Studiengruppen und Angebote zu Studien-, Lernkompetenzen und Berufsorientierung:

Notes on this academic programme

Ab dem Wintersemester 2005/2006 finden Sie sämtliche Informationen zu den Angeboten auf der Homepage des Servicebereiches SL_K5.

Archived academic programme

Information on how to plan your studies

Department in charge

Subdivisions SoSe 2024

The subdivisions may differ in the individual semesters

Short form Complete name Status Credit
Number of individual records of achievement*

* In the information on the number of individual records of achievement, the short forms 'b' for graded and 'ub' for ungraded examinations are being used. A module including one graded and 2 ungraded records of achievements is represented as follows: 1b, 2ub