Combination matrixes for Bachelor degree programmes

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Version of degree programme :
Course start :

Teacher Training Bachelor at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule')

The respective model of the course as an overview, followed by possible combination matrixes:

 Teacher Training Bachelor at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Gymnasium' and 'Gesamtschule')

Those who wish to become teachers must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Techaer Training at Advanced Secondary and Comprehensive Schools.

Major Subject (1. Teaching Subject)
English Studies: British and American Studies
German Languages and Literatures
Social Sciences
Sports Science
Minor Subject (2. Teaching Subject)
Courses offered with teaching option Biology
Courses offered with teaching option Chemistry
Courses with teaching option and with NC Education as a School Subject
Courses offered with teaching option English Studies: British and American Studies
Courses offered with teaching option French
Courses with teaching option and with NC German Languages and Literatures
Courses offered with teaching option History
Courses offered with teaching option Latin: Roman Literature, Culture and Society in European Context
Courses offered with teaching option Mathematics
Courses offered with teaching option Philosophy
Courses offered with teaching option Physics
Courses offered with teaching option Social Sciences
Courses offered with teaching option Spanish
Courses with teaching option and with NC Sports Science
Courses offered with teaching option Wirtschaft-Politik/Sozialwissenschaften

Major Subject (1. Teaching Subject)

Teacher Training Bachelor at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule')

The respective model of the course as an overview, followed by possible combination matrixes:

 Teacher Training Bachelor at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools ('Haupt-', 'Real-', 'Sekundar-' and 'Gesamtschule')

Those who wish to become teachers must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Teacher Training at Secondary and Comprehensive Schools.

Interested students can also specialize in the Master of Education in the direction of "Special and Inclusive Education" and acquire the qualification for the Teacher Training for Special and Inclusive Education with a further Master. It should be noted that one of the subjects chosen in the Bachelor's degree must then be German Languages and Literatures or Mathematics and the further subject must be one of the following: English studies, Biology, Chemistry, Protestant Theology, German Languages and Literatures, History, Art, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Social Sciences or Sports science.

Subject (Teaching Subject)
English Studies: British and American Studies
German Languages and Literatures
Protestant Theology
Social Sciences
Sports Science
Subject (Teaching Subject)
Courses offered with teaching option Art
Courses offered with teaching option Biology
Courses offered with teaching option Chemistry
Courses offered with teaching option English Studies: British and American Studies
Courses with teaching option and with NC German Languages and Literatures
Courses offered with teaching option History
Courses offered with teaching option Mathematics
Courses offered with teaching option Music
Courses offered with teaching option Philosophy
Courses offered with teaching option Physics
Courses offered with teaching option Protestant Theology
Courses offered with teaching option Social Sciences
Courses with teaching option and with NC Sports Science
Courses offered with teaching option Wirtschaft-Politik/Sozialwissenschaften

Subject (Teaching Subject)

Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools

 Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools

The Learning areas Elementary Mathematics and German Literacy as well as Educational Sciences are mandatory to be selected. In addition, you will need one other subject/area of learning. The choices are:

At the beginning of your degree program, you must designate one subject/area of study as your major upon successful application at enrollment. The choices are:

If you want to become a teacher, you have to follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the Teacher Training for Primary Schools.

Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools with a focus on Special and Inclusive Education

 Teacher Training Bachelor for Primary Schools with a focus on Special and Inclusive Education

Subjects/Learning Areas Offered:

Elementary Mathematics and German Literacy and Educational Science/Integrated Teacher Training for Special Education (Major Subject)' are mandatory and must be selected in addition.

If you want to become a teacher, you must follow this type of program with a Master of Education for the teaching profession at Primary Schools.


Courses without teaching option
Courses without teaching option
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC
Courses offered excluding teaching option and with NC 1
Courses offered with teaching option
Courses offered with teaching option
Courses with teaching option and with NC
Courses with teaching option and with NC 1
The places for courses marked with 'NC' (Numerus clausus) are subject to restrictions on admission.

Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.