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Fakultät/Einrichtung: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
996001 Arlinghaus, Hoffmann   Denkraum Theorie: Zeit als Argument eKVV Teilnahmemanagement S Di 14-16 ONLINE [16.04.2024] Einführungssitzung via Zoom
Sa 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [29.06.2024]
So 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [30.06.2024]
996002 Schäfer   Methodological reflections on conducting and analysing qualitative interviews Course taught in English S Mo 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [27.05.2024]
Di 10-17 (Block) in X-B2-103 [28.05.2024]
996003 Simon   Scholarly Argumentation eKVV Teilnahmemanagement Course taught in English WS Mo 9-17 (Block) ONLINE [06.05.2024]
Mo 9-17 (Block) ONLINE [24.06.2024]
996004 Dirk Hans   Basisworkshop Wissenschaftskommunikation WS Mo 9-17 s.t. in C3-137 [15.04.2024]
996005 Kończal, Kolesnik, Rusanov, Dr. Bella Ostromooukhova (Sorbonne University), Prof. Cedric Pernette (Sorbonne University)   Theory Class: Introduction to Critical Heritage Studies Course taught in English S Do 8.30-10 s.t. ONLINE [11.04.2024]
Do 8.30-10 s.t. ONLINE [18.04.2024]
Do 8.30-10 s.t. ONLINE [16.05.2024]
Do 8.30-10 s.t. ONLINE [23.05.2024]
Do 8.30-10 ONLINE [06.06.2024]
Do 8.30-10 s.t. ONLINE [13.06.2024]
996006 Schwandt   Research Class Digital Medieval History S (n. V.) [08.04.-19.07.2024]
996007 Dr. Philippa Cook   How to get into the non-academic German job market! A workshop for international doctoral candidates and postdocs Course taught in English WS Di 09.00-16.00 s.t. (Block) in X-E1-107 [28.05.2024]
Di 09.00-16 s.t. (Block) in X-E1-103 [25.06.2024]
Mi ONLINE [17.07.2024] individual consultations online (1 hour per participant)
996009 Dr. Anton Froeyman   How to get published Course taught in English WS (Block) ONLINE [23.09.-04.10.2024] Free time allocation. Please register with PEP!
996010 Gutierrez, Schäfer   Study Group Peer Support in the Research Process StGr (n. V.) [08.04.-19.07.2024]
996011 Dr. Vera Leberecht   Roll up your sleeves and revise your manuscript! Course taught in English WS Do 10.00-17.00 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [26.09.2024]
996012 Dr. Vera Leberecht   Revise, respond, refine — strategies for successful publications Course taught in English WS Fr 9.30-16.30 s.t. (Block) ONLINE [27.09.2024]