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Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240157 Kaßmann Partial Differential Equations and Nonlocal Operators V Di 14-16 in C01-148; Fr 8-10 in U5-133
240161 Alfes Modulformen V Mo 14-16 in T2-226; Mi 14-16 in U2-232
240390 Forschungswerkstatt Mathematikdidaktik S Di 16-18 in C01-136
241002 Akemann, Köhler BGTS Kolloquium Ko Do 17:15-18:30, einmalig ONLINE Speaker: Xin Guo; Do 16:15-17:30, einmalig in H6 Speaker: Dr. Viola Priesemann
241002 Diening, Balci, Storn BI.discrete S Di 14-16 in V5-148; Mo 8-18, einmalig in V5-148; Di 14:00-16:00 in V5-148
241005 Crawley-Boevey, Krause Representation Theory S Mi 10-12 in V5-227; Mi 10-12 in U5-133
241010 Crawley-Boevey, Hubery, Stephan, Sauter Oberseminar Darstellungstheorie S Fr 13-18 in V5-227; Fr 12-14 in V5-148
241076 Banas, Beyn, Diening Oberseminar Numerik S Mo 14-16 in V5-148
241246 Erbar, Schultz, He Optimal transport and Applications Course taught in English S Mo 10-12, einmalig in V2-213 If the pre-meeting time does not fit you, please contact Later joining is also possible. The date and time of the seminar can be adjusted together with the participants.; Fr 10-12 in U2-232
241256 Sprehe Rigid meromorphic cocycles III
Recently H.Darmon and J.Vonk initiated the theory of p-adic singular moduli for real quadratic fields. In this theory classical modular functions such as the j-invariant are replaced by so-called rigid meromorphic cocycles. These are SL2(Z[1/p])-invariant modular symbols with values in rigid meromorphic functions on Drinfeld’s p-adic upper half plane. One of their first results states that the divisor of a rigid meromorphic cocycle is supported on finitely many SL2(Z[1/p])-orbits of real quadratic points, i.e. points which generate real quadratic extensions of Q. This highly suggests that rigid meromorphic cocyles are a real quadratic analogue of Borcherds’ singular theta lifts of modular forms of weight 1/2. This approach does not generalize easily to a more general setup. The aim of this seminar is to follow L.Gehrmann’s work "On Quaterionic Rigid Meromorphic", where he proves the algebraicity of divisors in a more general situation by purely cohomological methods.
S Do 14-16 in U2-232
241266 Baake, Baake, Akemann FSPM² Kolloquium Ko Fr 16-18 in X-E0-203; Fr 16-18, einmalig in X-E0-200; Fr 16-18 in X-E0-205; Fr 16-18, einmalig in H11
241450 Gentz, Götze, Hofmanová, Kondratiev, Röckner, Akemann, Ferrari, Riedel, Gess Bielefelder Stochastic Afternoon
Diese Veranstaltung findet in Form einer Videokonferenz via Zoom zu den genannten Zeiten statt.
S Mi 14-18 VOR ORT & ONLINE in V3-201
241452 Röckner AG - Stochastische Analysis
Diese Veranstaltung findet in Form einer Videokonferenz via Zoom zu den genannten Zeiten statt.
AG Mi 14-16 VOR ORT & ONLINE in V3-201
242590 Gess Mathematics of Machine Learning
This lecture will be given on zoom. The zoom link will be distributed prior to the start of the lecture via the participants email list.
S Mi 16:15-17:45 ONLINE
242624 Herr, Erbar Oberseminar Analysis S Mi 16-18 VOR ORT & ONLINE in V2-210; Mi 16-18, einmalig in V4-112; Mi 16-18, einmalig in V2-213
242628 Kaßmann, Köhler, Eckert IRTG Cluster Group Riemannian Manifolds S Do 16-18 in D5-153
242630 Akemann, Gentz, Grigoryan, Herr, Hinz, Kaßmann, Röckner, Köhler, Diening, Gess IRTG Colloquium Ko  
242632 Bux, Baumeister, Voll, Kühne Oberseminar: Gruppen und Geometrie eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Mi 14:15-16:00 in Y-1-201; Mi 14-16, einmalig in V5-148
242634 Diening, Kaßmann, Köhler IRTG Bielefeld-Seoul Online Seminar S Mo 9-10
242638 Garnacho Velasco BGTS What the FAKT Seminar
What the FAKT is a seminar from PhD’s and Postdocs to PhD’s and Postdocs, born in the context of the BGTS. Research comes from a desire to answer questions, which fascinate us because they are bigger thanour possibility of imagination. In this seminar we aim to transmit the astonishment we feel, by presenting in a simple and passionate way science related topics that fascinate us. We want to share our passion for research by showing funny and marvellous facts about science! We welcome all interested Master students, Phd students and Postdocs (also not members of the BGTS), to join us! ...and don’t worry - this seminar is completely informal, exists to enjoy science together and will not be judged at all. Please feel free to join us.
S Fr 17-19 in V3-201
243050 Gess, Molag, Gentz Introductory Lecture Area II
This is the Introductory Lecture in Area II of the International Research Training Group 2235. eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English
V N. N., Block in D5-153
289954 Akemann, Götze, Molag Bielefeld-Melbourne random matrices Course taught in English GrS Mi 9-11 in D5-153
312900 Ferrari Master- und Doktorandenseminar
First meeting will be communicated in due time. Course taught in English
S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.
312901 Schmeck Master- und Doktorandenseminar
Es handelt sich um das übliche Master- und Doktorandenseminar von Prof. Riedel.
S Di 14-16 in V10-151
317307 Hager, Preker, Karos Economic Theory Lunch Seminar eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English Ko Fr 12-14 in V10-122
318004 Ferrari, Dianetti Finance 3
Assumes knowlede in Financial Mathematics (discrete and continuous time) and Stochastic Analysis. Course taught in English
V Mo 14-16 in V4-112
318006 Ferrari, Dianetti Seminar of Finance 3: Stochastic Control and Games in Economics and Finance
The date of the first meeting will be communicated in due time. Course taught in English
S N. N., N. N. Einzeltermine, werden noch bekanntgegeben.

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 23.9.2024 (20:52 Uhr))