
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung vom 15.08.2023 mit Berichtigung vom 01.03.2024


10 semesters
Winter semester & summer semester
Apply now!

If you enjoy dealing with political, societal and social issues in a legal context, the Law degree programme (1st state examination) is the right choice for you.
The programme targets the completion of the 1st state examination, a prerequisite for the legal clerkship and the 2nd state examination. The 2nd state examination is an approval requirement for being appointed as judge, public prosecutor or lawyer. Graduates can also work in companies, authorities, ministries, associations, national and international institutions - usually after the 2nd, but occasionally also after the 1st state examination.
You will acquire sound legal knowledge of civil law, public law and criminal law as well as international law and European law. You will be familiarised with the basics of applying the law. You will learn legal case-solving techniques in tutorials during the first three semesters. Numerous additional programmes offered by the Faculty give you the opportunity to get a taste of practice and think outside the box.
In the advanced studies, you can choose a specialisation from up to eleven areas and thus give your studies a profile.

Law deals with texts. You are therefore particularly well suited if you enjoy reading, writing and arguing. In addition to a good understanding of language, it helps if you enjoy logic and abstract thinking. Our university has a very well-equipped library with convenient opening hours.
We offer first-year students a comprehensive range of counselling services (Student Office, Freshers' Week, etc.). There are numerous programmes (examination review courses, exam courses, exam simulation and more) to help you prepare for your first exam.

The courses

You will find the programme of lectures for this course in the eKVV.

An overview of the introductory and information events is provided by the central student counselling services.

Formalities / Important information

Course start

Studies can be commenced in both winter and summer semesters.

Length and scope of studies

The standard period of studies is 10 semesters.


Access requirements

Access to the state exam programme is granted to those who have a suitable higher education entrance qualification (e.g. German ‘Abitur’).

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Application, admission and enrolment  1

The study places are subject to admission restrictions (numerus clausus). You need to register online with the German Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for University Admission) ( and then apply to Bielefeld University within the currently applicable application deadlines.

Places are allocated in the so-called German ‘Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV)’ (dialogue-oriented service procedure) and is carried out in several steps. You can find more detailed information and important tips on the dialogue-oriented service procedure on the pages of the Student Office. If you accept an admission offer during this procedure, you can submit your application for enrolment within the set deadline. If you are already enrolled at Bielefeld University, you need to apply for a change of degree programme. After the deadline expires, your admission will be invalid.

You can find more detailed information on the application process as well as information on the enrolment procedure on the pages of the Student Office.

To the application portal

Special conditions apply to applicants with a foreign certificate of education.

Likewise, special conditions apply to those qualified in vocational education and training.

Further links

Internet pages of the subject Law

Internet pages of the responsible institution(s):

Faculty of Law with the courses offered



Die Angaben zu Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus clausus beziehen sich auf die Bewerbung zum Wintersemester 2024/25 und Sommersemester 2025. Informationen zu NC Werten aus früheren Jahren finden Sie auf dieser Seite.