Room changes

Courses, for which the course location has changed after Sep 12, 2024:

Start at 12 PM

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Format / Place Frequency
230671 Kutscher, Vogel   Modulklausur 23-GER-BasLing Basismodul Linguistik, Termin 2 H12 Wiederholungstermin EXAMINATION
500005     MedFak Blocker SoSe24 R1-A2-43 Großes Fokusbereichstreffen (Westphal) einmalig
610001 Menze-Sonneck, Schütz   Klausur (B-Termin) 61-HRSGe-GymGe-GL_a und 61-G-GL_a und 61-P-G2 (Sportwissenschaftliche Grundlagen) (Einschreibung bis SS 2023) Y-0-111 EXAMINATION
610005 Deutscher   Klausur (B-Termin) Modul 61-W-G2 Grundlagen II (Einschreibung bis SoSe 23) H7 EXAMINATION
610006 Menze-Sonneck, Wicker, Kraft   Klausur (B-Termin) Sportwissenschaftliche Grundlagen für Studierende der Lehrämter (Einschreibung ab WS 23/24) Y-0-111 EXAMINATION

Start at 1 PM

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Format / Place Frequency
210000 Hopp, Stammler, Dekan(in) und Fachschaft   Vorkurse und Einführungsveranstaltungen für Erstsemester U2-139 , U2-217 , V2-200 VORKURS Mathematik [Hopp] s.t. Block
210000 Hopp, Stammler, Dekan(in) und Fachschaft   Vorkurse und Einführungsveranstaltungen für Erstsemester U2-229 s.t. Block
240001 Kollhoff   Vorkurs Mathematik für Lehramt U2-233 Block
240001 Kollhoff   Vorkurs Mathematik für Lehramt X-E0-236 Block

Notes on the list of room changes

  • This list includes only course dates that are starting or are due to start within the next 2 hours. Included are only dates for which the room information was published in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV). The display is for multiple semesters and does not depend on the semester selected in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV).
  • The room changes shown here can only be complete if the teaching staff inform the faculties promptly and these changes are entered in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV).
  • In addition, there are several fundamental reasons why this list might be incomplete or in some cases contains too many entries:
    1. Recently entered courses/dates are always shown here even if no change occurred after initial entry.
    2. Dates which have been rescheduled can no longer be shown at the previous time in the list of changes.