Wirtschaftsmathematik (1-Fach) / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011):

Archived academic programme

Department in charge

Faculty of Mathematics

Subdivisions WiSe 2024/2025

The subdivisions may differ in the individual semesters

Short form Complete name Status Credit
Number of individual records of achievement*
Indiv.Erg. Individuelle Ergänzung Modul     
M.WM.01 Analysis I Modul     
M.WM.02 Lineare Algebra I Modul     
M.WM.03 Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften Modul     
M.WM.04 Betriebswirtschaftslehre Modul     
M.WM.05 Analysis II Modul     
M.WM.06 Lineare Algebra II Modul     
M.WM.07 Volkswirtschaftslehre Modul     
M.WM.08 Theoretische Mathematik I Modul     
M.WM.09 Angewandte Mathematik I Modul     
M.WM.10 Operations Research/Spieltheorie Modul     
M.WM.11 Theoretische Mathematik II Modul     
M.WM.12 Angewandte Mathematik II Modul     
M.WM.13 Statistik Modul     
M.WM.14 Profilierung WiMa Modul     
M.WM.15 Spezialisierung WiMa Modul     
M.WM.16 Quantitative BWL Modul     
M.WM.17 Wirtschaftstheorie Modul     
M.WM.18 Mathematische Wirtschaftstheorie Modul     
M.WM.19 Quantitative Wirtschaftspolitik Modul     
M.WM.20 Quantitative Methoden Modul     
M.WM.21 Seminar/Bachelorarbeit Modul     

* In the information on the number of individual records of achievement, the short forms 'b' for graded and 'ub' for ungraded examinations are being used. A module including one graded and 2 ungraded records of achievements is represented as follows: 1b, 2ub