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Department Search

Dr. Vanessa Dizinger


1. Faculty of Educational Science / AG 12 - Forschungsmethoden / Academic Staff

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

+49 521 106-3315  
+49 521 106- 6028 
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-88002 Secretary's Details
Gebäude Z Z3-118 Locations Map

Beratung für empirische Projekte und empirische Qualifikationsarbeiten (Forschungsmethoden, Datenmanagement und -schutz)

Erstkontakt gerne per E-Mail.
Sprechzeiten (Zoom/Präsenz) dienstags, 11-12 Uhr.

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Foyer (Briefkasten AG 12)

Curriculum Vitae

since February 2022
Research assistant in working group 12 - Research methods and faculty-wide
faculty-wide counselling for empirical research projects, research methods and Data protection,
Faculty of Educational Science, Bielefeld University

January 2016
Doctoral prize of the Bielefeld University Society

December 2014
Doctorate/Phd studies at Bielefeld University (overall rating: excellent)
Title of the thesis: Professional and interprofessional cooperation of teachers in the context of school stress and strain

since January 2010
Research assistant specialising in research methods (Prof. Dr. O. Böhm-Kasper) in Working Group 9 - Media Education, Research Methods and Youth Research, Faculty of Educational Science, Bielefeld University

April 2008 - December 2009
Research assistant in the research project "Beanspruchungserleben und Formen der Lehrerkooperation an Ganztagsschulen" (Prof. Dr. O. Böhm-Kasper/ Prof. Dr. C. Gräsel/ Prof. H. Weishaupt) at the Centre for Educational Research and Teacher Training, University of Wuppertal

September 2006 - March 2008
Student assistant and subsequently research assistant in the "LANGE LEHREN" project (Dresden sub-project, Prof. Dr K. Scheuch), Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine, Dresden University of Technology

November 2007
Diploma in Psychology, Dresden University of Technology

Focus of research
Stress and strain among teachers, health of teachers
Co-operation between teachers and other educational staff
All-day schools