Herr Torsten Michael Bollweg: Teaching

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Weekly schedule Contact

All courses for recent semesters:

WiSe 2021/2022

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
250396 Bollweg   Gesundheitskompetenz im Kindesalter - zentrales Bildungsziel oder pädagogische Utopie?
Limited number of participants: 60 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
BS Fr 14-16 ONLINE [22.10.2021]
10-17 (Block) ONLINE [27.-28.11.2021]
10-17 (Block) ONLINE [15.-16.01.2022]

SoSe 2018

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
250436 Okan, Bollweg, Bröder   3. HLCA Summer School: "Research on health literacy, and in particular on Children`s health literacy"
Limited number of participants: 50
BS 08.00-18.00 (Block) in X-E1-201, X-E1-202, X-E0-209, X-E0-211 [17.-21.09.2018]
08.00-18.00 (Block) in X-E1-200 [17.-20.09.2018]
8-18 (Block) in X-E0-236 [17.-21.09.2018]

WiSe 2016/2017

Reference no. Teaching staff Topic Type Dates My eKVV
250329 Bröder, Bollweg   Soziale Ungleichheiten und Gesundheit
Limited number of participants: 80 Electronic course catalogue (eKVV) participant management
S Mi 14-16 in V2-205 [19.10.2016-10.02.2017]

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