Didaktisches Grundlagenstudium Deutsch:

Notes on this academic programme

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: http://www.zfl.uni-bielefeld.de/studium/modell/lehrerin/did_grundlagen_deutsch

Archived academic programme

Department in charge

Subdivisions SoSe 2024

The subdivisions may differ in the individual semesters

Short form Complete name Status Credit
Number of individual records of achievement*
Modul I Grundwissen: Sprache - Grammatik - Lesen Modul     
Modul II Sprachliche Entwicklungsprozesse Modul     
Modul III Berufsbezogene Kommunikationsfähigkeit Modul     

* In the information on the number of individual records of achievement, the short forms 'b' for graded and 'ub' for ungraded examinations are being used. A module including one graded and 2 ungraded records of achievements is represented as follows: 1b, 2ub