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Prof. Dr. Antje Flüchter

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1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology

Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, frühneuzeitliche Verflechtungsgeschichte

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+49 521 106-12935 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X A3-202 Locations Map

Die Sprechstunde findet im Wintersemester 2024/2025 in der Regel Donnerstags, 16–17 Uhr, statt.


2. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Geschichte der Vormoderne / Mitglieder

Professur Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit

+49 521 106-12954  
+49 521 106- 2966 
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3259 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X A3-202 Locations Map

nach Vereinbarung
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9. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / World Studies: Orders, Politics, Cultures

Prof. Dr. Antje Flüchter (History) is an expert for History of Early Modern Global Entanglement, Transculturality, Gender History and Theory of History. Since 2017, she directs a research project on “The Compared Body: Ordering Human Diversity (16th-19th century)” and is spokesperson of the SFB 1288 “Practices of comparing. Ordering and Changing the World” at Bielefeld University.

11. SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world" / SFB 1288 Geschäftsstelle: Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs.

Sprecherin des SFB 1288
Projektleiterin im Teilprojekt Z: Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs.

+49 521 106-12954  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3077 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X A3-202 Locations Map

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr Antje Flüchter has been a Professor of General History with a special focus on the Early Modern Period at Bielefeld University since 2014. Her research focus includes the history of global interconnections with a focus on relations between Asia and Europe, gender history, theory of history, and the history of religions. More recently, she has been focusing on the ordering of people through comparative practices from the 15th to the 19th century, not least the declining importance of religious affiliation and birth status on the one hand and the growing importance of racialising classifications on the other.
In June 2023, Antje Flüchter was elected to the advisory board—since November 2023 also in function of chairperson—of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre "Dis:connectivity in Processes of Globalisation" (global dis:connect). Since September 2021, she has been a member of the committee of the German Historical Association. She is also spokesperson for the profile sector of Global and Entangled History in the Department of History at Bielefeld University and, since May 2021, spokesperson for the SFB 1288 "Practices of Comparing. Ordering and Changing the World."
From 2018 to 2021, Antje Flüchter was Dean of the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology at Bielefeld University. 2013–2014 she taught as Associate Professor at the University of Oslo/Norway. 2008–2013 she led research groups at the Cluster(s) of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context in Heidelberg—starting 2012, she was also PI (Principal Investigator) of this research network.
Antje Flüchter studied history, political science, and geography in Freiburg and Cologne. From 1997 to 2008 she was a research assistant at the University of Münster (Stollberg-Rilinger chair), where she completed her thesis in 2002 (The celibacy between norm and deviance. Church policy and everyday life in congregations in Jülich and Berg in the 16th and 17th centuries (Norm und Struktur; 25), Cologne 2006). In 2012 she habilitated at the University of Heidelberg (The Multiplicity of Images and the One Truth: The Statehood of India in German-Language Perception (1500–1700), Affalterbach 2020).

Professional career and academic functions

since May 2021:
Spokesperson of SFB 1288 "Practices of Comparing: Ordering and Changing the World"

Dean of the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology

since 2014:
Professor of Early Modern History at Bielefeld University

Associate Professor of Cultural History, IKOS, University of Oslo

WiSe 2012/13:
Substitute Prof. Dr. Thomas Maissen at the University of Heidelberg

SoSe 2012:
Visiting professor at the DFG Research Training Group Dynamics of Space and Gender at the Universities of Kassel & Göttingen

since July 2011:
Principal Investigator (main applicant) of the Cluster(s) of Excellence "Asia and Europa in a Global Context"
at the University of Heidelberg

since 2008:
Research Group Leader of the project "Cultural Transfer as a Factor of Statebuilding" at the Cluster(s) of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" at the University of Heidelberg

Substitute Prof. Dr. Francisca Loetz at the University of Zurich

Research Fellowship at the International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IFK) in Vienna

Research Assistant Chair of Early Modern History in Münster (Prof. Dr. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger)

Research Assistant Chair of Early Modern History in Münster (Prof. Dr. Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger)

Studies and academic degrees

Habilitation at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Heidelberg (topic of the habilitation thesis: Die Vielfalt der Bilder und die eine Wahrheit. The statehood of India in German-language perception (1500-1700)).

Doctorate/Phd studies in the subjects Modern and Medieval History, Political Science at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster (subject of the (doctoral) thesis: Celibacy between norm and deviance. Church politics and everyday life in Jülich and Berg in the 16th and 17th centuries).

Degree as Magistra Artium at the University of Cologne in Medieval and Modern History, Political Science and Geography with Prof. Dr. Johannes Kunisch (subject of the Master's thesis: Estates and State Formation in Bohemia in the Confessional Age)

Studies of the subjects Medieval and Modern History, Political Science, Geography and Folklore in Freiburg (1989–1991) and Cologne (1992–1997)

Current research topics

Research Focus

  • Religious and church history of the early modern period
  • Entangled history (Asia, especially India, and Europe)
  • History of knowledge, gender history, theory of history
  • Cultural history of politics


  • SFB 1288 "Practices of Comparing: Ordering and Changing the World":
    • 1st funding phase: sub-project B01 "Order of Diversity: Comparative Practices in Intercultural Jurisprudence (17th-19th century)," project management together with Christina Brauner.
    • 2nd funding phase: Subproject D03: "The Compared Body: Order in the Diversity of People (16th–19th century)."
  • Cultural translation as a multidirectional process—Roberto Nobili as a missionary translator between cultures, religions and institutions, sub-project in SPP 2130 "Translation Cultures of the Early Modern Period."
  • Bodies in Translation. Science; Knowledge and Sustainability in Cultural Translation—sponsored by the Norwegian National Fund. Main applicant: John Ødemark Oslo/Norway, Cooperation Berkeley, Manchester, Oslo, Tromsø

Memberships and Functions

  • Since June 2023 Advisory Board, since November 2023 Chair of the Advisory Board of the Käte Hamburger Research Centre Dis:connectivity in Processes of Globalisation (global dis:connect)
  • Committee member of the Association of German Historians since September 2021
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Institute of World History
  • Member of the Historical Commission for Westphalia
  • Member of the Tenure Board of Bielefeld University
  • Coordination of the working group on gender history of the early modern period


  • Co-editor of the series "Peripherien. Contributions to European History"
  • Co-editor of the series "Studies in Everyday and Cultural History"
  • Co-editor of the international series "Traces"