Calendar integration and newsfeeds

Calendar Integration

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) offers the possibility of integrating the dates of courses in a variety of calendar programs. This way you can get a common overview of your personal and study-related appointments.

To find out more about the benefits and functionality of the calendar integration, go to our help page.

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) currently supports integration of the following calendars:

Personal calendar

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) provides you with a personal calendar.
This calendar contains courses that you have stored in your electronic course catalogue (eKVV) timetable.
Please login to the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) to be able to use your personal calendar:

General calendar

Publicly accessible calendars of courses, teaching staff and rooms are available. For information about where and how you can access these calendars, go to our help page.


The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) provides you with a range of newsfeeds that give you fastest possible access to the course catalogue announcements, changes in courses and other information relating to you.

A newsfeed is a summary of up-to-date short items of news that might be of interest to you as electronic course catalogue (eKVV) user.

Newsfeeds can be easily received using special news readers, but also using many modern web browsers and email programs. .

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) currently provides you with the following newsfeeds:

Personal newsfeeds

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) provides you with two personal newsfeeds.
These newsfeeds bundle the latest information from the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) that could be relevant to you.
Please log on to the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) so that you can use your personal newsfeed:

General newsfeeds

All courses that are running at the present time:
RSS 2.0
Atom 0.3
All room changes to currently running courses:
RSS 2.0
Atom 0.3

How to use newsfeeds

To be able to use the newsfeeds, you must have a news reader installed on your computer. Alternatively, most current Web browsers and email programs now feature this functionality.

Two formats are available for newsfeeds: The RSS 2.0 format and the Atom 0.3 format. Both formats provide similar functionality.

In your news reader, create a new RSS account and add the URL of your newsfeeds there.

As soon as new messages are available, these will be displayed immediately in your news reader.