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Department Search

Prof. Dr. Elke Wild


Curriculum Vitae

since 10-2023 Spokesperson of the Faculty Council of Bielefeld University
since 2021 Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science at Bielefeld University
2020-2021 Member of the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching at Bielefeld University
since 2016 Co-editor of the ZeHf - Journal for Empirical Research on Higher Education
since 2016 Member of the University Council of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
since 2010 Member of the selection committee for the "Bund-Länder-Programm für bessere Studienbedingungen und mehr Qualität in der Lehre" (Quality Pact for Teaching)
2004-2008 Member of the Board of the German Psychological Society
2003-2006 Vice-Rector for Organisational Development, Public Relations and Marketing at Bielefeld University
2003-2005 Spokesperson of the Educational Psychology Section of the German Psychological Association
2001-2015 Co-editor of the journal "Unterrichtsforschung
Since 2000 Professor of Educational Psychology at Bielefeld University and Head of the Educational Psychology Counselling Centre
1999 Post-doctoral habilitation, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim
1993 (doctoral) thesis, Faculty of Philosophy, Psychology and Educational Science at the University of Mannheim
1981-1988 Studies in Psychology and Educational Science in Marburg

Current research topics

- Motivational research
- Family and youth research
- Inclusion research
- Educational and university research
- Educational-psychological trainings/evaluations