Wirtschaftswissenschaften - Angebote für Erasmus / Incomings (Bachelor)

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Weitere Veranstaltungen

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
310404 Max Marketingentscheidungen V Do 14-16 in H13
310419 Frankewitsch Praktische Übung zum Marketing (Bachelor) Ü Fr 14-18, einmalig in T2-205 Einführungspräsentation; Fr 14-18, einmalig in T2-205 Abschlusspräsentation
311610 Limbach Corporate Finance: Valuation and Investment Decisions V Do 14-16 in H8
311614 Limbach Corporate Governance V Do 16-18 in H8
312103 Flaswinkel Marketing und Marktforschung (Consumer Behavior) V Mo 8:30-10:00 in T2-205; Mo 8:30-10:00, einmalig in ONLINE (Video wg. Konferenz)
312106 Souka Sonderformen des Marketings (Customer Experience Management) Course taught in English V Do 14-16 in H2
312205 Hager Tutorial zu Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) und 1b (General Economic Theory) Course taught in English Tut Mi 14-16 in T2-213
312207 Karos, Hager Microeconomics 1a (Preferences, Decision and Demand) and 1b (General Equilibrium) Course taught in English V Mo 8-10 in W9-109; Do 8-10 in W9-109
312814 Flaswinkel, Rump Seminar zum Marketing (Master)
Es ist eine verbindliche Anmeldung bis zum 29.09.2022 per Online-Anmeldeformular über die Lehrstuhl-Website (https://www.uni-bielefeld.de/fakultaeten/wirtschaftswissenschaften/lehrbereiche/marketing/lehre/anmeldung_seminar_master.xml) sowie Speicherung der Veranstaltung in Ihrem Stundenplan im eKVV notwendig! Die Information, ob Sie einen Platz erhalten haben, erfahren Sie einige Tage nach diesem Termin über das eKVV.
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 12 eKVV Teilnahmemanagement
S Fr 9-13, einmalig in W9-109; Fr 9-13, einmalig in W9-109; Di 9-13, einmalig in C01-246; Do 9-13, einmalig in T2-238
314080 Afonina Praktische Übung "Efficient Data Management in Stata"
This course covers the process of efficiently working with STATA from the very beginning, i.e., from getting used to the program and its graphical interface to setting up a real-life (automated) workflow making the data ready for further analysis. Moreover, it will also cover descriptive data analysis as well as several post-estimation topics. The course is hands-on, thus each topic is accompanied by several exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to perform a full procedure of data cleaning and preliminary analysis in STATA (including data visualization) efficiently and be ready to take part in the other applied courses. Prerequisites: some prior knowledge of STATA or other software would be helpful, but is not required. Course taught in English
S Mi 16-18 in U4-120; Fr 16-18, einmalig in U4-120

(Diese Seite wurde erzeugt am: 22.7.2024 (15:29 Uhr))


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  • Business Administration and Economics - Courses offered for Erasmus / Incomings (Bachelor)