Herr Alexandros Galanakis: Lehre

Wochenplan Kontakt

Veranstaltungen aus den letzten Semestern:

WiSe 2022/2023

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
243106 Galanakis   On the Brumer-Stark Conjecture Course taught in English S Di 14-18 in X-E1-203 [10.10.2022-03.02.2023]

SoSe 2022

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240024 Vial, Schrödter, Galanakis, Tutor: Alexandros Galanakis, Karsten Schrödter   Übungen zu Geometrie und Topologie
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 20 eKVV Teilnahmemanagement
Ü Do 14-16 in T2-214 [04.04.-15.07.2022]
Do 14-16 in X-E0-001 [28.04.2022]
242594 Galanakis   Rigid meromorphic cocycles II
A rigid meromorphic cocycle is a class in the first cohomology of the discrete group SL2(Z[1/p]) with values in the multiplicative group of nonzero rigid meromorphic functions on Drinfeld's p-adic upper half-plane. It turns out that such objects play a crucial role to the class field theory for real quadratic fields. The purpose of this seminar is the study of the fundamental for this topic paper ``Singular moduli for real quadratic fields: A rigid analytic approach" by Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk.
S Do 14-16 in U2-205 [07.04.2022]
Do 14-16 in D2-152 [14.04.2022]
Do 14-16 in U2-216 [21.04.2022]
Do 14-16 in D2-152 [28.04.-13.05.2022]
Do 14-16 in U2-216 [19.05.2022]
Do 14-16 in V2-205 [26.05.2022]

WiSe 2021/2022

Belegnr Lehrende/r Thema Art Termine Mein eKVV
240026 Vial, Galanakis   Übungen zu Algebra I
findet vor Ort statt
Begrenzte Teilnahmezahl: 20 eKVV Teilnahmemanagement
Ü Di 10-12 in V2-216 [11.10.2021-04.02.2022] in engl. Sprache
Di 10-12 in U2-113 [19.10.2021]
243086 Galanakis   Rigid meromorphic cocycles
A rigid meromorphic cocycle is a class in the first cohomology of the discrete group SL2(Z[1/p]) with values in the multiplicative group of nonzero rigid meromorphic functions on Drinfeld's p-adic upper half-plane. It turns out that such objects play a crucial role to the class field theory for real quadratic fields. The purpose of this seminar is the study of the fundamental for this topic paper ``Singular moduli for real quadratic fields: A rigid analytic approach" by Henri Darmon and Jan Vonk. Course taught in English
S Fr 14-16 in U2-135 [15.10.2021]
Fr 14-16 in V5-148 [22.10.2021]
Do 14-16 in V5-148 [11.11.2021-04.02.2022]

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