties and teaching staff you accessed last.

Courses accessed

996007 How to get into the non-academic German job market! A workshop for international doctoral candidates and postdocs (WS)
230413 Einführung in die literaturwissenschaftliche Textanalyse (S)
311523 CUDE Cluster Group A: Reading Group on Individual and Strategic Behavior under Uncertainty in Dynamic Environments (S)
230285 Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching (Primary Schools) (S)
392128 Tutorial Deep Learning for Data Mining (Ü)
220166 Empires, Nations, and States in Global History (K)
230736 Englisch: Advanced Academic English Level C1.2 (S)
300661 Postcolonial and Transnational Memory (MA: Soziologie der globalen Welt) (S)

Degree programmes used last

Chemistry / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2017)
Wirtschaftswissenschaften / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2005)

Departments used last

Faculty of Chemistry
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics
Contacts for corrections and room bookings
Degree programmes, electronic mailing lists and contact
Teaching staff