Mathematik / Promotion

Programme of lectures for the WiSe 2024/2025

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Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240163 Botero Ausgewählte Themen in Kombinatorischer Algebraischer Geometrie V Di 14-16 in V4-119; Mi 10-12 in U2-147
240165 Vial Algebraische Geometrie IV Course taught in English V Di 10-12 in V4-112; Mi 10-12 in T2-228
241010 Vial, Lau, Spieß, Zink, Alfes, Botero The Bielefeld Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry Seminar S Mi 14-18 in V2-210, V2-216
241012 Baake, Tutoren: Hannah Dopmeyer, Sophia-Marie Mellis Stochastische Modelle in der Biologie VÜA Do 16-18 in V4-106 Übungen; Fr 14-16 in V4-106 Vorlesung
241018 Eckert, Akemann, Köhler BGTS Doctoral Day Course taught in English WS Fr 8:30-18:00, einmalig in V2-210/216
241214 Erbar, He Introduction to Boltzmann equations Course taught in English S Di 14-16, einmalig Preliminary meeting; Mo 8-10 in V3-204
241216 Vial Algebraische Geometrie S Do 10-12 in T2-214
243244 Gentz Seminar Stochastische Dynamik S Do 10-12 in V4-116
243246 Erbar, Herr Oberseminar Analysis Course taught in English S Mi 16:15-17:45 VOR ORT & ONLINE in V4-116
243256 Hebestreit Higher categories and algebraic K-theory II V Fr 10-12 in X-E0-208
243258 Kaßmann, Eckert, Hepp IRTG Cluster Group: Topics in PDE Course taught in English S Do 16-18 in D5-153
243260 Kaßmann, Eckert IRTG Bielefeld-Seoul Online Seminar Course taught in English S Mi 8-9 ONLINE
243268 Banas, Diening Seminar Stochastic Numerics S Mo 14-16 in V5-148
243272 Banas, Diening, Balci, Storn BI.discrete S Di 14-16 in V5-148; Do 14-16 in V5-148
243276 Diening, Balci, Kaßmann Nonlocal Equations: Analysis and Numerics S Di 16-18 in V5-148
243298 Petschick, von Rotberg Graduate Seminar S Mi 10-12 in U2-232
289954 Akemann, Götze Bielefeld-Melbourne-Seoul random matrices Course taught in English GrS Mi 9-11
312900 Ferrari Master- und Doktorandenseminar
First meeting will be communicated in due time. Course taught in English
S Fr 8-10 in X-E0-201 Individual dates. They will be announced later.
312901 Riedel Master- und Doktorandenseminar Course taught in English S Di 16-18 in M4-108
317307 Bauch, Riedel Economic Theory Lunch Seminar Course taught in English Ko Fr 12-14 in C01-230
318004 Ferrari Finance 3
Assumes knowlede in Financial Mathematics (discrete and continuous time) and Stochastic Analysis. Course taught in English
V Do 14-16 in X-E0-218
392198 Baake AG Seminar Biomathematik S Do 10-12 in V4-106

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 24.9.2024 (20:27 Uhr))