392174 Projekt "Modelling for Virtual Reality" (PjS) (SoSe 2016)

Contents, comment

English or German, depending on participants

General Goal of the Project:
3D modelling is a useful skill for many different applications. In the frame of the project, we will address
different aspects and provide opportunities to try different techniques and applications.
Topics we may cover, depending on the interests of the students, are

  • Modelling techniques for real‐time graphics/games
  • Modelling for 3D printing
  • 3D scanning and optimizing 3D models created from 3D scans

This project will focus on different methods for 3D modelling, targeting at models that can be used in
interactive virtual reality applications. The participants will

  • Learn how to use advanced techniques for optimizing models for interactive graphics
  • Get to know techniques such as 3D printing and 3D scanning
  • Make practical experiences by designing and modelling for a certain project
  • Learn how to write about technical procedures or methods

Modelling Projects
Participants may choose one of a selection of modeling projects. Some of these projects will be provided
by the CLFVR team and may be rooted in current research projects. In addition to that, there will be a
call for projects proposals to which all master students of the VR course may submit their ideas to.
The procedure of the project is as follows:
Phase 1 (April‐May): Seminar courses on methods, with short presentations and discussions
Phase 2 (May‐July): Practical phase
Phase 3 (July): Writing/Documentation phase
As a conclusion of the project, a report will be written. This report will be in the shape of a technical
documentation of a specific working procedure. The report may be accompanied by a video or an
This project may lay the foundation for many interesting questions or application problems which could
be addressed in a bachelor or master thesis.
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen, notwendige Vorkenntnisse:

  • Lecture on Virtual Reality OR Human‐Machine‐Interaction
  • Participation in the tutorials on Virtual Reality is recommended

Requirements for participation, required level

  • Lecture on Virtual Reality OR Human-Machine-Interaction
  • Participation in the tutorials on Virtual Reality is recommended
  • This project requires advanced programming skills in X3D/JavaScript beyond what has been covered in the VR tutorials or the willingness to dedicate additional time into advancing ones skills.


  • Das Blender‐Buch : 3D‐Grafik und Animation mit Blender / Carsten Wartmann
  • Introducing character animation with Blender / Tony Mullen
  • Blender 2.7 : das umfassende Training ; 18 Stunden 3D‐Workshops für Einsteiger und

Fortgeschrittene ; inkl. Blender 2.7 auf DVD ; der optimale 3D‐Lernkurs mit dem offiziellen
Blender‐Trainer / Ihr Trainer: Sebastian König

Teaching staff

Dates ( Calendar view )

Frequency Weekday Time Format / Place Period  

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Subject assignments

Module Course Requirements  
23-MeWi-HM5 Praxis-Umgang mit Medien Lehrveranstaltung I Graded examination
Student information
Lehrveranstaltung II Study requirement
Student information
Lehrveranstaltung III Study requirement
Student information
Lehrveranstaltung IV Study requirement
Student information
39-Inf-11 Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Vertiefung Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Ungraded examination
Student information
39-Inf-VR Virtuelle Realität Virtuelle Realität Graded examination
Student information
Virtuelle Realität Student information
Virtuelle Realität Ungraded examination
Student information

The binding module descriptions contain further information, including specifications on the "types of assignments" students need to complete. In cases where a module description mentions more than one kind of assignment, the respective member of the teaching staff will decide which task(s) they assign the students.

Degree programme/academic programme Validity Variant Subdivision Status Semester LP  
Bioinformatik und Genomforschung / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Virtuelle Realität; Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Wahlpflicht 6. 4 unbenotet  
Informatik / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Nebenfach Virtuelle Realität; Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion Wahlpflicht 6. 4 unbenotet  
Kognitive Informatik / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion; Virtuelle Realität Wahlpflicht 6. 4 unbenotet  
Medieninformatik und Gestaltung / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Mensch-Maschine-Inter; Virtuelle Realität Wahlpflicht 6. 4 unbenotet  
Medienwissenschaft, interdisziplinäre / Master (Enrollment until SoSe 2014) Hauptmodul 4; Hauptmodul 6 Wahlpflicht 4 unbenotet  
Naturwissenschaftliche Informatik / Bachelor (Enrollment until SoSe 2011) Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion; Virtuelle Realität Wahlpflicht 6. 4 unbenotet  
Studieren ab 50    

  • practical design and modelling work (single or team)
  • significant contributions to the team
  • each person writes a chapter on a specific technique they have been using (bachelor 5‐10 pages,

master 10 to 15 pages, including examples, not graded)

No E-Learning Space
Registered number: 10
This is the number of students having stored the course in their timetable. In brackets, you see the number of users registered via guest accounts.
This address can be used by teaching staff, their secretary's offices as well as the individuals in charge of course data maintenance to send emails to the course participants. IMPORTANT: All sent emails must be activated. Wait for the activation email and follow the instructions given there.
If the reference number is used for several courses in the course of the semester, use the following alternative address to reach the participants of exactly this: VST_70803382@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de
2 Students to be reached directly via email
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Email archive
Number of entries 0
Open email archive
Last update basic details/teaching staff:
Thursday, December 17, 2015 
Last update times:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 
Last update rooms:
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 
Type(s) / SWS (hours per week per semester)
PjS / 4
Faculty of Technology
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