Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies

All degree programmes/courses offered by the department

Academic programme  
Aesthetic Education / B.A.
Aesthetic Education / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Art / B.A.
Art / M.Ed.
Art and Music / B.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2021)
Art and Music / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2021)
Art and Music - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
British and American Studies / M.A.
British and American Studies / M.A. (Enrollment until WiSe 22/23)
Clinical Linguistics / Speech and language therapy / B.Sc.
Computational Linguistics / B.Sc.
Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Promotion
English Studies: British and American Studies / B.A.
English Studies: British and American Studies / B.A. (Enrollment until WiSe 22/23)
English Studies: British and American Studies / M.Ed.
English Studies: British and American Studies / M.Ed. (Enrollment until WiSe 22/23)
English Studies: British and American Studies - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
French / B.A.
French / B.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
French / M.Ed.
French / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
German as a Foreign and Second Language / B.A.
German as a Foreign and Second Language - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
German as a Foreign Language and German Studies / M.A.
German as a Foreign Language and German Studies / M.A. (Enrollment until WiSe 22/23)
German as a Foreign Language and German Studies / M.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
German as a Second Language / M.Ed.
German Languages and Literatures / B.A.
German Languages and Literatures / M.Ed.
German Languages and Literatures / M.Ed. (Enrollment until WiSe 21/22)
InterAmerican Studies / Estudios InterAmericanos / M.A.
Interdisciplinary Media Studies / M.A.|M.Sc.
Interdisciplinary Media Studies / M.A.|M.Sc. (Enrollment until SoSe 2020)
Klinische Linguistik / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2021)
Klinische Linguistik / Master
Latin: Roman Literature, Culture and Society in European Context / Ba
Latin: Roman Literature, Culture and Society in European Context / M.Ed.
Linguistics / B.A.
Linguistics / B.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2021)
Linguistics / M.A.
Linguistics of Romance Languages / Ba
Linguistics of Romance Languages / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Linguistik: Kommunikation, Kognition und Sprachtechnologie / Master (Enrollment until WiSe 19/20)
Literary Studies / B.A.
Literary Studies / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Literary Studies / M.A.
Literary Studies / M.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Literary Studies - Courses offered for the Individual Subsidiary Subjects / BA IndiErg
Mediating Culture / M.A.
Mediating Culture / M.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2023)
Music / B.A.
Music / M.Ed.
PunktUm / BA IndiErg
Spanish / B.A.
Spanish / B.A. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Spanish / M.Ed.
Spanish / M.Ed. (Enrollment until SoSe 2022)
Text Technology and Computational Linguistics / Ba (Enrollment until SoSe 2021)

Electronic mailing list of the department

The electronic course catalogue (eKVV) provides each department with automatic electronic mailing lists to contact their students. Please refer to the notes at the end on how to use the electronic mailing lists :
Students of the degree programmes:
This electronic mailing list reaches all students who enrolled for one of the degree programmes offered by the department and entered their email address in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV). Occasional users who assigned to one of the degree courses themselves can also be reached.
There are two variants of these electronic mailing lists to contact either all female or male students only:
studierende_10019_w@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de ( All female students )
studierende_10019_m@ekvv.uni-bielefeld.de ( All male students )
Course participants:
This electronic mailing list reaches all students participating at at least one course held by the department in the selected semester.
The participants of the individual courses are mainly determined on the basis of the students' timetables as is the case with the electronic mailing lists for individual courses.
This electronic mailing list is therefore well suited to distribute organizational information applying to all courses held by the department (e.g. information on the organisation of examinations).
Usage and moderation of the electronic mailing list:
To send an email via the electronic mailing lists you need to send it to one of the indicated addresses. Your email is then forwarded to the moderators in charge who then need to approve them for actual distribution.
The electronic mailing lists of this department are being moderated in the department itself. The following persons are in charge of these electronic mailing lists:
Please contact one of these persons to have your email approved for distribution.
Electronic mailing list for individual degree programmes:
Apart from the above mentioned electronic mailing lists for the entire department there are also electronic mailing lists reaching students of specific degree programmes only. For a description of this electronic mailing list, refer to:
Infopage on electronic mailing lists related to individual degree programmes
Electronic mailing list for teaching staff:
Automatic electronic mailing lists reaching all members of the department's teaching staff can be found in the directory of staff and departments:
Web page of the department in the directory of staff and departments