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Prof. Dr. Silke Schwandt

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1. Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology / Department of History / Digital History

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+49 521 106-3245  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-12935 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X A3-218 Locations Map

Die Sprechstunde findet im Sommersemester 2024 in der Regel donnerstags, 11-12 Uhr, statt. Bitte buchen Sie dazu einen Termin in der Online-Terminvergabe.

Make an appointment

5. SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world" / SFB 1288 Projektbereich D: Wissen erzeugen und stabilisieren: Vergleichspraktiken und Wissensproduktion. / SFB 1288 Teilprojekt D02: Vergleichende Verfahren – Präzedenzrecht im spätmittelalterlichen England.

Projektleiterin im Teilprojekt D02: Vergleichende Verfahren – Präzedenzrecht im spätmittelalterlichen England.
Mitglied des SFB 1288-Vorstands.

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+49 521 106-3245  
Gebäude X A3-218 Locations Map

9. Senate - group of professors

Mitglied und Vorsitzende

11. SFB 1288 "Practices of comparing. Ordering and changing the world" / SFB 1288 Teilprojekt INF - Dateninfrastruktur und Digital Humanities

Projektleiterin im Teilprojekt INF: Dateninfrastruktur und Digital Humanities: Digitale Praktiken in den Geisteswissenschaften.

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+49 521 106-3245  
Phone No. of Secretary
+49 521 106-3259 Secretary's Details
Gebäude X A3-218 Locations Map

12. Bielefeld University Press BiUP / Steering Committee

Member of the steering committee

Module Designee for

Curriculum Vitae

Since January 2020: Professor of Digital History at Bielefeld University, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology, Department of History.

December 2013 - January 2020: academic councilor at Bielefeld University, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology, Department of History, Chair of History of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period (Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Arlinghaus)

January 2011 - December 2013: research assistant in the sub-project "Foundations of Historical Semantics I: Text Corpora" of the LOEWE-focus "Digital Humanities" at the University of Frankfurt (project management: Alexander Mehler and Bernhard Jussen).

WS 2009/10: Completion of the (doctoral) thesis

July 2008 - December 2010: Coordinator of the Leibniz project Political Language in the Middle Ages at the University of Frankfurt (project management: Bernhard Jussen)

February 2005 - June 2008: research associate in subproject A11: On Political Language in Transcendently Legitimated Societies: Order Semantics in Medieval Christian Latin Literature of the CRC 584: The Political as Communicative Space in History at Bielefeld University (project management: Bernhard Jussen)

October - December 2006: Marie Curie Fellowship - Building on the Past: European Doctorate in the Social History of Europe and the Mediterranean Fellow at University College London.

1999-2005: Studies in History, Protestant Theology and Classical Philology (Latin) at Bielefeld University.

Current research topics

Digital History - Methods and Theories of Digital Historical Studies

Medieval History - English Legal History of the Middle Ages

Knowledge Production and Uncertainty in the Humanities