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Prof. Dr. Diana Lengersdorf

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1. Faculty of Sociology / People / Professors

Professor of Sociology of Gender

+49 521 106-4395  
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Nr. 392 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

9. JICE - Joint Institute for Individualisation in a Changing Environment


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Curriculum Vitae

Diana Lengersdorf is Professor of Sociology of Gender at the Faculty of Sociology and board member of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (IZG) at Bielefeld University, on the board of the Research Training Group "Gender as Experience" and on the board of the joint project "InChangE" at Bielefeld and Münster University. Diana Lengersdorf is an elected member of the Faculty Conference, the Research Commission as well as Chair of the Doctoral Committee of the Faculty of Sociology, and she is also Deputy Senator of Bielefeld University.

After Diana Lengersdorf studied sociology, psychology and economics at RWTH Aachen University, she first worked in business for several years before returning to academia. After scientific activities at the Essen College for Gender Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Diana Lengersdorf moved to the Technical University of Dortmund to the research area "Sociology of Gender Relations" at the Faculty of Education and Sociology, where she received her PhD in 2011 with an ethnographic dissertation on social practices in an internet agency. In 2013, Diana Lengersdorf moved to the University of Cologne to a junior professorship in Gender, Technology, and Organization and received in 2017 the Leo Spitzer Young Researcher Award of the University of Cologne for outstanding scientific achievements. With her appointment to the professorship of Sociology of Gender, Diana Lengersdorf has been teaching and researching at the Faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University since the winter semester of 2017.

In her research, Diana Lengersdorf tries to understand how the stabilization of masculinities can succeed in everyday life, against the background of processes of change in the gender order, e.g. in a DFG-funded project together with Michael Meuser on the change of masculinities and occupational work. The concept of hegemonic masculinity is central to her empirical work, in particular against the background of caring masculinities. Recently, Diana Lengersdorf has turned in particular to researching the relationship between nature and masculinities, furthermore gender-care-relations.

Diana Lengersdorf is a board member of the German Sociological Association. She is also deputy spokesperson of the interdisciplinary network Women's and Gender Studies NRW and co-editor of the journal GENDER. Diana Lengersdorf has directed various DFG-funded projects and is currently PI in the Research Training Group "Gender as Experience" (DFG-GRK 2650). In addition, she is involved in the current Excellence Initiative through an interdisciplinary network led by Biology and in cooperation with the Universities of Bielefeld and Münster.

Current research topics

“My view is that it is not possible to stay with the trouble among us without the practice of joy. That the practices of joyful collective and individual pleasure are essential to the arts of living on a damaged planet.” (Donna Haraway)

  • Sociology of Gender, Men's Studies
  • feminist reserach on care
  • Science & Technology Studies
  • Practice theory, Sociologies of Social Practices


DFG Research Training Group (RTG 2650) Experiencing Gender. Constitution and Transformation of Being in the World
The Research Training Group (RTG) will investigate the experiences people have with their gender in any given societal context. The central focus will be on the bodily-lived experiences of gendered being in the world. How do people experience their gendered mode of existence? How is gender constituted in lived experiences and in its entanglement with other dimensions of existence (class, ethnicity, nationality, sexuality, health, age, religion)? Because subjects experience themselves as gendered through this bodily-lived dimension, to what extent does this dimension present itself as a condition for the transformation of gender orders? A division between so-called ‘deconstructivist’ and ‘essentialist’ approaches has long been established within gender studies. Contrary to this development, this RTG would like to place corporeality and the complex sphere of experience of gender at its focus. The topic and research program of the RTG traverse the established disciplines: as such, subject fields that have so far largely worked separately on gender research will cooperate in this planned research network (American Studies, German Literary Studies, Health Sciences, Sociology, Sports Science, Political Science).
Funding: DFG, Speaker: Prof. Dr. Tomke König
see for more information:

Research Network "Individualization in Changing Environments (InChangE)"
In the network, which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) of North Rhine-Westphalia, scientists from the University of Bielefeld and the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Muenster are conducting research together.
Individualization has so far been researched almost only intradisciplinarily. We want to investigate individualization in changing environments in an interdisciplinary discourse of natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. The focus is on questions of causes and mechanisms of individualization, modeling and prediction of individualization, and effects and consequences of individualization in the field of tension with the common good.
The 24 directors of studies of the network come from nine disciplines. Six postdoctoral positions will be filled in the network and postdoctoral fellowships will be announced in the following years to enrich the network with their projects. In addition, numerous formats for doctoral students will be created.
Funding: Ministry of Culture and Science (MKW) of North Rhine-Westphalia (2021-2024)

DFG Scientific Network for the Study of Work and Organizational Practice in the Cultural and Creative Industries
The current transformation of the world of work is challenging the analytical concepts of sociology to such an extent that the traditional concept of work is in "crisis. Central transformation processes of gainful employment can be observed especially in the field of cultural and creative industries. This economic sector is considered to be a forerunner of developments in the world of work, since general trends in gainful employment become visible there at an early stage. The importance of the cultural and creative industries has been highlighted on various occasions, but systematic analyses of this field of activity are only available in rudimentary form.
Funding: DFG, Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hannes Krämer