Romanistik (Spanien- und Lateinamerikastudien) / Master of Education (Enrollment until SoSe 2007):

Archived academic programme

Department in charge

Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies

Subdivisions WiSe 2024/2025

The subdivisions may differ in the individual semesters

Short form Complete name Status Credit
Number of individual records of achievement*
BaSpaPMCiv Profilmodul 2: Historia de las civilizaciones hispánicas Modul     
BaSpaPMLin Profilmodul 1: Lingüística del español Modul     
BaSpaPMLit Profilmodul 3: Literatura en su contexto histórico-cultural Modul     
BaSpaPMPra Profilmodul 5: Prácticas mediáticas y creatividad cultural Modul     
BaSpaPrVer Professionsbezogene Vertiefung Modul     
Masterarbeit Masterarbeit Modul     
Profilbez. Praxisstudien Profilbezogene Praxisstudien Modul     
SpaLIN Basismodul Introducción a la Lingüística Modul     
SpaLIT Basismodul Fundamentos de los estudios literarios Modul     

* In the information on the number of individual records of achievement, the short forms 'b' for graded and 'ub' for ungraded examinations are being used. A module including one graded and 2 ungraded records of achievements is represented as follows: 1b, 2ub