British and American Studies / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2012):

Archived academic programme

Information on how to plan your studies

Department in charge

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies

Subdivisions WiSe 2024/2025

The subdivisions may differ in the individual semesters

Short form Complete name Status Credit
Number of individual records of achievement*
Individual Supplementary Study Individual Supplementary Study Modul  12   
MaAngGM1 Theories of Language, Literature and Culture Modul     
MaAngGM1.1 Linguistic Theory Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngGM1.2 Literary Theory Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngGM1.3 Cultural Theory and Cultural Study Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngGM2 Contact Zones and Inter-Cultural Studies Modul     
MaAngGM2.1 Languages in Contact Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngGM2.2 Cultural and Literary - Contact in Great Britain and the Post-Colonial World Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngGM2.3 Cultural and Literary - Contact in the U.S.A. Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM1 Linguistics and the Processes of Culture Modul     
MaAngHM1.1 The English Language and its Neighbours Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM1.2 English in the Information Society Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHm1.3 Contemporary Linguistic Research Paradigms Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM2 British Literatures and the Processes of Culture Modul     
MaAngHM2.1 British Literatures and the Meeting of Cultures Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM2.2 Mediating Cultures: Britain and Beyond Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM2.3 Contemporary Research Paradigms Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM3 American Literature and the Processes of Culture Modul     
MaAngHM3.1 American Literatures and the Meeting Of Cultures Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM3.2 Mediating Cultures: The Americas and Beyond Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngHM3.3 Contemporary Research Paradigms Moduluntergliederung     
MaAngVM1 Cultural Exchange Modul     
MaAngVM2 MAThesis / Colloquium Modul     
Weitere Leistungen Weitere Leistungen Modul     

* In the information on the number of individual records of achievement, the short forms 'b' for graded and 'ub' for ungraded examinations are being used. A module including one graded and 2 ungraded records of achievements is represented as follows: 1b, 2ub